
tào yǔ
  • polite formula;exchange of polite greeting;conventional phraseology;gambit
套语 [tào yǔ]
  • [exchange of polite greeting;conventional phraseology;gambit] 应酬的客套话;交际应酬的习惯用语

套语[tào yǔ]
  1. 文章根据体育专业不同专项学生编制暗示套语时暗示目标的统计分析,发现不同的运动项目第一暗示目标存在差异,反映出学生专项心理的重要特质;

    This paper makes statistics of analysis for the hint goal when sport professional different special student draws up hint polite formula , discovers different sport project first hint goal to have discrepancy , reflects the important special quality of student special psycholigy ;

  2. 传统故事采用“从前…”一类的套语。

    Traditional stories make use of formulaic expressions like ‘ Once upon a time …’ .

  3. “sincerelyyours”是写信的一种客套语。

    " sincerely yours " is a formula use in letters .

  4. 套语(doxa)的意识形态内涵与文学解读一只看不见的手&论意识形态对翻译实践的操纵

    Ideological Connotations of Doxa and Literary Reading An Invisible Hand : Ideological Manipulation in the Practice of Translation

  5. 佛教广律套语研究

    Studies in the Oral-formula of the Hinayana Sectarian Buddhism Vinaya-pitaka

  6. 自我暗示套语与投篮效果的实验研究

    An Experiment on Self-suggestion Formulae and the Effect of Shots

  7. 英、汉语言文化中的礼貌套语

    Politeness Expressions in Chinese and English Situation and Cross-cultural Communication

  8. 套语的交际性,相对固定性,减轻了语言学习者的心理负担和学习压力。

    The communication and relative fixity of formulaic speech can lighten their leaning burden .

  9. 本文从典故,成语,以及其他方面的套语来分析可隐去型文化缺省。

    It is analyzed from three aspects : allusions , idioms and other cliches .

  10. 了解涉外经贸合同套语扫除法律英语学习障碍

    Knowledge of Formulaic Expressions in Foreign Economic and Trade Contracts for the Study of Legal English

  11. 英语套语及语用功能

    Formula and its Pragmatic Functions

  12. 在大量识记套语之后,通过内在的理解与分析,并逐步地输出一些创造性的语句。

    After memorizing a lot of formulaic speeches , they gradually make some creative speeches by understanding and analyzing .

  13. 当他写完最初几行套语以后,他抬起眼睛说

    When he had written the first lines , which are formulas that never vary , he raised his eyes

  14. 放松套语中应尽量排除专业术语,使语言通俗易懂,贴近生活。

    We should reduce special terms , and the language should be easy to understand and close to the life .

  15. 在自然对话情境下习得疑问句常用的策略是:使用套语、重复、简化等。

    The frequently-used strategies of Chinese interrogatives acquisition in the context of natural conversation include using formulaic speech , repetition and simplification .

  16. 通过对商务英语词汇特点的归纳总结,作者发现商务英语词汇主要可以分为四大类:专业术语、行业套语、缩略语以及大量的普通词汇。

    And the Business English vocabulary can be divided into four categories : professional term , professional sets , acronyms , and common words .

  17. 此时的套语还尚未形成成熟的套语系统,但也出现了句法套语和主题套语的形式。

    Formula did not turn into the sophisticated formula system yet at that time , but syntactic formulas and theme formulas have come into being .

  18. 套语体现了法律语言程式化的特点,它常使商务英语和法律英语专业的学生感到棘手。

    Formulaic expressions account for the stylization of legal language , and thus constitute an obstacle to students who major in Legal English or Business English .

  19. “套语”是西方对口头文学的研究过程中提出的一个重要理论,重在对口头文学创作形式的研究。

    Formula is an important theory raised by western scholars in the research of oral literature , with the focus on the specific forms of the oral literature creation .

  20. 无论何种方式的商务信函都应注意语气、态度、用词和符号的选择以及商务套语。

    Attention should be paid to the tone , attitude , choice of words , signs and clich é s , which will be explained with examples in the thesis .

  21. 套语是社会意识形态的一种语言表现形式。西方,特别是法国的一批学者自19世纪中期开始就将套语用于社会批判,使这一来自亚里斯多德的古老概念进入学术视野。

    Doxa , as a linguistic manifestation of ideology of a society and a concept originated from Aristotle , was first applied to social criticism by French scholars in the middle of the19th century .

  22. 重写往往利用标准的意象和套语来建构往昔的经历,并且由于记忆的选择性,作家可以通过重写和虚构使怀旧脱离历史的真实,从而让鲜活的意象进入人们的价值判断和对未来的思索。

    Because of the selective trait of memory , the writer can rid nostalgia of the historical facts through rewriting and fabrication , and let vivid images enter our value judgement and our thinking about the future .

  23. 通过对文献资料的查阅以及与汉代铜镜铭文的比对研究,可以得出丙午并非实际年号,是作为一种虚拟之辞来表达吉祥的套语。

    Through the literature of the Han bronze Mirrors with inscriptions access and comparative studies can be drawn " Heigo " not the actual reign , as the words to express a virtual set of auspicious words .

  24. 通过实验论述了自我暗示套语训练对篮球运动中投篮命中率影响,为自己和同行在教学训练中提供有益的参考。

    Discussion is made through experiments on the influence of self suggestion formulae on the percentage of shots in basketball game , which can serve as teaching references for myself and those engaged in the same occupation .

  25. 其中一些学者从词汇,句法,篇章等方面分析和研究商务信函的礼貌特征,从而用于指导信函的写作和套语的翻译,并取得了不俗的成绩。

    Among those analyses , some scholars study the politeness of business letter from the perspectives of lexicon , syntax and discourse for the purpose of guiding the writing of business letters and formulating the corresponding translation , which has obtained good results .

  26. 二是汉语报刊句法教学,对于报刊中的基本套语等进行归纳总结、反复训练,可采用视听法进行教学及训练,为逐步提高学生阅读各类报刊的能力打下坚实基础。

    The two Chinese newspapers syntax teaching , summarized for the press polite , repeated training , audio-visual method can be used for teaching and training , and lay a solid foundation to gradually increase the ability of students to read various newspapers and magazines .