
  • 网络neo-confucianism in song dynasty
  1. 朱熹是宋代理学的集大成者,也是中国学术史上最著名的思想家之一。

    ZhuXi who was the master of Neo-Confucianism in Song Dynasty , also one of the most famous thinker in the academic history of china .

  2. 宋代理学的逻辑&以朱熹的《四书集注》为考察文本

    Logic of Neo-Confucianism in Song Dynasty & Regarding Zhu Xi 's Connotation of Four Books as Study Text

  3. 宋代理学贞节观及其影响

    The Neo-Confucian Viewpoint on Chastity and its influences in the Song Dynasty

  4. 略论宋代理学教育传播的特点

    Features of Dissemination of Neo-Confucianist Education In Song Dynasty

  5. 关于恶的来源,儒家有着相对一致的看法,但以宋代理学的观点最为典型,论述详尽,颇具代表性。

    About the source of evil , Confucianism has the relatively consistent view .

  6. 关于宋代理学理欲、义利争论的几个问题

    The Controversial Issues on Heavenly Principle and Human Desire , Righteousness and Utilitarian

  7. 宋代理学对山水画自然观的影响

    The Influence of Rationalism in the Song Dynasty Upon the Naturalism in Scenery Painting

  8. 试论宋代理学文学感物道情的特点

    Analysis of the Characteristics of Emotion - conveying in the Literature of the Confucian School in the Song Dynasty

  9. 宋代理学的主要论题是围绕着“境界”问题展开的。

    The main propositions of Confucianism in the Song Dynasty focused on the issue of " Ideal Realm " .

  10. 宋代理学思潮的兴起,使正统之辨成为传统政治历史文化中的一个鲜明主题。

    The rising of the thoughts of reason in song made the discrimination of orthodoxy a distinctive theme in the traditional political historical culture .

  11. 他的政治思想为宋代理学的形成提供了依据,构成理学形成并走向成熟的重要资源。

    In the meanwhile , he also provided in the formation of a science based on a physical form and move to maturity of the important resources .

  12. 论宋代理学发展的三个环节&兼评哲学史界关于宋代理学学派的一种划分

    On Three links of Principle-Theory of the Song Dynasty & Discussion on a Kind of Division of Principle-Theory of the Song Dynasty in the History of Philosophy

  13. 宋代理学兴起,对各区域学术的发展带来了极大的影响。

    The rise of Lixue ( a Confucian school of idealist philosophy ) in the Song period has great effect on the academic development in various regions .

  14. 本文将宋代美学的发展变迁置于宋代理学的语境中,从宋代理学的整体理论特点出发,运用历史与逻辑相结合的方法,研究理学对美学的影响。

    From the perspective of the overall theory of Song-Confucianism , we are engaged in the study on aesthetics under the influence of Song-Confucianism , adopting a combinative method of history and logic .

  15. 只是在宋代新儒学对系谱的重新制作中将中唐儒学划归到宋代理学前驱的部分中去。

    Genealogical re-produced in the Tang Dynasty Confucianism in the Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianism , was placed under the part of the Song Dynasty precursor . Be regarded as the beginning of Confucianism within .

  16. 以宋代理学精神为核心的哲学思想,引导了宋代绘画尚写生的理念,倡导全面细微的观察绘画对象,是一个以写实著称的时代。

    The core spirit of Confucian philosophy guided the drawing theory and advocated the subtle object painting in Song Dynasty . It is a period of sketch . It has a realistic in the usage of color .