
  • 网络price;sales price;sale;market price;offering price
  1. 然而,如果出售价格通过正当渠道获得批准,APP的收购仍可顺利进行。

    However , the APP purchase could still go through if the sale price is approved through proper channels .

  2. 在与华能达成的出售价格中,GMR将会收到2.25亿美元,其余将用来偿还控股公司的债务。

    Of the sale price agreed with Huaneng , the company will receive $ 225m , with the rest being used to pay off debts in the holding company .

  3. 本周,在感恩节之后的“黑色星期五”(blackfriday)节日促销活动中,沃尔玛将首次出售价格低于130美元的蓝光播放器。

    Wal-Mart will sell the first sub - $ 130 Blu-ray player in " Black Friday " holiday sales this week after the Thanksgiving holiday .

  4. 在OTCBB提供经纪人实时报价,最后的出售价格和数量信息。

    The OTCBB provides brokers with real-time quotes , last-sale prices , and volume information .

  5. 我在节目中提到,最近的出售价格显示Twitter估值已接近100亿美元,而美国投资基金GSVCapital(GSVC)最近对其所持Twitter股票的估值也使得Twitter总估值达到了98亿美元。

    On air I mentioned that recent sales had come in at close to $ 10 billion , while GSV capital ( gsvc ) most recently had marked its twitter shares at $ 9.8 billion .

  6. 圣诞节即将来临之际,英国的连锁折扣超市Lidl和Iceland出售价格低于5英镑的冰冻龙虾(用它们来烹饪热月龙虾味道极好)。

    In the run up to Christmas , the discount supermarket chains Lidl and Iceland are offering frozen lobsters for under 5 ( they make a great Thermidor ) .

  7. 百度公司上周一表示,双方在几轮讨论之后仍未达成协议,之后致信百度董事会撤回私有化要约。百度股东、纽约对冲基金AcaciaPartners批评爱奇艺的出售价格“过低”。

    The pair informed the board that they had withdrawn the offer after failing to strike a deal despite several rounds of discussions , Baidu said last Monday . The withdrawal came days after New York hedge fund Acacia Partners criticized the online search giant for considering selling iQiyi at a price that is " far too low . "

  8. 不得提高该房地产的出售价格。

    Shall not raise the price of real estate for sale .

  9. 当他们生产更加高质量的食品时,他们的出售价格也更高。

    And when they produce high-quality food , they can get higher prices .

  10. 生产成本越高,出售价格也会相应变高。

    The higher the production cost is , the higher the selling price is .

  11. 这位发言人表示,两家公司协议的出售价格过低。

    The sale price that the two companies had agreed on was too low , the spokesman said .

  12. 未来几周,澳洲航空股东将就是否同意每股5.60澳元的出售价格进行投票表决。

    Qantas shareholders will vote on whether to accept the A $ 5.60-a-share offer in the coming weeks .

  13. 考虑到设备的折旧因素,其出售价格会定得合理。

    The equipment will be sold at the reasonable price with allowance made for depreciation of the equipment .

  14. 到了1820年,土地最低出售价格降至每亩1.25美元。

    By 1820 , the minimum purchase was reduced to 80 acres and the price per acre to $ 1.25 .

  15. 这一出售价格与工行股票周一5.11港元的收盘价相比,有4%至6%的折让。

    The sale price represents a 4-6 per cent discount to Monday 's closing price of HK $ 5.11 a share .

  16. 在宣布这项交易时,恒基兆业表示,关于公寓出售价格低于市价的说法完全失实。

    When the sale was announced , the company said claims the apartments were sold at below market prices were totally untrue .

  17. 这家公司的总部位于华盛顿贝尔维尤,最初将着眼于研发并出售价格极其低廉的机器人宇宙飞船,用于勘探调查任务。

    Planetary Resources , based in Bellevue , Washington , initially will focus on developing and selling extremely low-cost robotic spacecraft for surveying missions .

  18. 当该资产在临界点的经营利润低于其出售价格一定比例时,最佳的选择就是剥离该资产。

    The best choice is to sell an asset when the operating profit at critical point is lower than the selling price by some proportions .

  19. 卖空是对冲基金经理人所使用的一种策略,它出售价格会下跌的证券。

    Short selling is a strategy that hedge fund managers use , and it involves selling a security that the trader assumes will fall in price .

  20. 在与老佛爷百货谈判期间,曾有知情人士表示,麦卡锡考虑的出售价格至少是4.5亿英镑。

    During the talks with Galeries Lafayette , people familiar with the situation said Mr McCarthy was looking for a price tag of at least £ 450m .

  21. 2012伦敦奥运会的金牌从金属价值来看,只值410英镑。当然金牌的实际出售价格要远高于此。

    The 2012 gold medallion is therefore only worth about 410 as raw metal although the real value would , of course , be much higher if the medals were ever sold .

  22. 汇丰银行正重新将注意力聚焦于传统的亚洲根基,它曾被视为收购这些资产的热门人选,而汇丰和华侨银行之间的竞争帮助推高了出售价格。

    HSBC , which is refocusing its attention on its traditional Asian roots , was considered a strong favourite to acquire the assets and the competition helped to push up the sale price .

  23. 五矿看上去似乎肯定会得到一笔好买卖:这些资产的出售价格与账面价值相比有4亿美元的折扣。

    It certainly seems as though Minmetals would be getting a good deal : the assets are going for a $ 400m discount to book value . But what it represents is certainty of execution .

  24. 即便如此,销售价格最近的下跌仍表明,卖家可能最终愿意屈服于市场压力,并调低他们的出售价格,此举可能会吸引小心翼翼的买家回到市场中来。

    Even so , the recent drop in price suggests sellers may at last be willing to cave in to market pressures and lower their listing prices , a move that could draw wary buyers back in .

  25. 一方面,提高柑橘品质的努力会反应在柑橘生产成本水平及其结构中;另一方面,柑橘出售价格的主要构成主体是其生产成本。

    On the one hand , efforts to improve citrus quality will reflect in the level of citrus production cost and its structure . On the other hand , the main composition subject of citrus selling price is the production cost .

  26. 我国玉米供给主要用于满足国内玉米需求,玉米市场价格主要受到农户出售价格的影响,农户出售价格增加10%将带来玉米市场价格增加7.51%。

    Most of corn production in our country was used to meet domestic demand , corn market prices were mainly affected by the selling prices of households , peasants ' selling prices increased 10 % would bring market prices increased 7.51 % .

  27. 结果表明,原料奶的出售价格、物质费用和饲养规模是影响原料奶生产成本收益率的主要因素,大城市郊区的原料奶生产成本收益率低于其它地区。

    It is found that the selling price of raw milk , material expense and the scale of feeding are the main factors affecting the cost-benefit ratio , and the ratio in rural areas is greater than that in the suburbs of big cities .

  28. 该庄园现在出售,价格可议。

    The Manor is for sale at a negotiable price .

  29. 包括Facebook、Twitter和网页浏览器在内,很多关键应用程序似乎都很粗糙,在不使用键盘的情况下不太好用。三星有键盘出售,价格在100美元左右。

    Many of the key apps , including Facebook , Twitter and the Web browser , seemed crude and hard to use without a keyboard , which Samsung sells for about $ 100 .

  30. 苹果这次大力宣传新设备,是希望能够在微软发布Windows8之前,向有意转向Mac操作系统的用户出售更多价格在1000美元以上的电脑。

    By making a push around the new devices Apple hopes to sell more of its $ 1000-plus computers to new converts to the Mac operating system , ahead of the release of Microsoft 's Windows 8 software .