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lǜ lìnɡ
  • laws and decrees;precept;laws and regulations;Daoist incantation
律令 [lǜ lìng]
  • [laws and decrees;command;order] 律度法令;法规

  1. 律令将这一成果以法律的形式肯定下来,日本进入了一个新的时代。

    Laws and regulations affirmed the achievement . Since then , Japan entered a new epoch .

  2. 《二年律令》严厉打击失职行为和渎职犯罪。

    Strong measures were taken against dereliction of duty and malfeasance according to the Second Year 's Laws and Decrees .

  3. 你的美貌,对于韦狄先生,就是律令。

    Your comeliness is law with Mr. Wildeve .

  4. 总统坦贾解散了两个部门,按照总统律令对国家进行统治。

    President Tandja dissolved both bodies and now rules by decree .

  5. 康德的无条件道德律令以及黄金规则就表明了这种境遇。

    Kant 's categorical imperative and the Golden Rule address the situation .

  6. 诸吏身份地位低下,并在律令中有所体现,需要一个历史过程。

    Lis low status and appeared in the law was a history process .

  7. 律令制下唐代妇女的法律地位

    The Law Position of the Women in Tang Dynasty under the Statutes System

  8. 本文在此基础上,主要讨论《天盛律令》的历史文献价值。

    Based on it , this article mainly discusses its historic literature value .

  9. 《二年律令》所见二十等爵对西汉初年国家统治秩序的影响

    On the Influences of Twenty Ranks of Nobility to the Western Han Dynasty Government

  10. 进一步改革中央与地方官制,重订律令;

    Reforming center and local civil service system ;

  11. 这种风尚有其制度的以及朝廷律令方面的根源。

    This trend had the origin of its system and law of imperial court .

  12. 从《二年律令》论汉代孝亲的法律化

    On the Legalization of Filial Piety in Han Dynasty from The Second Year Law

  13. 违犯道德或神界律令的。

    Transgressing a moral or divine law .

  14. 首先,梳理了唐代律令对祥瑞奏报的详细规定。

    Firstly , in the Tang Dynasty there were detailed provisions on the auspicious memorial .

  15. 论《老子》的三个道德律令

    The Three Moral Mandates in the Laozi

  16. 有些城市制定了在饭店和商业区禁止吸烟的律令,你的看法如何?

    Some cities have no-smoking laws in restaurants and businesses . What 's your opinion ?

  17. 此前就有多个计划力图灌输恪守财政律令的想法,奈何每次都屡屡被违反。

    Past schemes designed to instil fiscal discipline have frequently come unstuck sooner or later .

  18. 张家山汉简《二年律令》的语言研究二、末日意识

    The Language Study of " Two Years Law " in Zhang Jia Shan Bamboo Slip

  19. 存在自由的根本动力,是其自身野性创化力量和理性秩序力量的对立统一律令;

    Existential freedom gets its fundamental drive from the unity of wildness and rational order .

  20. 唐与西夏婚姻制度之比较&以《唐律》和《天盛改旧定新律令》为中心

    Comparison on Marriage Law between " Tang Laws " and " Tiansheng Laws " of XiXia

  21. 《二年律令》中的《盗律》及其法律思想初探

    The Law of Banditry and its Legal Ideology in The Laws and Decrees of The Second

  22. 我喜欢禁止吸烟的律令。

    I like the no-smoking laws .

  23. 康德所谓绝对命令是指主体无条件地服从义务以实现道德价值的道德律令。本文论述了绝对命令的双向实践理路:意志自律&绝对命令的我向规定;

    Kant 's absolute order is the moral order through which the subject obeys moral duties uncondi -

  24. 而这个意义上的法律是由律令、技术和理想三个要素组成的。

    The sense of the term law was made up of precepts , technique , and ideals .

  25. 在将封建的伦理道德、纲常律令踩在脚下的同时,他又不能完全摆脱传统观念的羁绊。

    While trading on feudal ethics , he could not get rid of the bondage of traditional concept .

  26. 《二年律令·户律》与高祖五年诏书的关系

    The Relationship Between Laws of the Second Year Hu Lv and Decrees of the Fifth Year of Gao Zu

  27. 本文结合《二年律令》具体探讨当时的货币情形与折射出来的社会状况。汉初社会有两种货币,即黄金和铜钱。

    The article explores the currency and the first Han society based on The Laws Of The Second Year .

  28. 人类的表达自由应该受到普遍而永恒的尊重和保障,这是表达自由法的第一律令。

    The first and principal rule of free expression is that this freedom should be given universal and eternal protection .

  29. 其二,笔者论述了商鞅变法与秦国律令的关系,提出商鞅既是秦汉法律的始作俑者,又是律令学的开山鼻祖。

    Next the author discusses the relationship between Reforms of Shang Yang and the laws and decrees of Qin Kingdom .

  30. 以张家山汉简中有关继承关系的律令为主要材料,按照现代民法中继承制度的框架重建对汉代继承法律制度的认识。

    According to the law materials on relationship of Inheritance , it reconstructs the legal system of Inheritance in Han Dynasty .