
  • 网络Coelacanth;Latimeria chalumnae
  1. 腔棘鱼栖息于深海。

    The coelacanth inhabits the deep sea .

  2. 除腔棘鱼以外都已灭绝。

    Extinct except for the coelacanth .

  3. 萩城是日本的腔棘鱼&人们以为已经灭绝了的古老的幸存者。

    Hagi is the coelacanth of Japan , the ancient survivor that people assume to be extinct .

  4. 腔棘鱼是一种罕见的鱼,相较常见的辐鳍鱼,它们与肺鱼、爬行动物甚至哺乳动物才是近亲。

    A rare order of fish , coelacanths are more closely related to lungfish , reptiles and even mammals than to common ray-finned fish .

  5. 令未知生物学家尤其骄傲的是1938年捕捉到的腔棘鱼,它是一种样貌古老的鱼类,原先认为在白垩纪便已灭绝。

    Cryptozoologists are especially proud of the catch in1938 of a coelacanth , an archaic-looking species of fish that had been thought to have gone extinct in the Cretaceous .

  6. 还发现了腔棘鱼的一些亚种存在,不过真正的腔棘鱼现在只在南非、肯尼亚、坦桑尼亚和南太平洋。

    There are also sub species found of the Coelacanth but the real Coelacanth is found today in South Africa , Kenya , Tanzania and even the South Pacific .