
chū shòu
  • sell;on sale;sale;offer for sale;sell-off;vend;flog
出售 [chū shòu]
  • [offer for sale;sell] 卖出去

出售[chū shòu]
  1. 索尼数码影院(SonyDigitalCinema)将向目前使用4K数码投影机的影院标价出售一款远程软件升级,确保这些投影机能放映像《霍比特人》这样用每秒48帧技术拍摄的电影。

    Sony Digital Cinema will offer for sale to current users of its 4K digital cinema projectors a remote software update to make sure its projectors will be able to play movies like ' The Hobbit ' at the higher , 48 fps frame rate .

  2. 做买卖;出售一些生活必需品。

    Do business ; offer for sale as for one 's livelihood .

  3. 你在价钱高的时候出售,真明智。

    You did well to sell when the price was high .

  4. 那时出售股份是精明之举。

    It was an astute move to sell the shares then .

  5. 在决定出售公司的问题上,我们没有发言权。

    We had no say in the decision to sell the company .

  6. 土豆是散装而不是袋装出售。

    The potatoes were sold loose , not in bags .

  7. 我们能以低于我们的欧洲对手5%的价格出售。

    We were able to undercut our European rivals by 5 % .

  8. 我们正在出售自家的住宅。

    We 're in the process of selling our house .

  9. 这种床以散件出售,很快就可以组装起来。

    The bed comes in sections which can be quickly slotted together .

  10. 他们已经得到阻止这家公司出售这一产品的禁销令。

    They have obtained an injunction restraining the company from selling the product .

  11. 他的歌曲专辑有磁带和光盘出售。

    His albums are available on tape and CD .

  12. 我们以公道的价格出售优质食品。

    We sell good quality food at reasonable prices .

  13. 他们的房子现在出售。

    They 've put their house up for sale .

  14. 他以200万元的价格出售了版权。

    He sold the rights for $ 2 million .

  15. 我们出售打印机、扫描仪,以及打印扫描二合一设备。

    We sell printers and scanners , and all-in-ones that combine the two .

  16. 这家商店出售的商品从鞋带到计算机应有尽有。

    The store sells everything from shoelaces to computers .

  17. 芥末是以粉末状出售的。

    The mustard is sold in powder form .

  18. 我们只按米出售。

    We only sell it by the metre .

  19. 我们出售各种教育软件。

    We carry a range of educational software .

  20. 在收市前常常有些面包降价出售。

    There was usually some bread going cheap at the end of the day .

  21. 工人全然不知出售公司的计划。

    Workers were kept in the dark about the plans to sell the company .

  22. 我们出售各种无谷蛋白产品。

    We sell a range of gluten-free products .

  23. 这些药没有处方不能出售。

    They are not available without a prescription .

  24. 厨房用具在地下室出售。

    Kitchen goods are sold in the basement .

  25. 该公司正将产品半价出售。

    The company is halving its prices .

  26. 许多商品都以半价出售。

    Many items are at half price .

  27. 他们出售各种各样的东西。

    They sell all kinds of things .

  28. 他们一部分的收入来自出售货品和各种服务所得。

    They receive a proportion of their income from the sale of goods and services .

  29. 铜管按长度出售。

    Copper pipe is sold in lengths .

  30. 不准出售或以其他方式散发过去的试卷。

    It is not permitted to sell or otherwise distribute copies of past examination papers .