
  1. 因此,凤台组可能是在冰前海湾(冰海)环境中的沉积。

    Therefore the Fengtai Formation might be formed in a preglacial bay ( glaciomarine ) environment .

  2. 本文介绍了深圳前海湾地铁枢纽上盖物业的结构设计,同时就一些特殊问题的特殊处理进行了探讨。

    The structure design of the top head estates in Shenzhen Qianhaiwan metro hub is introduced and the special treatments of some special problems were discussed in this article .

  3. 如果你认为一年前墨西哥海湾的漏油事件能够打败奥巴马那就错了,就像五月份处死乌萨马·本拉登事件也不可能让他变得所向披靡。

    Those who said just over a year ago that the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico would doom Mr Obama were as wrong as those who thought May 's killing of Osama bin Laden would make him unbeatable .