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  1. 禅对中国绘画影响甚深,故禅宗兴,绘道昌。

    Zen , a Buddhist sect in China , has greatly influenced Chinese painting .

  2. 然而由于卵巢特殊的解剖位置,其位于盆腔深部,故患者出现症状并确诊时,多数已经是卵巢癌晚期,错失了手术治疗的最佳时机。

    However , due to special anatomy location of ovary , most patients with ovarian cancer are already in the last stage and missed the best time for surgery when ovarian cancer symptoms are present .

  3. 由于深度远远超过以往常说的深基坑,故一般称之为超深基坑。

    The depth of excavation has developed from 10m to above 20m , 30m.Because the depth goes far beyond by the deep hole excavated for building foundation which said in the past , it is generally called ultra-deep pit .

  4. 肾为阳气之根、阴血之本,根深则叶茂,故营卫既调,则当补肾善后,滋阴温阳,两相兼顾。

    Kidney is the root of yang , Yin and Blood of the roots and then flourished in so doing not only transfer health , then the aftermath when the kidney , nourishing yin and yang , two-phase both .