
  • 网络temperament;Tuning System
  1. 传统大小调体系音乐的律制问题

    Tuning system of traditional major-minor mode

  2. 竹笛的制作与演奏及各个历史时期所采用的律制情况是其发展的印证;

    The facture , performance and the different tuning system of the bamboo flute adopted in different historical stage of China are proofs of its development .

  3. 倡导安居、学戒、规范传戒以恢复僧团律制;

    He initiated to restore the regulation system of Chinese sangha .

  4. 一种不用计算的律制&浑然天成的自然律制

    Natural Temperament System with No Need of Calculation

  5. 音律计算法比较及三种律制音阶音分值的简易计算法

    Compared Numeration of Music Temperament with Three System of Temperaments Scale Cent Value Facility Numeration

  6. 中西方人在不同的文化背景下发明这对结构相似的律制,是基于对音乐与数关系的共识。

    China and West created the similar temperament modulations under different cultural backgrounds based on the consensus of the relation between music and mathematics .

  7. 关于曾侯乙编钟律制归属问题,长期以来争论的焦点集中在对其测音数据的分析上。

    For long time the focus of dispute about adscription of pitch of bell chimes in Zenghou Yi Tomb is the analysis on the data of testing sounds .

  8. 第二章对三种律制进行介绍、比较,并简单介绍了弹性十二平均律(复频弹性十二平均律)的理论。

    There is introduction comparison to the three temperament-systems and a brief introduction to the theory of equal temperament ( compound-frequency elasticity equal temperament ) in the second chapter .

  9. 乐律学是研究律制构成与应用的科学,是中国独有的、专门研究音乐中音高规范的一门艰深的音乐基础理论。

    The study of musical temperament is a science to research the composing and application of the temperament system , which is an abstruse basic music theory only in China .

  10. 但由于编钟的发音特点及其埋藏历史久远等原因,迄今对其测音数据的不确定性难以作出令人信服的律制判断。

    For reasons such as the sounding features of bell chimes and the long time burial , however , no convincing judgment of pitch can be drawn from the incertitude of the testing data .

  11. 因其突破了常规律制所限定的固定音高数量,使用微分音成为作曲家获得更多音高、音响变化的手段之一。

    Because it breaks through the fixed pitch quantity limited by general codex , using microtone becomes one of the instrument that composers could use to obtain more pitches , sound effects and changes .

  12. 最后借鉴李曙明先生的弹性十二平均律,利用扬琴同音异位之特点,结合民间音乐伴奏进行弹性十二平均律的简单应用,展现新律制音响,使其在实践中得到进一步的提升。

    Finally learn from Mr. Li ShuMing elasticity equal temperament the dulcimer homonym ectopic characteristics , combined with folk music accompaniment to a simple application of elasticity equal temperament , to show the sound of the new legal system , in practice be further improved .