
  1. 深圳公交的换乘系统建模和设计

    Modeling and Design of Shenzhen Public Transport Changing System

  2. 深圳公交导向发展规划实践

    Practicing Transit-Oriented Development Planning in Shenzhen

  3. 深圳公交企业要改变人力资源管理现状,就一定要树立人力资源是第一资源,人力资源是企业战略性资源的新理念。

    Shenzhen public transportation enterprises should change the present situation of human resource management . We must establish the human resource is the first resource .

  4. 城镇巴士公司作为深圳公交企业的龙头老大,在人力资源管理方面和其他公交企业差距不大,但仍存在较多薄弱环节,具有非常强的代表性和研究意义。

    As the big boss in public transportation enterprise of Shenzhen , Urban Bus Company does not have a big gap with other public transportation enterprises in human resource management . However , there still exist many weak links .

  5. 深圳市公交信息查询系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Shenzhen Public Transportation Information Inquiry System

  6. 深圳市公交票价及财政政策研究

    Study of Shenzhen Public Transport Ticketing and Financial Policy