
jié hūn zhènɡ
  • marriage certificate;marriage license
  1. 已婚妇女必须携带结婚证。

    Wives will have to bring along their marriage certificate .

  2. 我俩约好了,明天去申领结婚证!

    We have arranged to apply for a marriage certificate tomorrow .

  3. 【英文原文】Thisismarriageallabout——婚姻就是这么一回事我和未婚妻在县办公室领结婚证。

    My wife-to-be and I were at the county clerk 's office for our marriage license .

  4. Ty和Elena婚礼宣誓完毕后相互亲吻,Ty手里拿到了结婚证。

    Ty and Elena kiss minutes after saying their vows . He is holding their wedding license .

  5. 据TMZ网站报道,有人目睹了贾斯汀?比伯和海莉?鲍德温走进纽约一家法院,而这一家恰好是签发结婚证的地方。

    Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin have been spotted entering a New York courthouse - and it 's known to issue marriage licences , according to TMZ .

  6. 10月,TMZ报道海莉已经申请将“海莉比伯”这一名称加入商标,同时还声称这对夫妇在办理结婚证当天就在纽约举行了秘密的结婚仪式。

    In October , TMZ reported that Baldwin had filed to trademark the name " Hailey Bieber , " while also claiming that the couple married in a secret ceremony in New York the day that they obtained their marriage licence .

  7. 拿结婚证必须先验血。

    A blood test is required to get a marriage license .

  8. 结婚证只是工作证又一代名词。

    Marriage certificate is just another word for a work permit .

  9. 你曾想过要找到结婚证吗?

    Did you ever manage to find the marriage license ?

  10. 出生证或结婚证都是有记录可查的东西。

    A birth certificate or a marriage license is a matter of record .

  11. 帮我填一下这个结婚证申请。

    Yves : Help me fill out this application for our marriage license .

  12. 在这同时,尼文.科恩和丹尼尔.赫尔南德兹向人们展示他们的结婚证。

    Meanwhile , Nevin Cohen and Daniel Hernandez showed off their marriage certificate .

  13. 当然,姐就是没有房产证、结婚证。

    Of course , the sister is no real estate license , marriage certificate .

  14. 有关部门建议他们二人再简单的结一次婚、再办一次结婚证。

    Authorities advised them to simply get married again - for a new certificate .

  15. 学生,你必须签署一份结婚证,当你结婚时。

    Student : You have to sign a marriage license when you get married .

  16. 虽然如此,但遗憾的是她们还是不能领到结婚证呢。

    It is a pity , though , that they cannot receive a marriage certificate .

  17. 儿子的材料:儿子,媳妇的结婚证,房产证,公司证明。

    Our son 's materials : Certificate of marriage , house ownership , a company .

  18. 阿里竺斯说,按照规定,准新人们完成植树义务后才可领取结婚证。

    Couples are required to plant the trees to receive their legal paperwork , Alidrus said .

  19. 而且还有特许结婚证&你当然要用特许结婚证结婚的。

    And a special licence . You must and shall be married by a special licence .

  20. 取得结婚证,即确立夫妻关系。

    The husband and wife relationship shall be established as soon as they acquire the marriage certificates .

  21. 在经过三年的同居生活后,玛丽和杰克终于决定领结婚证了。

    Mary and Jack at last decided to get a marriage license after cohabiting for three years .

  22. 他和笑笑很快领了结婚证,虽然他从来没有喜欢过她。

    He and smiled quickly picking up a marriage certificate , although he had never liked her .

  23. 我们拿到结婚证之后只有90天的时间举行婚礼,知道了吗?

    We only have 90 days after we get the license to get married , got that ?

  24. 此举有效地为当地政府扫清了障碍,使他们开始向同性恋伴侣发放结婚证。

    The move effectively cleared the way for local authorities to begin issuing marriage licences to gay couples .

  25. 之后就有传言称二人已经秘密领结婚证并在香港结婚。

    There were rumors that she and Wang secretly got a marriage certificate and married in Hong Kong later .

  26. 我丈夫和我其实是在中国结的婚。我们还甚至有一个中国结婚证。

    We 've spent summers in America , but China is , and has always been , their home .

  27. 他说在很多国家,包括澳大利亚,很多人都是同居而不领结婚证的,同样可以受到法律的保护。

    In many countries including Australia many people choose living together without marriage , which is still protected by law .

  28. 今天,数十名同性情侣在法庭外面排队等待领取结婚证。

    Dozens of Same sex couples are lined up in the court house today , waiting to get marriage licenses .

  29. 申请人与担保人的关系证明,例如出生证或结婚证及往来信件;

    Evidence of your relationship to your sponsor , such as a birth or marriage certificate and any related correspondence ;

  30. 以先验的方式或者到了先验的程度。拿结婚证必须先验血。

    In a transcendental way or to a transcendental extent . A blood test is required to get a marriage license .