
  • 网络landing ship;Landing Craft;LST;Landing Ship Tank
  1. 我们的登陆舰上不去。

    We couldn 't get landing craft in here .

  2. 另外一方面,下了登陆舰之后,我们上了两栖拖拉机。

    On the other side , we changed from the landing craft to amphibious tractors .

  3. 联合打击战机、LCS、维吉尼亚级潜舰和圣安东尼级登陆舰-惊鸿一瞥你们未来的海军武力。

    The joint strike fighter , the LCS , the Virginia class submarine , and the San Antonio class LPD-just a glimpse into your Navy future force .

  4. 登陆舰登陆作战中设置装甲防护必要性和可行性

    Necessity and feasibility of armor of landing ship in landing battle

  5. 国外船坞登陆舰技术现状及其发展趋势

    The state-of-the-art of worldwide dock landing ship technologies and future development trend

  6. 新型登陆舰液压传动系统的设计分析

    Design analysis of the hydraulic transmission system developed for new type of landing ship

  7. 像郁金香一样盛开荷兰皇家海军鹿特丹级两栖船坞登陆舰

    Rotterdam-class Amphibious Dock Ship of Royal Netherlandish Navy

  8. 圣安东尼级登陆舰已在2006年服役。

    The San Antonio class Landing Platform Dock ( LPD ) hit the fleet in2006 .

  9. 敌均强袭登陆舰投放直升机了。在它们到达沙鸟前击落它们。

    AWACS Thunderhead Enemy assault ships are launching attack helicopters . Shoot them down before they reach Sand Island .

  10. 该文从定量分析的角度对船坞登陆舰编队展开点确定问题进行了探讨,建立了其数学模型,并用一个实例予以说明。

    This paper deals with the determination of deployment points for dock landing ships in formation on the basis of quantitative analysis .

  11. 美军第五舰队20日透露,一艘核潜艇和一艘两栖登陆舰当天早些时候在伊朗附近的霍尔木兹海峡相撞。

    U.S.Fifth Fleet said on the20th , a submarine and an amphibious landing ship earlier in the day in Iran near the Strait of Hormuz collision .

  12. 去年5月份,中国派遣一支工作组前往被马来西亚视为该国领土的南中国海最南端,工作组包括一艘两栖登陆舰。

    Last May it sent a task force including an amphibious landing ship to the farthest southern reaches of the area , which Malaysia considers its territory .

  13. 一艘中国军舰7月下旬与刚刚离开越南水域的一艘印度海军登陆舰发生正面遭遇,这是中印海军在南中国海首次得到报道的遭遇。

    A Chinese warship confronted an Indian navy vessel shortly after it left Vietnamese waters in late July in the first such reported encounter between the two countries ' navies in the South China Sea .

  14. 两栖坦克主动驾驶模拟训练系统可以有效地解决两栖坦克陆地、水上基础驾驶和上、下登陆舰驾驶的全过程实时仿真训练问题。

    The initiative Driving Training Simulator of An Amphibious Tank can effectively settle the timely problems of simulation training , including driving on the land , basic driving on the water , and driving into or out landing warship .

  15. 在战争的最后几周,登陆Grant舰之后,士兵向林肯请示怎样处置李将军当初降伏的叛军。

    In the war 's final weeks , aboard Grant 's flagship , The River Queen , President Lincoln was asked what was to be done with the rebel armies once General Lee surrendered .

  16. 其他美国战舰今年已经访问香港,包括尼米兹航空母舰战斗群和蓝岭号两栖登陆指挥舰。

    Other U.S. war ships have already visited Hong Kong this year , including the carrier the Nimitz and the command ship Blue Ridge .

  17. 一体化联合登陆作战中船坞登陆舰编队展开点确定研究

    On determination of deployment point for dock landing ship formation in integrated landing operation

  18. 舰载登陆艇是船坞登陆舰上的重要装备,在两栖战中起着关键的作用,其性能的好坏将影响着整个两栖战的胜负。

    Carrier landing craft is important equipment in dock landing ship . Carrier landing craft in amphibious warfare played a key role , and its performance will affect the outcome of the amphibious warfare .