
yǔ yán rónɡ hé
  • hybridization
  1. 与街头诗人的语言融合在一起。

    Strung together the words of the poets of the street .

  2. 试论民族融合与语言融合的关系

    On the relationship between national fusion and lingual fusion

  3. 伴随语言融合的进程中,语言借用就普遍存在。

    Meanwhile , in the course of language fusion , the borrowing of language has generally exited .

  4. 试析内容与语言融合学习在非英语欧盟国家高等教育中的应用

    Application of Content and Language Integration Learning in the Non-English European Union Tertiary Curricula : An exploratory analysis

  5. 罗伯特·弗罗斯特的成功源自以一种明显的美国的叙述方式,将传统的诗歌形式与美国的语言融合。

    His success came from uniting traditional forms of poetry with American words , spoken in a clearly American way .

  6. 版画的装饰性突出了理性与情绪相调和的语言融合,凸现了新的美学意义。

    The decorative nature of the block print emphasizes the combination of people ' logos and emotion , a new and striking property in aesthetics .

  7. 文化的交流与传播增进了民族之间的沟通与交往,易于双语现象、双方言现象的产生以及语言融合与共同语的推广。

    The cultural exchange and spread promote the contacts among nationalities , facilitate the emergence of bilingualism and bidialectalism , language integration and the popularization of the common language .

  8. 浅谈歌唱中声音和语言的融合

    Simple representation on fusion of sound and language in the singing

  9. 论教学语言的融合之美

    On the Harmonious Beauty of the Teaching Language

  10. 提出一种数值信息与语言信息融合的实现方法,融合是通过一个模糊神经网络完成的。给出了计算实例。

    Fusion and Variation Numerical examples are given .

  11. 计算机基于语言基础融合了强大的数据库开发能力是一种非常好的数据开发工具。

    Computer based on language-based integration of a powerful database development capability is a very good data development tools .

  12. 上下文融合流程语言将融合逻辑和上下文数据处理隔离开来,提高了复用性,大大简化了上下文感知应用的开发。

    Context fusion process language disjoins fusion logic and data processing , increases the reusability , and simplifies the development of context-aware application .

  13. 这一时期,玄学兴起、佛教输入、道教勃兴及外来文化羼入,使得新文化因素相互作用和相互影响,为语言的融合创造了条件。

    Meanwhile , the emerged metaphysics , the inputted Buddhism , the Taoism which vigorous growth and the external culture adulterated , these new cultural elements affected mutually and created conditions for the language fusion .

  14. 探讨都市生活,经济和政治问题,语言上融合了上海方言,普通话以及一些英文单词,周立波的表演已经得到上海市民的喝彩,他们渴望一位本地的笑星来对话本土文化。

    Talking about urban lives , economic and political issues in a mixture of Shanghai dialect , Putonghua and some English words , Zhou ` s performances have been acclaimed by Shanghai citizens , who long for a local star to speak to their culture .

  15. 数学视野中逻辑与语言的成功融合

    Successful Integration of Logic and Language in the Mathematical Perspective

  16. 粒度神经网络对数字语言的数据融合

    Data Fusion of Numerical-Linguistic Based on Granular Neural Networks

  17. 高校双语教学中的语言&内容融合学习教学法初探

    Initial Research on the Content Language Integrated Teaching Implemented in College Bilingual Education

  18. 简析语言与内容融合学习及其意义

    Analysis of Intergration of Language and Content Learning

  19. 利用模糊神经网络实现数值信息与语言信息的融合

    Realization of the Fusion of the Numerical and Linguistic Information Using a Fuzzy Neural Network

  20. 他还锻造了一种语言风格,融合了十八世纪的庄重言语和二十一世纪俚语。

    And he had forged a unique idiom that blended formal 18th-century speech with 21st-century slang .

  21. 实施语言与内容融合学习,要兼顾学科内容和语言形式。

    Considering the contents of the subject and the language form when implementing the program of study integrating language and content .

  22. 意象油画的艺术语言是吸收融合了中国画艺术语言而形成的新的油画语言。

    Oil painting art language is image incorporates traditional Chinese painting art language absorption , in the form of new oil painting language .

  23. 更何况北国与南国是一个国家统治下的不同区域,语言的相互融合也是在所难免的。

    Moreover , the north and south under the rule of a country 's different regions , the language of integration is inevitable .

  24. 本文将探讨英语语言是怎样融合于亚洲文化,从而形成各种非本族英语语言变体。

    This paper is to explore how the English language has adapted itself to Asian cultures to produce different varieties in Asian countries .

  25. 人工创制的检索语言之间的融合,以及人工创制的检索语言与自然语言的和谐统一是一种检索语言变化趋势。

    The author thinks that the integration of various artificial search languages and the unity of artificial languages and natural languages are the directions of the development of search languages .

  26. 总体来讲,意象油画的艺术语言是吸收融合了中国画艺术语言而形成的新的油画语言,这种变化,是油画语言的一场变革。

    In general , image oil painting art of language is absorbing the language of Chinese Painting formed a new language , this change is a revolution in painting language .

  27. 而现代汉语的比拟式则充分地体现了语言渗透和融合的结果:上述两种比拟式的形式融为一体,两种语法功能也兼而有之。

    Analogies in the modern Chinese language also represent the results of language infiltration and fusion ; both forms of analogy are merged and two types of grammatical function are incorporated .

  28. 针对语言本身的融合,本文提出了使用既有英语词汇、创造新词、调整拼音,使用缩略词等方法。

    As for the fusion of horizon in terms of language itself , the thesis proposes some solutions such as using already existing English words , creating new words , modifying Pinyin and using abbreviations .

  29. 无疑,中国现代水彩画的成长与拓展需要融合其他画种的绘画语言,但是融合是有一定限度的,绘画语言之间存在边界。

    Doubtless , the growth and expansion of the Chinese modern water color need to blend the other paintings language . But the fusion has the certain limit . There is an existence of boundary between the paintings language .

  30. 在世界语言交叉、融合、发展的形势下,在翻译过程中,重视翻译者的主体地位及其主体性、创造性的发挥,有着十分重要的意义。

    In the situation of crossing , melting and developing of the world languages , in the translating process , it is very significant to pay attention to subjective position of translators and development of subjectivity and creativity of translators .