
  • Liu Xin;【人名】Xin Liu
  1. 站在我旁边的,我今天的搭档,可爱的刘欣。

    Next to me , my co-host for today , the lovely Liu Xin .

  2. 刘欣是第一届全国比赛的冠军,现在是中央电视台国际频道的一位新闻节目主持人。

    Liu Xin , the first champion of the national contest , is now an anchorperson of CCTV-9 .

  3. 刘欣称,来自一家钢铁企业的贿赂是以房屋贷款的名义给出的。

    One such payment from a steel tycoon was disguised as a home loan , according to the accusations .

  4. 除了能讲几种外语,刘欣在学校的时候,还担任过话剧导演,画时装设计图。

    Aside from speaking several foreign languages , at her school Liu Xin was also a play director and did fashion design .

  5. 在获得21世纪杯英语演讲比赛冠军之后,刘欣又参加了1996年5月份的伦敦国际演讲比赛,并历史性的获得了冠军。

    With the champion title in21st Century Cup , Liu attended the International Public Speaking competition in London in May1996 afterward and got the first prize historically .

  6. 刘欣的丈夫是土耳其德国人,是联合国的官员,经常工作在国外,所以照顾孩子的任务,都落在她一个人的肩上。

    He is an official at the United Nations , and often works overseas , and so the work of taking care of the child falls on her shoulders .

  7. 宣判全程历时35分钟,主审法官刘欣(音)用其中大部分时间来宣读他们的罪状,讲述了他们如何将铁矿石卖给十余家向他们行贿的中国钢铁企业,以换取数十万美元的贿赂。

    Judge Liu Xin spent most of the 35-minute proceeding reading bullet-point accusations of how the four steered iron-ore shipments to more than a dozen Chinese steelmakers in exchange for bribes valued in the hundreds of thousands of dollars each .

  8. 《十三棵泡桐》的主角刘欣说:“这是我第一次演电影,我很高兴首次出演就来参加电影节,还报奖而归。”

    Liu Xin , abercrombie , the leading actress in the film , said at the rite ," I am very elated that the first period I perform in a movie , I can enter a movie festival and win a prize . "