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wáng zú
  • persons of royal lineage;imperial kinsmen;blood royal;royal line age
王族 [wáng zú]
  • [blood royal;imperial kinsmen;royal line age] 指王室(皇室)出身的成员

王族[wáng zú]
  1. 托勒密王族(Ptolemys)是马其顿帝国的原住家族,他们在亚历山大大帝(AlexandertheGreat)死后统治埃及近300年。其间,为保护家族血统的“纯粹性”,他们可谓“殚精竭虑、极尽所能”。

    The Ptolemys were an originally Macedonian family who ruled Egypt after Alexander the Great died . They reigned for almost 300 years , and kept their bloodlines as " pure " as could be .

  2. Howdah被翻译为宝座,把我们带回过去印度王族乘坐这种华丽工具从一个地方去到另一个地方的日子。

    India - Elephant Howdah Howdah translates as throne , a throwback to the days when the ornate platforms transported India 's royalty from one place to the next .

  3. 马-随时为国王和王族们效忠而候命。

    Horse - Readiness for all employments for king and country .

  4. 我想说,今晚每个人看上去都是青春王族。

    I mean , I think everybody looks like royalty tonight .

  5. 她声称她一直与王族有交往。

    She claims that she rubs shoulders with royalty all the time .

  6. 她非常为自己古老的王族血统而感到自豪。

    She 's very proud of her ancient royal lineage .

  7. 他没有料到这个漂亮的牧羊童会是王族出身。

    He did not suspect the pretty Shepherd-Boy came of roval lineage .

  8. 焦特布尔和乌代普尔的王族均为拉杰普特人。

    The princely dynasties in Jodhpur and Udaipur are Rajputs .

  9. 由于她出身王族,这门婚事被认为是奇耻大辱。

    The marriage was considered especially ignominious since she was of royal descent .

  10. 她认为她与王族是亲戚。

    She believes she 's related to royalty .

  11. 其中,行星土星被认为是拥有特别的王族意义。

    Among these , the planet Jupiter was considered to have special royal significance .

  12. 她表现地像个王族成员。

    She acts as though she were royalty .

  13. 统治者的智囊团(特别是英国王族)。

    An advisory council to a ruler ( especially to the British crown ) .

  14. 他的妻子是王族的后裔。

    His wife was of Royal ancestry .

  15. 曾统治过法国西班牙那不勒斯和西西里岛的欧洲王族。

    A European royal line that ruled in France and Spain and Naples and Sicily .

  16. 可是并非任何一个家族都可以拿来当作一个王族的世系。

    But the first family that comes to hand does not suffice to make a dynasty .

  17. 索尔,不能仅仅因为她不是王族的人就说明她不重要。

    Soren , just because she isn 't royalty doesn 't mean she 's not important .

  18. 北方伦斯特的首领们对于他们南方同宗王族并无多少感情。

    The chiefs of northern Leinster had little affection for his southern branch of the royal race .

  19. 斯图亚特王族与清教徒进行了一场达四代之久的你死我活的斗争。

    Four generations of Stuarts had waged a war to the death with four generations of Ruritans .

  20. 史塔克夫人认为今晚若让私生子同桌用餐对王族是一种侮辱

    Lady Stark thought it might insult the royal family to seat a bastard in their midst .

  21. “他们的祖先穷得要命,从来没有见过王族成员,更不用说和他们在一起了”。

    Their ancestors had been dirt poor and never saw royalty , let alone hung around with them ?

  22. 大部分存有艺术创作的洞窟都是由当时的王族出资建造,作为私人的礼佛之地。

    Most of the caves with art were paid for by royal families seeking a place for private worship .

  23. 我认为她在公爵夫人面前所说的有关王族的话是很无礼的。

    I thought the remarks she made about royalty in front of the Duchess were in very bad taste .

  24. 哈马德也被称为“彩虹酋长”,他是阿布扎比王族的成员。

    Hamad , also known as the'Rainbow Sheikh ' , is a member of the Abu Dhabi Ruling Family .

  25. 我听过很多有关失落的王族重返家园并夺回荣耀的传说

    Leliana : There are many great tales of lost kings who return to their lands to reign in glory

  26. 虽然黛安娜对于拜尔马洛的众王族感到有些害怕,可她十分明智没有前往城堡。

    Although she was intimidated by the crowd at Balmoral , Diana was wise enough not to stay in the castle itself .

  27. 帝国崛起后控制了杜罗星,开始在古老的“王族山谷”附近开采矿产。

    When the Empire came into power and seized control of Duro , it began mining operations near the ancient Valley of Royalty .

  28. 早在17世纪,日本就涌现出大量日式客栈,建造这些日式客栈是为当时那些沿着东海道公路到东京旅行的封建王族提供住处的。

    Many Ryokan sprang up in the 17th century to accommodate feudal lords traveling along the Tokaido highway to Edo ( now Tokyo ) .

  29. 他家是商朝的王族,只是到了他的父辈,已经很不景气了。

    Descended from the royal family of the Shang dynasty , his family had definitely fallen on hard times by his father 's generation .

  30. 石窟中有南诏王形象的三窟是南诏王族乌蛮民族祖先崇拜的遗迹,而非本主。布依族是我国南方的少数民族。

    The three caves containing the Nanzhao kings ' figures were the traces of the ancestor worship of the Nanzhao royal family and the southern minority nationalities .