
  • Magnolia denudata;Yulan Magnolia;Michelia alba
  1. 大树年平均高生长达1·2m,胸径1·12cm,大大超过桢楠、紫楠、白玉兰等其他珍稀种,很有开发利用价值。

    However , for big tree , to 1.2 meter and 1.12 cm for the breast diameter growth , which greatly surpass those of Phoebe shearer and Magnolia denudata , and other rare species and have very high value of development and utilization .

  2. 白玉兰从花蕾到花开放过程中,蛋白质含量及脱氧核糖核酸酶(DNase),核糖核酸酶(RNase)的活性均下降;过氧化物酶同工酶谱带亦减少。

    The protein content and activities of DNase , RNase declined with the process of floral development from flower buds to the opening of flowers of Magnolia denudata , and the peroxidase isozymogram also decreased .

  3. 樟树的总生长均超出同年龄同地区的马褂木、白玉兰等树木。

    C.camphor with total growth were beyond the Liriodendron and magnolia .

  4. 白玉兰离体培养和快速繁殖

    Quick ; in vitro culture and rapid propagation of Magnolia denudata

  5. 月光下的白玉兰,那是另一番景色。

    There was another scene under the moonlight as for the magnolia .

  6. 白玉兰登山鞋,踏向未来世界,步步领先。

    Magnolia ClimBing Boots step into the future and take the lead every step .

  7. 试验建立了白玉兰离体繁殖体系。

    The system of tissue culture and rapid propagation of Magnolia denudata was established .

  8. 白玉兰与望春玉兰花香成分和含量的比较研究

    Comparative study on aromatic constituents and contents between Magnolia denudate Desr and Magnolia biondii Pamp

  9. 结果表明,白玉兰和望春玉兰花香成分的种类及含量存在较大差异。

    The results showed that the aromatic constituents and contents of two plants were distinctly different .

  10. 在听取各方面意见后,市府选定白玉兰作为上海的市花

    After hearing suggestions from various circles , the municipal government selected magnolia to be the city flower of Shanghai

  11. 结果表明:在用白玉兰作砧木嫁接深山含笑时,在各个时期进行嵌芽接的嫁接成活率均很低;

    The results indicated : the survival rates of shield-like bud grafting in all experimental periods rate are very low ;

  12. 我在这里代表上海市政府宣布本年度白玉兰奖的获奖名单

    " On behalf of the Shanghai Municipal Government , I hereby announce the recipients of this year 's Magnolia Award "

  13. 由于她对于文化交流的贡献,奥利维亚于2013年9月30日被授予上海白玉兰奖。

    Because of her contribution to cultural exchange , Oliver was given the Shanghai Magnolia Award on Sept 30 , 2013 .

  14. 选择白玉兰为上海市市花,象征着一种开路先锋、奋发向上的精神。

    Choose the white yulan to be Shanghai city flower , symbolize a kind of pioneer , spirit striving to make progress .

  15. 他还为白乐威授予了上海市白玉兰荣誉奖,以表彰两个城市间的联系。

    He presents the lord mayor with the city 's golden magnolia medal , in recognition of the links between the two cities .

  16. 第四届中国戏剧梅花奖和第四届上海戏剧白玉兰主角奖得主。

    Yue Mei-ti is the winner of 4th Chinese Drama Plum Blossom Prize and Leading Role Prize of 4th Shanghai Magnolia Drama Prize .

  17. 在长篇小说《放逐伊甸》与《红墙白玉兰》中,施玮将笔触更多地转向人物内心的挖掘。

    In the novel , " Exile Paradise " and " Redwall Magnolia ", the Shi Wei will turn more people strokes heart of the excavation .

  18. 上海市市标是以市花白玉兰、沙船和螺旋桨三者组成的三角形图案。

    It is the triangular pattern which the three of black and white yulan , large junk and screw make up with the city that Shanghai marks .

  19. 2009年五月,六六再次以电视连续剧《王贵与安娜》被第十五届上海电视节提名为白玉兰奖最佳编剧之一。

    For the success of Wanggui and Anna , Liuliu was once again nominated as one of the best playwrights in the Fifteenth Shanghai International TV Festival in2009 .

  20. 上海广播电视局东海影视乐园、中外合资射击游乐场、白玉兰渡假村、宫霄渡假村、国家级野生动物园等旅游佳地环围其中。

    Broadcasting & Television Bureau , Sino-Foreign Joint Ventures Shooting Park , Baiyulan Vacational Village and Gongshiao Vacational Village as well as nationally Wild Animal Park and so on .

  21. 凭借梅长苏一角,胡歌斩获了国内外各大奖项。前不久在上海举行的第22届上海国际电视节上,胡歌还凭此获得了“白玉兰最佳男演员奖”。

    He won many awards at home and abroad for this role , among which the most recent is the Magnolia Award for Best Actor in the 22th Shanghai TV Festival .

  22. 虽然这只是一棵花树,但当立足树下,却感到已走进了一个缤纷的白玉兰世界。

    While it was just a tree , we could feel stepping into another pretty world of magnolia when we stayed at the foot of the tree for just a few seconds .

  23. 上海市市标以市斑白玉兰,沙船和螺旋桨组成,它象征这个城市开端拓展进取的精力。

    The emblem of Shanghai shows a white magnolia flower ( the official city flower ), a large junk and a propeller , all symbolizing the pioneering and enterprising spirit of the city .

  24. 公司连年被评为上海信得过建筑装饰企业,所建工程曾获全国鲁班奖,上海市白玉兰奖等荣誉。

    The corporation has successively been awarded the title of " shanghai Trustworthy Construction & Decoration Company ", and its projects have won " Lu Ban Prize " " Bai Yu Lan Prize ", etc.