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  • 网络plesiosaur;plesiosaurus
  1. 海怪,蛇颈龙,水下UFO或者甚至是一个巨大的鲸鱼,无论是潜伏在南极洲附近海域冰冷黑暗的深海中的庞大生物是什么,它都已引起轩然大波。

    Kraken , Plesiosaur , underwater UFO or maybe even a massive whale , whatever is lurking in the dark fridge waters near Antarctica is a massive creature creating quite a stir .

  2. 据说在苏格兰尼斯湖中的巨大象蛇或蛇颈龙的水生怪物。

    Large aquatic animal supposed to resemble a serpent or plesiosaur of Loch Ness in Scotland .

  3. 四川盆地一新蛇颈龙

    A new Plesiosauria from the lias of Sichuan Basin

  4. 已经灭绝的爬行动物包括:;恐龙;蛇颈龙;翼龙;鱼龙;槽齿龙。

    Extinct reptiles including : dinosaurs ; plesiosaurs ; pterosaurs ; ichthyosaurs ; thecodonts .

  5. 数年来,古生物学家一直想知道蛇颈龙是否也通过怀胎方式繁殖后代。

    For years , palaeontologists have wondered if the same was true of plesiosaurs .

  6. 它是一只蛇颈龙么?

    Could it be a Plesiosaurus ?

  7. 已灭绝的海洋爬行动物,比蛇颈龙的四肢更长更细,且不太适于游水。

    Extinct marine reptile with longer more slender limbs than plesiosaurs and less completely modified for swimming .

  8. 毒蛇有中空或成凹槽的尖牙以射毒液。爬行类蛇颈龙科亚目的一属。

    Poisonous snakes have hollow or grooved fangs for injecting venom . a reptile genus of suborder Plesiosauria .

  9. 怀疑者认为,尼斯湖的水太冷了不适合蛇颈龙这类的爬行动物生存。

    Skeptics argue that the water in the Loch is too cold for a reptile like the Plesiosaur .

  10. 反过来,奥基夫博士相信他已发现了蛇颈龙同样靠胎生繁殖的证据。

    Instead , Dr O'Keefe believes he has discovered evidence that plesiosaurs , too , gave birth to live young .

  11. 据说这是蛇颈龙的一种,六千五百万年前由于某种原因在此搁浅。

    It was said to be a sort of plesiosaur , somehow stranded in the loch from 65m years ago .

  12. 这个发现将意味着:蛇颈龙不仅在生态系统中占据与鲸类类似的位置,行为也和鲸类类似。

    It would mean plesiosaurs not only occupied a similar ecological niche to whales , but behaved like them , too .

  13. 鱼龙看上去实际上有些像海豚,但蛇颈龙有着长长的脖子和菱形的桨鳍和现在存活的任何动物都不一样。

    Ichthyosaurs , indeed , looked somewhat like dolphins , though plesiosaurs with their long necks and diamond-shaped paddles were unlike anything now alive .

  14. 当韦林发现这个庞大的野兽在海洋中“兴风作浪”时,他还想到了已经灭绝的史前动物蛇颈龙。

    Waring also thought of the extinct prehistoric animal Plesiosaur when he spotted the massive beast causing ' a massive disturbance in the ocean . "

  15. 一些人表示,在尼斯湖岸边发现的一系列椎骨便是证据:湖内确实有活的蛇颈龙。

    Some claimed a series of vertebrae uncovered on the shores of Loch Ness were ` proof ` that there was a living plesiosaur in the Loch .

  16. 尼斯湖水怪迷认为,这种动物应该是一种蛇颈龙。蛇颈龙是一种水生爬行动物,生活在侏罗纪初期,很多人认为它们早已灭绝。

    Nessie enthusiasts believe the creature is a plesiosaur - an aquatic reptile that appeared at the start of the Jurassic period and is widely believed to be extinct .

  17. 实际上,马利克版的利维坦是一只在海滩上的蛇颈龙,这会引起反达尔文主义的不满,虽然《生命之树》是一部基督教电影,它并不会限制影迷的视野。

    The fact that Mr Malick 's Leviathan is a beached plesiosaur will draw fire from anti-Darwinians . Though " The Tree of Life " is a Christian film , it is not for filmgoers with narrow views .

  18. 格兰特描述怪物的头很小,脖子又细又长,身体很大。听上去它的样子和已经灭绝了6500万年的水生恐龙蛇颈龙相似。

    Grant 's description of the thing , small head , long thin neck and tail with a big body , seemed to match the appearance of the Plesiosauru , an aquatic type of dinosaur that has been extinct for 65 million years .