
  • 网络snake meat
  1. 是用蛇肉和猫肉焖制而成的。

    It is a stew of snake meat and cat meat .

  2. 我是说你喜欢吃蛇肉吗?

    A : I mean , do you like snake meat ?

  3. 但是吃蛇肉不仅仅是品尝

    but eating snakes is more than just a matter of taste

  4. 在中国南部地区,蛇肉也是当地食用肉类之一。

    In Southern China snakes are part of the native fauna .

  5. 广东人相信吃蛇肉可以净化血液

    the Cantonese believe it can help to clean the blood

  6. 生物酶解法制备蛇肉低肽营养液的研究

    Study on the Enzymic Hydrolysis of Snake Protein for Preparing Nutritious Oligo-Peptide Liquid

  7. 一会儿我们可以尝尝蛇肉。

    Later we can try some snake meat .

  8. 广东菜使用的配料品种繁多,包括蛇肉。

    Cantonese food uses a great variety of ingredients , including the meat of snake .

  9. 广东菜用料广泛,甚至包括蛇肉。

    Guangdong cuisine uses a great variety of materials , even including the meat snakes .

  10. 用电阻测定法测取了新鲜蛇肉的共熔点;

    The eutectic point of fresh snake meat is obtained with the method of measuring electric-resistivity .

  11. 新鲜蛇肉的冷冻干燥

    Freeze-Drying of Fresh Snake Meat

  12. 唔,并不是吃蛇肉受欢迎,是喝蛇血呀!

    Well , it 's not the meat that is so popular , it 's the blood .

  13. 吃蛇肉不要在家自己煮,否则蛇肉的香味会引来蜈蚣。

    Avoid cooking snakes indoors because people think that the smell of snake meat will attract centipedes .

  14. 吉姆告诉我将蛇头砍下来扔掉,再把蛇皮剥了,烤一块蛇肉。

    Jim told me to chop off the snake 's head and throw it away , and then skin the body and roast a piece of it .

  15. 广帮菜的花样繁多,包括蛇肉也是其中的一个菜。一头牛跑到菜园里,把包心菜弄得乱七八糟。

    Canton cuisine uses a great variety of materials , including the meat of snakes . A cow got into the garden and made sad havoc among the cabbages .

  16. 烩蛇粥—选用珍贵的眼镜蛇肉、雌猫肉、仔鸡肉进行烩制,它也被称作“龙虎耳一”。

    Braised snake porridge-of rare meat of cobra , grimalkin , and pullet , braised elaborately , also called " Dragon and tiger contending " ( Long Hu Dou ) .

  17. 我今天去逛夜市,看到有人在卖蛇肉。?她在夜市里贩卖珠宝,轻松赚了一笔钱。

    Tonight I saw someone selling snake meat while I went for a stroll in the night market . She made a fast buck by selling jewelry in the night market .

  18. 根据异蛇的特性,介绍了清蒸原汁异蛇肉罐头、异蛇干、异蛇酒的生产工艺、操作要点和产品质量要求。

    According to the characteristics of elapidae , the article explains the polytechnic , operational key points and quality requirements for canned steamed elapidae meat in original juice , elapidae charqui , and elapidae wine .

  19. 她说:我不指望人们看完我的书后就能写出一篇大学论文来。但是它可以让你在拿着中文菜单时分出牛排和蛇肉的区别。

    I 'm not expecting people to be able to write a university dissertation after reading my book , ' she says . But it could mean the difference between ordering a steak or a snake from a Chinese menu .

  20. 他们应该要做大量生意才足以支撑那么多摊位,但是在气温为零下的11月夜晚,似乎没有那么多人想要吃穿在小木棍上的蛇肉。

    They must do a ton of business to be able to support that many stalls , but on a sub-zero November night , there wasnt a big demand for snake on a stick . Plus , I cant get that home though customs .

  21. 22.3%水解度的蛇肉酶解液含有蛇肉的全部营养素(蛋白质除外)种类,其营养价值明显优于牛奶、豆浆,甚至优于豆腐脑;

    The snake-meat product with an enzymatic hydrolysis degree of 22.3 % also contains all kinds of nutrition elements ( except protein ) found in the snake meat material , and has much better nutritional value than milk , soybean milk and even jellied bean curd .

  22. 采用有限酶解技术对蛇肉进行有控制的水解,并经适当的精制,生产出营养成分丰富、含有约3%短肽分子(平均相对分子质量是538)的低肽营养液。

    A kind of oligo-peptide nutrient solution , which is rich in nutrition and consists about 3 percent short oligo-peptide s whose average molecular weight is 538 , was prepared and from snake meat by means of the controlled enzymolysis technology and the correct refining technology .