
  • 网络Shekou;Shenzhen
  1. 深圳蛇口集装箱港区(SCT)三期5~泊位工程堆场排水坡设计

    Stacking Area ′ s Slope Design for No.5 Berth Project of Shekou Container Terminals Phase ⅲ

  2. 本文以市交通银行蛇口支行为案例,在对该支行深入调查和研究的基础上,用PEST方法,分析了该支行个人理财业务营销的宏观环境;

    This article based on investigation of the Shekou branch of Bank of Communication , use PEST model to analyzed the personal investments services of the bank 's macro-economical environment ;

  3. 蛇口集装箱码头(shekoucontainerterminals)市场销售部高级经理屠世海(allentu)表示,蛇口策划了一次市场营销活动,以寻求国际中转货运业务。

    Allen Tu , senior manager in the business development department at Shekou Container Terminals , said Shekou planned a marketing push to seek international trans-shipment .

  4. 2007年,温特菲尔德夫妇成为蛇口QSI国际学校的教师。

    The American couple was recruited by the American nonprofit organization Quality Schools International ( QSI ) in2007 .

  5. 珠江三角洲东岸蛇口(shekou)和赤湾(chiwan)的大型集装箱码头扩建项目,以及同一地区巨型大铲湾(dachanbay)新港口的建设,带来了新的威胁。

    The new threat results from major container port expansion programmes at Shekou and Chiwan on the East Bank of the Pearl River Delta in Shenzhen and construction of a huge new port at Da Chan Bay in the same region .

  6. 本文主要介绍了深圳蛇口工业区SCT二期陆域形成开山填海工程的爆破施工情况,提出了一些在城市复杂环境下爆破震动、爆破飞石、滚石等防治措施,对类似工程有一定的参考价值。

    This paper gives an introduction to the blasting construction of filling sea by blasting mountain in the second phase of SCT for Shekou lndustrial Zone in Shenzhen , proposes the prevention measures for vibration , flying and rolling stones by blasting , for reference to similar construction in future .

  7. 蛇口集装箱码头二期工程码头结构选型

    Wharf Structural Type Selection in Shekou Container Terminal Phase II Project

  8. 蛇口港钢结构散粮筒仓简介

    Introduction of Steel-Construction Cylindric Storage for Bulk Grain in Shekou Port

  9. 深圳蛇口客运港区邮轮母港建设规模研究

    On construction scale of cruise home-port in Shenzhen Shekou harbor area

  10. 蛇口花园城三期一号地块设计

    No.1 Plot Design for Shekou Garden City Phase ⅲ Project

  11. 海上世界城市设计&中国深圳蛇口

    Sea World Urban Design & Shekou , Shenzhen , China

  12. 蛇口港石方开挖中深孔爆破控制技术

    Long Hole Blasting Technique for Rock Excavation in Shekou Port

  13. 蛇口工业区发展战略构想

    The Strategic Conception of Development in Shekou Industry Zone

  14. 客船往来蛇口至香港中环、九龙及澳门、珠海。

    Passenger ferry runs frequently to and from HongKong , Macau , Zhuhai .

  15. 蛇口集装箱码头软基加固

    Consolidation of Soft Foundation for Shekou Container Wharf

  16. 深圳蛇口港及深圳湾潮间带动物的有机锡污染

    Organotin Pollution in Marine Animals along Intertidal Zone at Shekou Harbor and Shenzhen Bay

  17. 深圳蛇口生活饮用水化学污染物分析及其致突变性研究

    A Study on the Chemical Pollutants and Mutagenicity of Drinking Water in Shekou Shenzhen

  18. 长矛穿过鳞片刺入了蛇口的内脏。

    The javelin penetrated the serpent 's scales and pierced through to his entrails .

  19. 面对那只老鼠,蛇口中嘶嘶作响。

    The snake hissed at the mouse .

  20. 蛇口工业区的规划与建筑

    Planning and Development of Shekou Industrial District

  21. 其中,最具优势及前景的航线是蛇口-香港机场航线。

    Among them , the most advantageous and promising route is Shekou-Hong Kong Airport route .

  22. 主要介绍蛇口客运码头液压升降桥的结构原理及液压系统。

    Structural properties and hydraulic system of hydraulic elevator bridge ofShekou Passenger Wharf is mainly introduced .

  23. 超高层建筑新时代广场是深圳蛇口的标志性建筑。

    The super high-rise New Times plaza structure is the symbol building in Shekou , Shenzhen .

  24. 深圳蛇口海上世界城市设计

    Shekou Sea World Site in Shenzhen

  25. 蛇口招商购物中心工程采用了宽扁梁-大跨度板的体系。

    The Shekou Mechants shopping center project embodies the application of the flat beam wide span plank .

  26. 深圳港蛇口客运码头建设国际邮轮母港的规划设想

    Ideas on Planning of Constructing the Passenger Wharf of Shenzhen Port into an International Cruising Ferry Base Port

  27. 蛇口之末

    The end of Shekou

  28. 海平面上升的生态损失评估&以深圳市蛇口半岛为例

    Assessment of Loss of Ecosystem Service Value under Sea-level Rise : A Case Study of Shekou Peninsula in Shenzhen

  29. 站在甲板上,我看见蛇口港的红色大铁架和标着大字的集装箱渐渐逼近。

    I stand on the deck , watching the Shekou full of red iron frames and lettered containers approaching .

  30. 除此之外,我们在纽约的宾厄姆顿和中国的蛇口都有制造工厂。

    In addition , the corporation operates manufacturing facilities in both Binghamton , New York , and Shekou , China .