
  • 网络semantic orientation
  1. 归纳了状语语义指向的规律。

    Summed up the law of adverbial semantic orientation .

  2. 宾内定语和主内定语的语义指向分析

    The Semantic Orientation Analysis of the Attribute in the Object and the Subject

  3. 状位NA主谓短语的语义指向与NA主谓状语句的句法语义格局;

    Part Two discusses the semantic reference and the syntactic and semantic pattern of the NA subject-predicate phrase .

  4. 当V2的配价与其语义指向不对应时,就会产生使役和被动的歧义。

    When the valency of V_2 is not in correspondence with its semantic direction , it results the ambiguity between causative and passive .

  5. AA式形容词状语在S+A+V+O中的语义指向分析

    Semantic Referential Analysis of AA-type Adjective Adverbial in " S + A + V + O "

  6. 最后还分析了状位NP并立结构的语义指向问题。

    At the end of this part , an analysis of the semantic orientation of coexisting structure of adverbial NPs is presented .

  7. 在S+V+R+O句式中,充当补语R的词根据语义指向的不同可以分为两大类六小类;

    The words used as the complement R may be classified as two major categories which include six minor classes in the sentence pattern of " S + V + R + O " .

  8. 我也V不好是汉语中可以构成6种意思的歧义结构。这一歧义结构在句法结构、预设、语义指向、变换式、语音等方面有差别。

    " I Also + V + Not Well " is a Chinese ambiguous structure which has six meanings revealed in the syntactic structure , presupposition , semantic reference , transformation and phonetic features .

  9. 本文从格语法的角度,运用变换分析和语义指向分析等方法,对后跟体词性成分NP的介词用所标记的三种格关系进行区分。

    From the case grammar aspect , this paper distinguishes three kinds of case relations which " Yong " with substantive components marks , using transformational analysis and semantic reference .

  10. 在S+V+R+O句式中,由于述语中心动词V价的不同、宾语的不同,补语R语义指向的不同,主语S、述语V、补语R、宾语O构成一个复杂的语义网络。

    In the sentence pattern of " S + V + R + O ", owing to V 's differential valency , V 's different objects and R 's different semantic indications , the different semantic relationships among subject , predicate , complement and object constitutes a complex semantic network .

  11. 副+名组合与语义指向新品种

    Adverb + Noun Combinations and a New Species of Semantic Direction

  12. 副词语义指向自动识别的路径探讨和个案分析

    Computer Identification of the Adverb Semantic Orientation : Path & Case

  13. 中古汉语副词语义指向分析

    Analysis of the Semantic Direction of Adverbs in Middle Chinese

  14. 浅析定语的语义指向及相关问题

    On semantic orientations of the attribute and some relevant issues

  15. 现代汉语N+V状中短语的句法功能与语义指向分析

    On the Syntax Functions and Semantic Directions of N + V Noun-Adverbial Structure

  16. 第二部分对补语语义指向的判定作了说明。

    The second part explains the determination of the semantic direction of the complement .

  17. 动·补·宾结构的语义指向分析

    Analysis of the Semantic Direction of V-C-O Structure

  18. 状语语义指向分析

    The Analysis of the Semantic Direction of Adverbials

  19. 作结果补语的“清楚”的词性及语义指向

    Part of Speech and Semantic Indication of " QingChu " Used as Resultant Complement

  20. 语义指向结构模式的多维考察

    Multi-probe into Patterns of Semantic Orientation Configuration

  21. 第三部分就《世说新语》范围副词的语义指向分析进行分类阐述。

    The semantic analysis of the ranging adverbs will be analyzed in the third part .

  22. 有标志补语的语义指向

    The Semantic Reference of Marked Complement

  23. 在优选论的理论框架下,确定补语的语义指向。

    Under the framework of the Optimality Theory , it identifies the semantic orientation of the complement .

  24. 语义指向分析理论可以对语法现象进行多角度、多层面的分析。

    The theory of semantic orientation analysis may contribute to multi-angle and multi-layered analysis of grammatical phenomena .

  25. 语义指向的形式模型

    Formal Model of Semantic Pointer

  26. S+V+C+O句式中补语的语义指向研究

    Study on the Semantic Direction of the Complement in Structure of S + V + C + O

  27. 动词的语义指向和与动词同现成分之间的选择限制关系构成动词的句法潜力。

    The selectional-restriction relations between a verb and other sentence constituents form the syntactic potential of the verb .

  28. 简论隐性语法关系和语义指向分析语义指向分析的发展历程与研究展望


  29. 第五部分集中用广义及物性理论对制约补语语义指向的因素作了分析。语义上主要是更的辖域和句子的语义重心不同;

    The fifth part analyzes the decisive factors of the semantic direction with the theory of the broad transitivity .

  30. 第五,补语的语义指向是多方面的,语义内容非常复杂;

    Fifthly , the semantic connection between complement and other components in the sentence is very abundance and complex ;