
  1. 其中,对于资本主义意识形态的批判是其主要的历史任务和理论特征。

    Among which , the main historic task and the theory characteristics are to criticize Capitalism .

  2. 詹姆逊还认为马克思主义的文学阐释模式不仅是对资本主义意识形态的批判,而且是对马克思主义意识形态的建构,是意识形态与乌托邦的统一。

    In Jameson 's opinions , Marxist literature hermeneutics mode is both Ideological critique and Utopian construction .

  3. 从本质上讲,资本主义意识形态是为资产阶级统治服务的,必然具有历史和阶级的局限。

    In nature , capitalism ideology serves for capitalism governance and has inevitably class and historical limit .

  4. 全球化背景下社会主义意识形态和资本主义意识形态既互相共存又相互斗争。

    Under the background of the globalization , the Socialist ideology and the Capitalist ideology exist together while struggle against each other .

  5. 他们的政治哲学思想在本质上都是资本主义意识形态的反映,都未能摆脱资本主义主流政治哲学思潮&自由主义的桎梏。

    Their political thoughts are the reflection of the capitalist ideology in essence , and are confined to liberalism , the mainstream political thought of capitalism .

  6. 冷战结束以后,以美国为首的西方发达国家,通过各种途径、运用各种方法向目标国家渗透和输出资本主义意识形态。

    The western developed countries led by the United States permeated and output capitalist ideology to target countries through various channels and different methods after Cold War .

  7. 市场自由主义作为整体的理论体系首先是资本主义意识形态的重要组成部分,主要是论证资本主义的天然合理性。

    Market liberalism as a whole theoretical system , first of all , is an important component of the capitalist ideology . It defends mainly the natural rationality of capitalism .

  8. 随着全球化在世界范围内的推广,代表资本主义意识形态的消费文化日益进入到大众的日常生活领域,塑造并控制着大众对生活、世界和自身的审美感受和认识。

    With the progress and spread of globalization , the consumer culture which represents the ideology of capitalism is permeating the masses ' everyday life step by step , molding and dominating their aesthetic perception and knowledge of the world and themselves .

  9. 从另一个方面看,根据历史的文本性这三部作品又都具有一些相似之处,比如资本主义意识形态以及资本主义下的屈服等等。

    On the other hand , they also possess some similarities from many aspects , such as ideology of capitalism , submissiveness under capitalism etc which are showed with the help of ' the history is textal ', for historical texts are also noted down by human beings .

  10. 资本主义主流意识形态在20世纪发生了两次深刻的变革。

    The capitalism mainstream ideology passes through two great transformations .

  11. 我反对资本主义的意识形态。

    I don 't agree with the ideology of capitalism .

  12. 全球化是世界经济的加速器,但也弥漫着资本主义的意识形态色彩。

    Globalization is the accelerator of the world economy , but also filled with strong colors of the capitalist ideology .

  13. 在后现代语境下,指导人类未来发展的思想意识必须冲破资本主义的意识形态系统,到东方哲学里寻找人类社会永续发展的哲学法则。

    In the post-modern context , the guiding ideology of the future development of the human need to break through the ideology of the capitalist system , to the Oriental philosophy of sustainable development of human society to find the philosophy of law .

  14. 普京对于国家资本主义并没有意识形态上的偏好,但政府明白私有企业更难支使。

    Putin has no ideological preference for state capitalism but the government knows that private companies are harder to boss around .

  15. 它不涉及社会主义与资本主义间的意识形态争论及制度选择,而是资本主义社会内部出现的一种社会改良主义。

    It does not involve ideology argument and system choice between the socialism and the capitalism , but is one kind of reformism that the capitalist society interiorly appears . What the Third Path ?

  16. 马克思哲学的历史思维方式实现了对资本主义社会的意识形态批判与历史性研究的内在统一,开创了一条能够真正深入资本主义现实的独特的思想之路。

    Realizing the union of the ideological critique and the historical research of bourgeois society , the historical thinking of Marxian philosophy paves a possible and special way to understanding the reality of bourgeois society .

  17. 而在社会发展中处于特殊地位发挥着不开替代作用的高校,更是日益成为思想激荡和意识形态斗争的前沿阵地,也成为了西方资本主义国家进行意识形态渗透和争夺中国青年的重地。

    Colleges and universities , which occupy a special and indispensable position in the social development , are increasingly becoming the foreland of the interaction of various ideas and ideological struggle and also the strategic place where western capitalist countries contest Chinese young people by the way of ideological penetration .

  18. 自由主义是当代西方资本主义国家的主流意识形态。

    Liberalism is main ideology in contemporary Western Capitalism nations .

  19. 其实质是资本在全球的扩张,及资本主义政治制度、意识形态在全球的渗透。

    It is the expansion of the capital and the infiltration of capitalist political system and ideology worldwide .

  20. 第一是把资本主义视作一种意识形态概念,而不是用来改善人类福祉的实用工具。

    The first was to regard capitalism as an ideological good , not as a pragmatic instrument to improve human welfare .

  21. 宗教与西欧近代政治社会化有着密切的关系,西欧的宗教改革孕育出资本主义主流的政治意识形态,资本主义政治社会化是在宗教改革的过程中逐步进行的。

    There was a close relationship between religion and political socialization of West Europe in the modern times . The Reformation in West Europe in which the capitalist socialization was gradually achieved bred the mainstream of capitalist political ideology .

  22. 但是也正像马克思所认识到的那样,资本主义也并非一片净土,资本积累充满着血腥的屠杀与沉重的压迫,异化成为马克思揭示资本主义意识形态中不合理、不公正与不人道的钥匙。

    However , as Marx has claimed , capitalism is not as perfect as we expect , and capital accumulation is full of brutal massacre and serious oppress .