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  • guppy
  1. 氦氖激光辐照对孔雀鱼抗病力及生长的影响

    The influence of He-Ne laser irradiation on disease resistance and growth of guppy , Poecilia reticulata

  2. 直到最近在日本出现了另外一位杰出的孔雀鱼基因知识的来源,就是伊藤纯一。

    Another excellent source for guppy genetics information until recently has been Junichi Ito in Japan .

  3. 孔雀鱼、月光鱼耐温限度的初步研究

    The Preliminary Study on Temperature Resistance of Poecilia reticulata and Xiphophorus maculates

  4. 好了,小孔雀鱼们,带好你们自己的鞋,或者随手找双鞋。

    Okay , guppies , grab your shoes ... Or any shoes .

  5. 但这可不像养金鱼或孔雀鱼那么简单。

    This is not like raising goldfish or guppies .

  6. 杂色鲍足的显微与超微结构孔雀鱼精子发生的显微与超微结构

    Microstructure and ultrastructure of the foot of the variously colored abalone Haliotis diversicolor

  7. 家用洗涤剂对红剑鱼、孔雀鱼和食蚊鱼的急性毒性实验观察

    Acute Toxicity of Domestic Detergents on Xiphophorus helleri , Poecilia and Gambusia affinis

  8. 上星期啊霍伊?曼德尔家的猫吃掉了一条杰克?布莱克的孔雀鱼

    Last week , howie mandel 's cat.Ate one of jack black 's guppies .

  9. 稀土废渣及其产品对孔雀鱼的遗传毒性效应

    Genetic toxicity effect of rare-earth waste and products of rare-earth waste on peacock - fish

  10. 所有类型孔雀鱼的理想佳肴,促进它们发挥最自然的美。

    An ideal diet for guppies of all types helping them to develop their full natural beauty .

  11. 我认为他更像是基因海绵胜过于独特孔雀鱼基因知识的创造者。

    I think he is more of a genetics sponge than an originator of unique guppy genetics knowledge .

  12. 上小学时,同学们把孔雀鱼带到学校炫耀,他带的是欧洲货币。

    When , in grade school , his classmates brought guppies for show and tell , he brought European currency .

  13. 在成千上百的孔雀鱼品种中,雄鱼最著名的特色就是它们华丽的背鳍和尾鳍。

    Among the hundreds of guppy varieties , the best known feature of the male fish is its gorgeous dorsal and caudal fins .

  14. 雄性孔雀鱼往往会靠向鱼群里最不吸引雌性的那些同类(以突显自己身上漂亮的鱼鳞)。所以,这个逻辑可能也同样适用于人类的行为,人们会把具有魅力的同性成员视为必须避开的竞争对手。

    Male guppies gravitate toward the least sexually successful fish in their school ( the better to emphasize their own fine scales ) , so perhaps humans use similar logic in performance situations , viewing attractive members of the same sex as rivals who need to be avoided .