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  • 网络lady wang;mrs wang
  1. “话说周瑞家的送了刘姥姥去后,便上来回王夫人话.”

    " After seeing off Granny Liu , Mrs. Zhou went to report to Lady Wang . "

  2. “刚至院门前,只见王夫人的丫鬟名金钏儿者,和一个才留了头的小女孩儿站在台阶坡上玩.”

    " On the verandah steps there , Lady Wang 's maid Jinchuan was playing with a girl who had just let her hair grow . "

  3. 客观原因:以王夫人为首的封建势力迫害。

    Objective reason : the feudal persecution led by Madam Wang ;

  4. 雪狐狸太太和虎王夫人在聊天。

    Snow fox wife and the wife of Tiger talk .

  5. 我不得不穿上王夫人的衣服。

    I had to wear Mrs Wang 's clothes .

  6. 《红楼梦》王夫人论

    On Mrs . Wang in A Red Mansion

  7. 我大姨就像王夫人,我奶奶过逝后家里的大小事都要她料理。

    Wang , my grandmother passed away after the home to her cooking merry .

  8. 贾政、王夫人研究综述

    Overview on JIA Zheng and Lady Wang

  9. “因见王夫人事情冗杂,姊妹们遂出来,至寡嫂李氏房中来了。”

    " Since she was so occupied , the girls called on Li wan . "

  10. “王夫人知他家不难于此,遂亦从其愿。”

    " Lady Wang knew that this presented no difficulty for the Xue family , and therefore agreed . "

  11. “王夫人本是好清净的,见贾母回来也就回来了”

    " And lady wang , who liked peace and quiet , returned too after her mother-in-law 's departure . "

  12. “次日起来,省过贾母,因往王夫人处来”

    " The next morning , after paying her respects to the lady dowager , Daiyu went to lady wang 's apartments . "

  13. 原来王夫人时常居坐宴息,亦不在这正室,只在这正室东边的三间耳房内。于是老嬷嬷引黛玉进东房门来。

    Since Lady Wang seldom sat in this main hall but used three rooms on the east side for relaxation , the nurses led Daiyu there .

  14. “喜的王夫人忙带了女媳人等,接出大厅,将薛姨妈等接了进去”

    " In her joy , Lady Wang hurried out to the reception hall with her daughter and daughter-in-law to greet the whole party and conduct them inside . "

  15. 周瑞家的是王夫人的陪房和心腹奴仆,也是贾府最有实权的女管家之一。

    Zhou Zui 's wife , who is Madame 's Wang 's faithful maidservant that follows the bride to her husband'house , is one of those household managers who have real power .

  16. “每日或饭后,或晚间,薛姨妈便过来,或与贾母闲谈,或与王夫人相叙.”

    " Every day after lunch or in the evening , Aunt Xue would walk over to chat with the Lady Dowager or to talk over the old day swith her sister . "

  17. 只留宝玉黛玉二人这边解闷,却将迎,探,惜三人移到王夫人这边房后三间小抱厦内居住,令李纨陪伴照管。

    Keeping just Baoyu and Daiyu for company , she had sent Yingchun , Tanchun and Xichun to live in three small suites behind Lady Wang 's quarters , under the care of Li Wan .

  18. “王夫人忙携黛玉从后房门由后廊往西,出了角门,是一条南北宽夹道.”

    " Lady Wang at once led her niece out of the back door , going west along a corridor and through a side gate to a broad road running from north to south . "

  19. “因东边宁府中花园内梅花盛开,贾珍之妻尤氏乃治酒,请贾母,邢夫人,王夫人等赏花.”

    " As the plum blossom was now in full bloom in the Ning Mansion 's garden , Jia Zhen 's wife Madam You invited the Lady Dowager , Lady Xing , Lady Wang and the others to a party to enjoy the flowers . "