
  1. 群龙无首,宋军很快就被打垮了。

    Leaderless , the Song troops were soon utterly routed .

  2. 越南方面由于战术正确,打败宋军,维护了它的独立。

    An-nan defeated Sung army and maintained its independence due to exactitude in tactics .

  3. 宋军、金兵和元军都在战斗中使用这种武器。

    The Song , Jin and Yuan armies all used these weapons in war .

  4. 于是其结果是,除熙河之役外,多数的战争以宋军失败告终。

    With the exception of Xihe war , most of the wars ended in failure of Song .

  5. 屯田是宋军在对西夏作战中粮食补给的重要来源之一。

    Cultivation was one of the important means in the replenishment of Song 's army during the wartime with Xixia .

  6. 起义军兵力分散,抵挡不住宋军的反扑。次年四月,方腊被俘,就义于开封。

    The uprising army was defeated and in April the following year , Fang La was captured and soon put to death in Kaifeng .

  7. 公元前638年,两军在泓水相遇,宋军大败,宋襄公受了箭伤,不久便死去了。

    The two armies met at Hongshui in 638 B. C. Conseuently , Song was defeated , and Duke Xiang was wounded , and died .

  8. 由于圣宗年龄尚小,所以由其母萧太后摄政,萧太后是辽历史上著名的女政治家,于圣宗统和四年(987)进兵攻宋,大败宋军。

    Xiao was an outstanding female statesman in history . In the fourth year of Shengzong ( 987 ) , Liao launched war against Song and won the battle .

  9. 为了抵抗郑国军队的入侵,在决战之前,宋军主帅华元命令杀羊犒劳将士,以鼓舞士气。

    To enhance the morale of his soldiers , before the decisive battle against the invaders of Zhen , the supreme commander of Song troops Fa Yuan rewarded his men with mutton .

  10. 二月,宋军大败,陆秀夫身背末帝赵肩跳海而亡,之后张世杰堕海殉国。

    In February , the Southern Song 's troop was defeated and Lu Xiufu jumped into the sea , carrying the last emperor Zhaorui on his back . Soon Zhang Shijie pursued the same end .

  11. 在跟随高宗南撤的过程中,岳飞执掌着宋军的指挥权,利用女真人不善在南方多山地区作战这一特点,阻止其继续南攻。

    Retreating southward with Kao-tsung , Yue Fei assumed command of the Sung forces . He prevented the advance of the Juchen by taking advantage of their difficulty in using their cavalry in hilly South China .

  12. 宋仁宗景佑元年(1034),他开始不断向宋发动攻势,在府州(今山西府谷)、环州(今甘肃环县)、庆州(今甘肃庆阳)等地击败宋军。

    He attacked the Northern Song in the 1st year of Jingyou ( 1034 ) and defeated her forces in Fuzhou ( now Fugu in Shanxi ) , Huanzhou ( now Huanxian in Gansu ) and Qingzhou ( now Qingyang in Gansu ) .

  13. 金国于天兴元年(1233),元太宗窝阔台帅军攻下汴京,金哀宗逃至蔡州,次年,蔡州在蒙古军与宋军联合进攻下被攻破,金国至此宣告灭亡。

    In 1233 , Wokuotai , the Taizong of the Yuan Dynasty took Bianjing , Emperor of Jin , Aizong fled to Caizhou and in the following years , Jin was destroyed by the joint force of the Mongolia and the Southern Song , which brought the Jin to an end .