
  1. 刘晓明表示:“我们确实期望,也许甚至祈祷,希思罗机场将有第三条跑道。”中国的主权财富基金中投公司(CIC)在拥有希思罗机场的企业集团中持有10%股份。

    Mr Liu said : " We do expect , maybe even pray , that Heathrow airport will have a third runway . " China Investment Corporation , the country 's sovereign wealth fund , has a 10 per cent stake in the consortium that owns Heathrow .

  2. 刘晓明表示:“签证限制正在削弱英国的优势。”

    Mr Liu said : " Visa restrictions are eroding Britain 's strength . "

  3. 交通运输部副部长刘晓明说,这一数字超过了年均13%的目标。

    Vice minister of transport Liu Xiaoming says the figure surpassed the annual target by 13 percent .

  4. 刘晓明表示:我们确实期望,也许甚至祈祷,希思罗机场将有第三条跑道。

    Mr Liu said : We do expect , maybe even pray , that Heathrow airport will have a third runway .

  5. 采访中刘晓明引用了英国二战时期首相温斯顿丘吉尔的名言:不从历史中汲取教训的人,注定重蹈覆辙。

    Quoting Britain 's wartime prime minister Winston Churchill , Liu said : Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it .

  6. 新华社引用市交通委员会主任刘晓明的原话说,政府还将对驾车人设置更多限制。

    The government will also place more restrictions on drivers , Xinhua said , citing Liu Xiaoming , director of the Municipal Communications Commission , without elaborating .

  7. 中国驻英国大使刘晓明表示,他相信即便英国脱欧,这个“时代”也将继续。

    Chinese Ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming says he believes this " era " will continue even after the UK divorces itself from the European Union .

  8. 中国驻英国大使刘晓明表示,中国已经采取有力措施解决所面临的经济和政治障碍,未来的道路充满光明。

    Chinese ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming says China has taken serious measures to surmount economic and political obstacles and has a bright future in the road ahead .

  9. 在《新闻之夜》周三节目中采访了日本大使林景一之后,主持人杰里米帕克斯曼到另一个新闻直播间就同一话题采访了中国大使刘晓明。

    After interviewing Japan 's Keiichi Hayashi during Wednesday 's edition of the Newsnight programme , presenter Jeremy Paxman went to another studio set to conduct his interview with China 's Liu Xiaoming on the same topic .

  10. 刘晓明在剑桥大学马歇尔经济学会举办的“前方之路:新兴世界与贫困”研讨会上发表演讲,阐述中国在消除贫困方面所做的成就,并对中国未来经济前景发表评析。

    Liu Xiaoming delivered a speech at the conference themed " The Road Ahead : Visions for the Emerging World and Poverty " hosted by the Marshall Society of Economics of Cambridge University , introducing Chinese achievements on poverty reduction and China 's measures and visions for future development .