
  • 网络Birth Certificate
  1. 同时,系统还实现了出生医学证明的信息化管理,并利用生长发育曲线等相关计算图表为每个参保儿童提供有针对性的,个性化的发育健康状况的对比跟踪服务。

    At the same time , the system achieve the information management of birth certificate . and by using the relevant graphics the system provide personalized , follow-up service about the health and growth of every insured child .

  2. 根据户籍管理范围,决定《出生医学证明》发放的授权。

    They authorized to extend the 《 Birth Medical Certificate 》 according to census register management range .

  3. 以《出生医学证明》发放为契机促进儿童系统保健保偿工作的开展

    Take Extending the Birth Medical Certificate as Turning Point , Promote the Child Systemic Health and Compensation Work

  4. 在办理《出生医学证明》的同时,根据保健的时间长短,收取一定数量的保健保偿金,发放儿童系统保健保偿证。

    At the same time , the health and compensation money were collected , the children systemic health compensation certificate were extended .

  5. 为了促进儿童系统保健工作的开展,使初级卫生保健工作落到实处,我县以《出生医学证明》发放为契机,做好各有关部门的协调工作。

    In order to promote the children systemic health work , implement the primary health work , Cao County took extending the 《 Birth Medical Certificate 》 as turning point , did well the harmonious work of the departments concerned .