
  • 网络Duke Xiang of Song;Vojvoda Xiang od Songa
  1. 宋襄公为谋取霸主地位,展开了与楚国的较量。

    Figuring for the position of overlord , Duke Xiang of Song had a contest with Chu .

  2. 春秋时,宋襄公的弟弟为“司马子鱼”(司马是官职,子鱼为其字)。

    Spring and Autumn Period , Duke Xiang of Song 's younger brother as " son of the fish Sima "( Sima is the official , sub-fish for words ) .

  3. 其实,自矜仁义的宋襄公是一个凶狠残忍的伪君子。

    In reality , Song was a hypocrite who was fierce and cruel .

  4. 宋襄公这种畸形的“仁义”心态,是一种文化现象,有其产生的特殊原因。

    His deformed heart of benevolence and righteousness reveals a kind of cultural phenomenon which was caused by some special reasons .

  5. 公元前638年,两军在泓水相遇,宋军大败,宋襄公受了箭伤,不久便死去了。

    The two armies met at Hongshui in 638 B. C. Conseuently , Song was defeated , and Duke Xiang was wounded , and died .

  6. 第三章是本文的重点章节,主要是以理论工具对泓之战、宋襄公等历史事件和人物进行分析。

    The third chapter is the focus of this chapter ; the main theoretical tool is based on the Hong war , the Duke and other historical events and figures for analysis .