
dēnɡ jì biǎo
  • registration sheet;register
  1. 更为严格的救济金申领规定将很多人剔除出了失业登记表。

    Tighter rules for benefit entitlement have knocked many people off the unemployment register .

  2. 登记表显示他的出生日期是1979年8月2号。

    The registration form showed his date of birth as August 2 , 1979 .

  3. 他寄给我一份入会登记表。

    He sent me a membership form

  4. 他正在仔细检查旅馆住宿登记表。

    He was looking over a hotel register .

  5. C饭店职员:请填写这张住宿登记表,然后我就会把钥匙给您。

    Clerk : > Please fill out this registration form , and I 'll give you your room key .

  6. W:现在请您填一下住宿登记表吧。

    W : Ok , now could you fill out this registration form ?

  7. 已提交IPO登记表的公司数量仍在持续增长。

    The pipeline of Companies in registration has continued to grow .

  8. 私募股权投资公司&凯雷投资集团(CarlyleGroup)周二上午向美国证券交易委员会(SEC)提交了S-1上市登记表,宣布该公司计划完成市场期待已久的IPO上市。

    Private equity firm Carlyle Group filed an S-1 with the SEC Tuesday morning , declaring its intent to complete a long-anticipated public offering .

  9. 为了解决这一问题,网络管理员有必要建立规范的IP地址分配表、IP地址和硬件地址(MAC)登记表,并且做到实时监控。

    In order to solve the problem , it is necessary for network administrator to establish the regular tables of IP allocation and IP-MAC mapping and be able to make real-time monitor .

  10. Jones博士主张对接待人员和辅助工作人员进行特别培训,以帮助他人填写登记表,并延长出诊时间,需要时预约时间更为灵活。

    Jones advocates specific training for receptionists and support staff to help people fill out registration forms and his practice offers longer , more flexible appointments if needed .

  11. 自动生成标准格式的房屋信息登记表、房屋信息台帐、房屋人口信息表。并完全兼容Excel格式文档的导出。

    Automatically generate standard format " Housing Information Registration Form "," Housing accounting "," Housing demographic information table . " Export Excel format and is fully compatible with the document .

  12. 方法运用病人情况登记表及疾病影响程度测定表对病人进行问卷调查,所得结果应用STATA软件包在IBMPC机上进行统计学分析。

    Methods Results from registration questionaire and morbidity effect degree questionaire of the patients were processed statistically by STATA software batg on IBMPC .

  13. 作者用VB开发了学生学籍与成绩登记表制作软件,实现了学生信息与成绩的自动读取、填写和打印,大大提高了登记报表的制作效率,实际使用效果较好。

    The author designs student 's status and report card developing software with VB , realize automatic reading student 's message and grade data , write and print , enhance the efficient of report card developing .

  14. 根据上市发行的汇价,有价证券声请上市登记表S1、S2或S3均可用于此类的融资。

    Depending on the exchange on which an Issuer is listed , a simple S1 , S2 , or S3 registration statement can be used to facilitate this type of financing .

  15. FleetMatics于2012年5月17日保密提交了IPO登记表草稿,预计在SEC完成审核流程后将启动IPO。

    The offering is expected to commence after the SEC completes the review process initiated by fleetmatics ' confidential Submission on Thursday May 17 , 2012 of its draft registration statement .

  16. 方法抽取20个大骨节病病区县进行儿童大骨节病病情调查,并按要求填写调查登记表,按国家级标准(GB)集体读片,确诊病例,统计并分析临床阳性率及X线阳性率。

    Methods 20 counties were sampled for investigating . Registration forms was filled out , radiographs were read by a group of specialist to diagnose , and clinical detective rate and X-ray detective rate were counted and analyzed .

  17. 该公司(向美国监管机构)递交的s-1登记表中,提供了一些可以用来制作模型的基本财务数据,包括过去5年的收入、营运成本、资本支出、以及折旧和摊销计划。

    Its S-1 registration statement ( with US regulators ) provides rudimentary financial statements from which to model the company . Revenues , operating costs , capital expenditure and depreciation and amortisation schedules are available for the past five years .

  18. 分析了分布式系统中引起进程迁移的两类主要原因,引入进程登记表(PRT)和负载状况表(LST),并在此基础上探讨了实现进程迁移的具体过程。

    The paper points out two main classes of cause for process transmission in distributed system , and then introduces Processes Register Table ( PRT ) and Loading Status Table ( LST ) . At last , the detailed implementation of process transmission is discussed .

  19. 阿登记表,必须获得,完成并返回秘书长与$50.00现金,支票或汇票支付给SLPU。

    A Registration Form must be obtained , completed and returned to the General Secretary with $ 50.00 cash , check or money order made payable to SLPU .

  20. 很多凶手提交犯罪记录而有很长的犯罪登记表。

    Some thugs commit crimes to get a iong rap sheet .

  21. 这是住房登记表,请您填一下。

    This is the check-in form , please fill it out .

  22. 这是你们的房间钥匙、登记表及早餐券。

    Here are the keys , registration slips and breakfast vouchers .

  23. 你知道我最喜欢填旅店登记表了。

    You know how I like to check in to hotels .

  24. 部队医院眼外伤登记表和数据库的建立

    Establishment of eye injury registration forms and databases of military hospitals

  25. 学生学籍与成绩登记表制作软件开发

    Design of Student 's Status and Report Card Developing Software

  26. 报名须填写报名登记表,并订立合作意向书。

    Fill in the registration form and signing cooperation letter of intent .

  27. 这是住房登记表,请您用正楷填写好吗?

    This is the living registration , please fill in block letters .

  28. 请在这张登记表上写下你的家庭住址。

    Please write your home address on the registration form .

  29. 别忘了在登记表上写下你白天的电话号码。

    Remember to write your daytime telephone number on the entry form .

  30. 手术室锐器伤登记表的应用

    Application of recording sheet of sharp injury in operating room