
  • 网络IT Specialist;Information expert
  1. 做信息专家建数字重庆&重庆移动立足创新助推社会信息化纪实

    To Be Information Expert and Build Digital ChongQing

  2. 中国移动:做世界一流企业,稳步提升信息专家能力

    China Mobile : becoming a world first rate enterprise , stably increase the company 's capacity as an " information expert "

  3. 采用VB6.0构建农药信息专家系统

    The expert system of pesticide information

  4. 物理学家、信息专家和开发人员在线开会,记录和访问Web开发项目,以创新方式将物理定律和原理重新集成到信息科学或其他科学领域。

    Physicists , information specialists , and developers meet online to blog on and access Web development projects on innovative ways of reintegrating physics laws and principles into the science of information or another field of science .

  5. 为了适应WWW的快速发展和数字图书馆的出现,世界各地的图书馆员和信息专家努力改善描述、组织和检索远程信息及其他电子资源的方法。

    In order to adapt the rapid development of WWW and the emergence of Digital Library , librarians and information specialists work hard to describe , organize and search long-distance and other electric resource .

  6. 结合企业自身移动信息专家的整体企业发展战略,中国移动公司提出了面向未来的新一代业务运营支撑系统(NGBOSS)的规划。

    Aligning with the strategy of whole enterprise business improvement , China Mobile put forward the plan of constructing the future-oriented New Generation Business and Operation Support System ( NGBOSS ) .

  7. 生命信息专家诊断系统的设计与实现

    Design and Relization of Expert Diagnosis System on Life Information

  8. 理想的图书馆员和信息专家的素质与形象

    A Profile of the Ideal Library and Information Specialist

  9. 其次采用专家访谈,邀请信息专家对本研究开发的管理信息系统进行评价。

    Second by expert interview : invite experts to assess this management information system .

  10. 这些健康信息专家接受医学专业术语,生理学和解剖学的基础培训。

    These health information technicians receive basic training in medical terminology , physiology , and anatomy .

  11. 彭睿,总经理,高级工程师,电子信息专家。

    Mr. Peng Rui , the general manager , an information tech. expert , a senior engineer .

  12. 管理信息专家系统在电厂设备缺陷管理中的应用

    The Application of a Manage Information Exper System in Manage the Limiation of Equipement in Power Plant

  13. 农药信息专家系统主要由五大模块组成:病虫草识别、农药品种、农药处方、合理用药、供求信息。

    The Pesticide Expert System consists of modules such as pest identification , pesticide performance , pesticide prescription .

  14. 具备远大目光,领导才能,及专业知识的图书馆员及信息专家应该是最适合担任主要知识官员职位的。

    Library and information professionals with vision , leadership , and know-how should be most suitable for the CKO positions .

  15. 绿坝-花季护航是金惠堵截黄色图像和不良信息专家系统的市场产品名。

    Green Dam is the informal name given to the expert system from Jinhui Technologies which blocks pornographic images and other harmful information .

  16. 其中,人眼因为拥有其独特且稳定的生物结构,而备受信息专家们的追捧。

    Meanwhile the human eye has its unique and stable biological structures , so it has been especially concerned by those experts of informatics .

  17. 广告几乎无所不在,它引起了诸如语言学家,心理学家,社会学家、经济学家、美学家以及信息专家的浓厚兴趣。

    Ubiquitous in many aspects of the world , advertising has aroused great interest of linguists , psychologists , sociologists , economists , aesthetes and communications experts .

  18. 由专业经验型馆员转变为学者型馆员,必须有自我发展的意识、多元化的知识结构、研究式学习方式、信息专家的技能且学会创造性反思。

    To transform from experienced-oriented to learner-oriented , librarians should possess self-developmental consciousness , multidimensional lore framework , investigation study style , information expert skills and creative reflection .

  19. 摘要学科馆员是高校图书馆的资深信息专家,而书目情报服务是高校图书馆建设的一项重要内容。

    Subject specialist is the information expert of the library in Colleges and universities , and information service is the important content in the construction of the library .

  20. 移动信息专家离不开移动电源,这是很多成功的商务人士的亲身体会。

    Move an information an expert to can not get away from to move power supply , this be a lot of personally realize of the successful business personage .

  21. 来自全球疫情警报和反应网络的一个小组包括一名病毒学家、后勤专家、昆虫学家、地理信息专家和流行病学家,预期不久将协助控制暴发。

    A team from the Global Outbreak Alert and response network including a virologist , logistician , entomologist , geographic information specialist and epidemiologists are expected shortly to assist in controlling the outbreak .

  22. 文章阐述了军事信息专家的职能以及我国军事信息人才队伍的现状,提出了数字时代军事信息人才队伍培养与建设的若干措施与对策。

    This paper expatiates the function of military information experts and the current situation of Chinese military information talented people and proposes some countermeasures to train and develop military information people in digital age .

  23. 在虚假会计信息专家识别系统流程图的基础上,利用我们总结的操纵手段、识别技术建立模块,勾勒出具体识别过程;

    On the basis of the flow chart of expert system of screening false accounting information , utilizing the accounting means and spotting technology , we set up model , sketch the contours of the concrete course of spotting .

  24. 目前移动运营商正在从移动通信专家向移动信息专家转型,随着移动运营商角色策略的转变,整个增值业务市场也在转变,移动运营商已经开始对市场进行整合,同时开始自营业务的试探。

    Currently , mobile operators are changing from the mobile communication specialists to mobile information specialists . With the transform of mobile operators in the role of strategy , the entire value-added service market is changing . Mobile operators have already started to integrate market and probe self-supporting service .

  25. 就在Google的信息安全专家持续观察研究时,他们发现了更可怕的后果。

    As Google 's security specialists kept looking , they found even more horrendous consequences .

  26. 冠华现在是IBM全球服务网络的信息技术专家,并正参与一个大型的应用发展项目。

    Joseph is now an IT specialist at IBM Global Services , where he is working on a large application development project .

  27. 在本书中,一组IBM高级信息管理专家将指导您如何成就智能企业。

    In this book , a team of IBM 's leading information management experts guides you on a journey toward becoming an intelligent enterprise .

  28. IBM的一个信息开发专家小组设计了DITA,它是专门用于技术内容的一个XMLDTD和体系结构。

    At IBM , a team of information development professionals has developed DITA , an XML DTD and architecture specifically for technical content .

  29. IESE商学院副院长、信息系统专家巴洛尔表示,他选择这份杂志的部分原因在于,它是一个人们耳熟能详的品牌。

    Prof Valor , associate dean and expert in information systems at the school , says he chose the magazine partly because it was an easily recognisable brand .

  30. 在北京最近的一次培训会议上,医生、信息技术专家、商业人士和其他人士准备同国际发展慈善组织海外志愿服务VSO前往非洲进行一到两年的工作。

    At a recent training session in Beijing , doctors , information technology specialists , business professionals and others prepare for a one-to two-year stint in Africa with international development charity VSO , Voluntary Services Overseas .