
  • 网络Seiji Maehara
  1. 也有人表示,国土交通大臣前原诚司(seijimaehara)也有可能出任首相。

    Seiji Maehara , the infrastructure minister , is also talked of as a possible prime minister .

  2. 任命前原诚司(seijimaehara)出任外务大臣,很可能受到华盛顿安全圈子的欢迎。

    The appointment of Seiji Maehara as foreign minister is likely to be welcomed in Washington security circles .

  3. 日本国土交通大臣前原诚司(SeijiMaehara)将在周四、周五访问华盛顿,推销日本的高速子弹火车系统。

    Transport Minister Seiji Maehara will spend Thursday and Friday in Washington to promote Japan 's superfast bullet-train system as it chases part of U.

  4. 政治分析人士takeotoshikawa表示,前原诚司被视为安全问题上的“杰出专家”,号称在华盛顿拥有强大人脉。

    Mr Maehara was seen as a " distinguished expert " on security issues who boasted strong connections in Washington , said political analyst Takeo toshikawa .

  5. 前原诚司表示,日本的目标应该是逐步实现完全废除核电。

    Mr Maehara said Japan should aim to phase out nuclear power completely .

  6. 日本官员后来否认前原诚司说过那样的话。

    Japanese officials later dismissed suggestions he had ever made such a claim .

  7. 前原诚司是家中的独子,依靠奖学金上了高中和知名学府京都大学。

    An only child , Mr Maehara attended both high school and the prestigious Kyoto University on scholarships .

  8. 前原诚司是在9月初日方扣留中国渔船船长仅几天后受命出任外相的。

    His move came just days after the arrest of the Chinese fishing boat captain in early September .

  9. 世界各地都进行着财政宽松的政策,但日本的货币储备不足,前原诚司说。

    There are fiscal-easing moves worldwide , but on a monetary basis Japan is falling short , Maehara said .

  10. 华盛顿的大部分人更喜欢前原诚司,因为他支持日美联盟,是一个亲美派,弗莱克表示。

    Most people in Washington are more comfortable with Maehara because he is pro-alliance , pro-American , said Mr Flake .

  11. 她星期三在夏威夷与日本外务大臣前原诚司举行会晤,讨论如何解决中日紧张关系的问题。

    She meets Japanese Foreign Minister Seiji Maehara in Hawaii on Wednesday for talks expected to tackle Tokyo 's tense relations with China .

  12. 这是一个事关人命的安全问题,制造商有责任作出坚定的回应,前原诚司表示。

    This is a safety issue on which people 's lives depend , and it 's a manufacturer 's duty to respond firmly , he said .

  13. 财务大臣和工业部长是在党魁竞争中处于领先地位,但是日本前外交部长前原诚司作为另一名潜在候选人再度出现。

    The Finance minister and Industry minister are the front runners in the leadership race , but former foreign minister , Seiji Maehara , has reemerged as another potential candidate .

  14. 媒体报道援引前原诚司在会后的讲话称,中方已同意举行高层会谈,并就东海有争议的天然气田与日方重启谈判。

    Media reports quoted Mr Maehara afterwards as saying China had agreed to a high-level meeting and to restart talks with Tokyo over disputed gasfields in the East China Sea .

  15. 日本经济大臣前原诚司表示,正当政府为竞选做准备而忽视公众强烈支持的提议,该国需要更为宽松的货币政策和政治努力去促进经济增长。

    JAPANESE Economy Minister Seiji Maehara said the country needs more monetary easing and policy efforts to encourage growth as the government prepares for election against an opposition that has stronger public support .

  16. 中国分析人士表示,北京方面显然已断定,前原诚司是中日关系中的一个障碍,因此自他卸任国土交通大臣、改任外务大臣以来,正采取一切能够采取的行动来拆他的台。

    Chinese analysts said Beijing had clearly identified Mr Maehara as an obstacle in Sino-Japanese relations and was doing everything it could to undermine him since he stepped down as transport minister to take up his post .

  17. 前原诚司昨天在富士电视台节目上说,政府计划向经济注入约200亿日元(25亿美元),没有详细说明这些资金的来源。

    The government plans to inject about 200 billion yen ( US $ 2.5 billion ) into the economy , Maehara said on a Fuji television program yesterday , without giving details on the source of those funds .

  18. 美国官员将会希望,前原诚司将能够推动商讨一项有争议的计划,该计划是为了搬迁日本南部冲绳岛上的一个美国海军陆战队基地,这个问题已多次引发东京与华盛顿之间的摩擦。

    US officials will be hoping Mr Maehara will be able to smooth discussions about a controversial plan to relocate a US Marine base on the southern island of Okinawa , an issue that has caused repeated friction between Tokyo and Washington .

  19. 前原诚司表示:有必要对发电和用电方式进行革命性的改变。曾担任国土交通大臣和外务大臣的前原诚司,今年3月因一项轻微的资金丑闻而辞职。

    There is a need for a revolutionary shift in how electricity is generated and used , said Mr Maehara , who served as transport minister and as foreign minister before stepping down from the cabinet in March over a minor funding scandal .

  20. 胡正跃还提到希拉里与前原诚司上周四在夏威夷举行的会晤,美国国务卿在会晤期间重申了美方的立场,即按照美日签署的条约,美方有义务协助日本防卫上述有争议的岛屿。

    Mr Hu also referred to a meeting between Mrs Clinton and Mr Maehara in Hawaii on Thursday , in which the Secretary of state restated the US position that it was bound by treaties with Japan to help defend the disputed uninhabited islands at the heart of Sino-Japanese tensions .