
  • 网络You can;Yes You Can
  1. 这几堵墙非常薄,你能够听到发生的一切。

    The walls are paper thin ; you can hear everything that goes on .

  2. 我们相信你能够重新分配这笔钱,以公平合理地照顾市中心的贫民。

    We believe you can redistribute this money in a way that 's equitable to take care of the poor of the inner city .

  3. 你能够做到宽恕她吗?

    Can you find it in your heart to forgive her ?

  4. 如果你能够调集资源,就可以把这件事做成。

    If you could mobilize the resources , you could get it done .

  5. 如果你能够改变自己的某个方面,那会是哪个方面呢?

    If you could change one thing about yourself , what would it be ?

  6. 你能够到书架上面那一格上的书吗?

    Can you reach those books on the upper shelf ?

  7. 如果你能够理解材料,并且能表达自己的观点,那这就是很轻而易举的事情。

    " If you understand the material and have the ability to articulate your thoughts , they should be a breeze . "

  8. 但是,前提是你能够毕业。

    But , that ’ s if you ever even graduate .

  9. 你能够认出那个抢你东西的人吗

    Would you be able to identify the man who robbed you ?

  10. 4.我希望你能够就如何与别人相处给我一些建议。

    I hope you can give me some suggestions on how to get along with others .

  11. 10.如果你能够给以援助之手,我将非常感激!

    I ’ d appreciate it ( I will be grateful ) if you ’ d like to offer me a helping1 hand .

  12. 一种称为扩展的机制使你能够采用任何Java类并在转换引擎中运用用户定义语义进行操作。

    A mechanism called extension lets you adapt any Java class and manipulate it in the transformation engine , with user-defined semantics .

  13. 你能够在shell脚本中使用这个返回码来查找在一个文件系统中的多个文件,而后根据其返回码完成相关的操作。

    You can use the exit code in a shell script to search for files on a file system and take action based on the result & e.g.

  14. 这一验证过程使你能够测试你的解决方案是否符合一组事先建立的标准并展示你的应用程序与IBM中间件和硬件的平稳集成。

    This validation process enables you to test your solution against a set of pre-established criteria and demonstrate that your application integrates smoothly with IBM hardware and middleware .

  15. 这个工具使你能够将Java类映射到存储其实例的关系数据库表中,同时也将类的属性映射到相关表的字段中。

    This tool enables you to map the Java class to the relational database table which stores its example , simultaneously a kind of attribute of the class will also map to the field of correlation table .

  16. 从RequisitePro数据库中,你能够查询需求信息以检查覆盖率并衡量变化的影响。

    From the RequisitePro database , you can query the requirement information to check coverage and measure the impact of change .

  17. Fiddler让你能够监测到所有HTTP流量,设置断点,虚拟流入和流出数据。

    Fiddler allows you to inspect all HTTP ( S ) traffic , set breakpoints , and " fiddle " with incoming or outgoing data .

  18. 注意你能够在与你模型相关联的RequisitePro项目中改变直接可用的用例属性及其值。

    Note that you can change the out-of-the-box use case attributes and their values in the RequisitePro project associated with your model .

  19. 谁是NES早期的骨灰级玩家(在公司内部或外部),你能够告诉我们一些秩事吗?

    Q.Who were the early enthusiasts of the NES ( in or outside of the company ), and can you tell us any anecdotes ?

  20. 你能够在模型层次或者包层次建立这个关联,该层上,每个包可能与其RequisitePro项目相关联。

    You can establish this association either at the model level or at the package level , where each package may be associated with its own RequisitePro project .

  21. RDL语言尽管很简洁,却使你能够表达很多模型转换中使用的关键概念(比如,通讯,表达式,以及条件)。

    Although it is concise , the RDL language allows you to express a number of essential concepts used in model transformation ( for example , correspondences , expressions , and conditions ) .

  22. 经过一点实践就可以掌握Xtext,它真正让你能够按照自己对架构细节的理解和架构决策来设计语言。

    After a little bite of practice , Xtext gets out of your way and really allows you to specify the language as you understand architectural details and make architectural decisions .

  23. 如果你能够接受1080p电视机的价格,你可以购买这款电视,这样你就为有朝一日1080p内容的大量推出做好准备。

    If you can afford a set that can handle 1080p , you might want to buy it so that you are ready in case a lot of 1080p content one day becomes available .

  24. 我愿你能够和你的孩子们分享故事。

    I wish you could have shared stories with your children .

  25. 使用温和的方式,你能够震撼世界。

    In a gentle way , you can shake the world .

  26. 希望你能够在这里签字。

    If you could just , uh , sign right here .

  27. 我很高兴这个周末你能够住在我这里。

    I would be glad to house you for the weekend .

  28. 我知道你能够做,但你不会去做。

    I know you could but you wouldn 't do it .

  29. 操控肢体:你能够初步的控制对手的肢体。

    Control Body . You take rudimentary control of foe 's limbs .

  30. 只做一朵花,那么你能够爱。

    Just be a flower , then you can love .