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qián hòu
  • around;front and back;about;in front and behind;altogether;round about;from beginning to end;from start to finish
前后 [qián hòu]
  • (1) [around]∶早于或迟于某一特定时间的一段时期

  • 冬之望日前后。--清. 林觉民《与妻书》

  • 春节前后

  • (2) [round about]∶大约在特定的时间

  • 在1969年前后

  • (3) [from beginning to end]∶指时间上从开始到结束

  • 全场演出前后用了两小时

  • (4) [altogether]∶总共

  • 她前后来过四次

  • (5) [in front and behind]∶某一地点的前面和后面

  • 宅院前后都已绿化

  • (6) [front and back]∶正面和背面

  • 前后受敌

前后[qián hòu]
  1. 他生于1650年前后,但身世不详。

    He was born around 1650 but his origins remain obscure .

  2. 兄弟几个总是要到正午前后才姗姗来到工作室。

    The brothers usually roll into their studio around midday .

  3. 她的发言有几处前后不一致和含混不清。

    There were several inconsistencies and ambiguities in her speech .

  4. 飞机前后舱都有洗手间。

    There are toilets at both front and rear of the plane .

  5. 她坐在摇椅上前后摇晃着。

    She rocked backwards and forwards on her chair .

  6. 前后轮胎可互换。

    The front and rear tyres interchange .

  7. 有人看见他在案发时间前后进入那栋建筑物。

    He was seen to enter the building about the time the crime was committed .

  8. 这太荒唐了,不过恰恰证明了裁判的前后矛盾。

    It 's crazy and just shows the inconsistency of refereeing .

  9. 我在前后轮毂上都抹了润滑油,还调校了刹车。

    I greased front and rear hubs and adjusted the brakes .

  10. 报告指责司法系统执法前后不一且有失公正。

    The report accuses the judicial system of inconsistency and partiality .

  11. 我们被要求对他证词中的前后矛盾之处进行调查。

    We were asked to investigate the alleged inconsistencies in his evidence .

  12. 我二十岁前后那几年过得真苦啊。

    My late teens and early twenties were really rough years

  13. 这些就是我们正在付诸实施的政策,不但清楚而且前后一致。

    These are clear consistent policies which we are putting into place .

  14. 现在妇女在生孩子前后都要去工作。

    Now women work both before and after having their children

  15. 压缩空气的喷吐使飞机的左右和前后都能保持稳定。

    Jets of compressed air gave the aircraft lateral and directional stability .

  16. 他站了一会儿,踮着脚跟前后摇晃。

    He stood a few moments , rocking back and forwards on his heels

  17. 圣诞节前后剧组中有4个人退出了。

    Four of the cast jacked it in about Christmas

  18. 人们手挽手,前后摇晃着。

    The people swayed back and forth with arms linked

  19. 这个论点前后矛盾,漏洞百出。

    This is an argument shot through with inconsistency .

  20. 政府好像并不觉得其在少数民族权利问题上政策的前后不一有什么不妥。

    The government seems not to be troubled by its inconsistent policies on minority rights

  21. 生鸡蛋非常容易变质,烹制前后必须冷藏。

    Raw eggs are highly perishable and must be chilled before and after cooking .

  22. 涨潮期前后几小时内都可以捕鱼。

    Fishing is possible for a couple of hours either side of high water .

  23. 我明天给你们打电话,中午前后吧。

    I 'll call you guys tomorrow . Noon-ish

  24. 轻微的前后晃动让他的脑袋感到一阵剧烈的疼痛。

    The slight back and forth motion sent a pounding surge of pain into his skull .

  25. 拆除机翼和机尾,将飞机改装成汽车,前后要花15分钟。

    It takes 15 minutes to convert the plane into a car by removing the wings and the tail

  26. 有关生命起源前后发生了什么,我们通过实验和观察得出了一些证据。

    We have experimental and observational evidence concerning things which happened before and after the origin of life .

  27. 到1997年前后,雅典将有一个新机场,还有欧洲最先进的地铁。

    By 1997 or thereabouts Athens will have a new airport , plus the best underground railway in Europe .

  28. 回顾过去时能看到一条清晰的轨迹,还是只能看到一连串毫无目的、前后不连贯的工作经历?

    Can you look back and see a well-defined path , or simply an aimless series of job moves with no coherent structure ?

  29. 他妈妈让他不要把包前后晃来晃去。

    His mother asked him not to swing his bag back and forth .

  30. 他前后来过四五次。

    He has been here four or five times altogether .