
  1. WESC再次推出几款时髦的耳机,戴上它们,不仅仅是耳机功能,还可以作为你的时尚标志。

    Once again WESC has released some of the funkiest headphones that you could wear as fashion statements , let alone as headphones .

  2. 嗯,老姐,你的时尚嗅觉的确了得。

    Yeah , you do have a nose for fashion , sis .

  3. 你的时尚品味真不错。

    You have a lot of good fashion sense .

  4. 记者:你的时尚偶像是谁?

    Q : Who are your fashion idols ?

  5. 你的时尚性以及做事的独特个性会吸引别人。

    Your trendy style and unique way of doing things will entice new acquaintances .

  6. 对你的时尚服装提出建议的人。

    Someone who advises you about fashionable clothing .

  7. 可以去你的时尚圈子见识一下。

    And spend time in your world .

  8. 与高跟凉鞋不同,平底鞋在保持你的时尚品味的同时还穿着舒适。

    Unlike most high-heeled sandals , flats look chic while still being comfortable to wear .

  9. 此外,面试官可能和你的时尚品味完全不同。

    Besides which , your interviewer may have a very different opinion of a designer than you do .

  10. 设计你的时尚生活&2006家居设计展倡导时尚生活方式

    Design Your Fashion Life

  11. 你的时尚偶像是谁?最喜欢去哪儿购物?你最喜欢的时尚元素和网站是什么?

    Who are your fashion idols ? Where is your favorite place to shop ? What are your favorite fashion items and websites ?

  12. 衬衫花色的选择,一枚别致的袖扣,或者仅仅是衬衫袖口的翻折方法,都能让人感受到你的时尚气息。

    A right shirt color , a unique sleeve button , or the folding style of your shirt sleeves alone , makes you look sensationally stylish .

  13. 决定你的时尚标志想要展示给别人什么&让别人更难忘,总是表现出别致的外表或者以时尚为乐。

    Determine what you are trying to accomplish with your signature style & to be more memorable , develop an always chic look or have more fun with fashion .

  14. 《亚洲名人聊天室》安姿丽:我们来淡谈你的时尚观,因为自从你发行《复杂》这首单曲以来,歌迷就一再模仿你的装扮。

    ANJALI RAO , TALK ASIA : Let 's talk about your fashion sense , because your look has been emulated by fans , you know , right back since the days of Complicated.These days though , you 're on the front cover of magazines .

  15. 不要害怕尝试你自己的时尚。

    Don 't be afraid to experiment with your fashion .

  16. 所以干脆就穿出自己的风格,展示属于你自己的时尚。

    So you can just wear in your own style and show your own fashions .

  17. 你选择的时尚造型,衣物颜色,裙摆长度和对你的适合度都是对你工作能力的一定表达。

    The styles , colors , lengths and fit of your fashion choices will speak volumes about your ability to do your job .

  18. 如果你追求的是时尚,还剑湖(HoanKiemLake)西侧MoniqbyM服装店的ThuMadelin从国外的复古商店获得了启示。

    If it 's fashion you 're after , Thu Madelin at Moniq by M , on the western side of Hoan Kiem Lake , takes cues from overseas vintage stores .

  19. 即便你应聘的是时尚行业的工作,最好也不要穿着从Net-a-Porter网站购买的StellaMcCartney最新款礼服,背着亮粉色的爱马仕鳄鱼皮铂金包。

    Even if you 're going for a job in fashion , it 's best not to turn up in the latest Stella McCartney dress and a bright pink crocodile Hermes Birkin fresh from Net-a-Porter .

  20. 你最喜欢的时尚元素和网站是什么?

    What are your favorite fashion items and websites ?

  21. 你真的对时尚一无所知

    You really don 't know anything about fashion .

  22. 影响你生活最多的时尚潮流是什么?

    What fad influence your life the most ?

  23. 你的马靴很时尚。

    Your boot is latest fashion .

  24. 无论你戴的是时尚别致的光学眼镜还是超大尺寸的飞行员太阳镜,你都在引领眼镜的流行趋势——也许你还毫无察觉。

    Whether you sport geeky chic opticals or oversized aviators , you 're advocating eyewear trends - perhaps unknowingly .

  25. 想要让你的打扮更时尚,考克斯认为自然才是关键,你可以试着画点淡妆。

    To look chic , the key is to keep your appearance natural with minimalistic makeup , said Cox .

  26. 用最新流行的式样与色彩的靠垫来为你的空间增添时尚感。

    Add a fresh new trend to your space with throw pillows in the latest colours and patterns of the season .

  27. 有趣地势,这和赚最多的钱、别人对你的期望、时尚、流行什么无关;

    Interestingly , it has nothing to do with making the most money , what others expect from you , or what is fashionable and popular .

  28. 我认为最好的方法是——这取决于你的年龄和时尚感——看一下发型杂志,浏览一下,一定有你比较喜欢的一种发型,你肯定能鉴别出来。

    And I think really the best way -- again , depending on your age , and fashion sense and all of that -- is to look at these hair magazines and just flip through , and invariably if you like something , it 's because you identify with it .

  29. CF不但是身份、地位的象征,而且也被誉为能够伴你一生永不落伍的时尚挚友。

    CF is not only the symbol of status , but also known as your fashion friend never outofdate .

  30. 你也没有任何的时尚感觉。

    And you have no style or sense of fashion .