
  • 网络Lawyer consultation;Attorney consultation
  1. 有人劝我们找律师咨询。

    We were advised to seek legal advice .

  2. 他们正向一位律师咨询?这消息不大好哇。

    They 're consulting a lawyer ? I don 't like the sound of that .

  3. 他需要找个律师咨询一下。

    He needed to consult with an attorney

  4. 为了对我“精明的”建议表示回报,他给了我一张兑奖券,这是我在埃尔姆街餐馆里得到的唯一一笔律师咨询费。

    In return for my wise counsel , he gave me the only fee I ever received for legal advice in the Elm Street diner , a raffle ticket .

  5. 我冒昧地建议,你应该找律师咨询。

    I presume to suggest that you should take legal advice .

  6. 律师咨询:物业管理费该按哪个面积收?

    Lawyers Advisory : Which area by the property management fees received ?

  7. 想了解有关未成年人法方面的信息,可向律师咨询。

    For more information on juvenile law , talk with an attorney .

  8. 需了解更多信息可向律师咨询。

    For more information , talk with an attorney .

  9. 我们决定找律师咨询。

    We 've decided to seek legal advice .

  10. 也许我们需要找一个移民律师咨询一下。

    Maybe we need consult an immigration lawyer .

  11. 你应该去向一个打离婚案子的律师咨询一下了。

    You might want to consult a divorce lawyer while you 're at it .

  12. 要想获得更多有关非法搜查与没收的信息,最好向律师咨询。

    For more information on illegal searches and seizures , you should consult an attorney .

  13. 例句:在他回去开会之前,他向律师咨询了15分钟。

    E.g. : He consulted with his lawyer for 15 minutes before returning to the meeting .

  14. 向税务专家或者向国际税务律师咨询会得到有益的帮助。

    It may be helpful to consult a tax specialist or attorney familiar with international tax matters .

  15. 需了解更多信息可向律师咨询。这个信息可以解开贝克医生之谜。

    For more information , talk with an attorney . The information throws light upon the mystery of Dr Bake .

  16. 同时,在您混合和匹配来自不同开放源码项目的代码之前,请向律师咨询每个开放源码许可。

    In the meantime , before you mix and match code from different open source projects , vet each open source license with counsel .

  17. 联合国派遣到普利斯蒂那执行任务的总督已经就此向纽约的律师咨询了下一步的行动-到目前为止律师还没有给予答复。

    The UN mission in Pristina has asked the lawyers in New Yorkfor guidance on what to do & and it is still waiting for the answer .

  18. 她丈夫生前的管家留下来协助她管理大种植园,而在必要时,她便寻求律师咨询。

    Her husband 's former business manager stayed on to help with the operation of the plantation and she consulted with lawyers when she felt it was necessary .

  19. 他应该向律师咨询合法分居的事宜,这样他就可以在办理离婚期间在生活上为他妻子继续提供帮助。

    He needs to talk to a lawyer about a legal separation so he can continue to provide for his wife while working out the details of a divorce .

  20. 他和一个朋友向律师咨询过融资和创办公司的事。这很有可能使他们成为百万富翁。

    He and a friend consulted with lawyers about going the money route and setting up their own company , something which potentially could have made them both millions .

  21. 想了解更多(疾孩子是否符合特殊教育标准)面的信息,可向有经验的律师咨询。该部向市民提供咨询服务,并监察工作地点的职业健康标准和工作模式。

    For more information regarding eligibility criteria , consult an experienced attorney . It provides advisory service to the public , and supervises health standards and practices in the workplace .

  22. 你可能希望向律师咨询关于某一具体交通违规如何评估被罚分数或者是希望向律师咨询如何应诉以避免在驾驶记录上被罚分数。

    You may wish to consult with an attorney about points assessed for a particular moving violation or how to fight a traffic ticket to avoid points on your record .

  23. 如果未成年人因重罪被拘留或者有很长的严重犯罪记录,建议向在少年法领域经验丰富的律师咨询。

    If a juvenile is arrested for a felony offense or has a long record of serious offenses , it is recommended that you consult an attorney experienced in juvenile law .

  24. 在采访过程中,徐吉坤不断表示,很多人都是在侵权行为发生之后才想到去找律师咨询、解决问题。

    During the interview , Xu constantly said that he worried about the weakness of consciousness because lots of people didn 't find the legal counsel to resolve the problems after they got troubles .

  25. 但是记者正在等待的时候,联邦特工在审讯哈扎德方面取得进展,尽管是在向他宣布了保持沉默并向律师咨询的米兰达权利之后。当天结束的时候,美国律师仍在等待他的出现。

    But as reporters were waiting , federal agents were making progress interrogating Shahzad , even after reading him his Miranda rights to remain silent and consult an attorney . And by the end of the day , the US attorney was doing an about - face .

  26. 2010年的美国多德-弗兰克(Dodd-Frank)金融改革方案长达2139页,很多人都把该方案称为律师和咨询师充分就业法案。

    The 2010 US Dodd-Frank financial reform was 2,139 pages long and popularly known as the Lawyers ' and Consultants Full Employment Act .

  27. 现在他们正在就这种行为的合法性向律师进行咨询。

    We are consulting lawyers about the legitimacy of their actions . '

  28. 我想对协议草案中的疑问向律师进行咨询。

    I have a question about the draft of the agreement that I would like to discuss with my lawyer .

  29. 布莱恩:去律师那里咨询怎样没人可以偷去我的好主意。

    Brian : Go to a lawyer and find out how to make sure that no one could steal my great idea .

  30. 他表示,瑞银目前招聘更多采取“曲线”职业道路的人,特别是年轻的律师或咨询顾问。

    UBS now hires more people who are making " lateral " career moves , notably young lawyers or consultants , he says .