
yǔ yán kē xué
  • linguistics;linguistic science
  1. 认知语言学是语言科学中较新的一个流派。

    Cognitive linguistics is a newer school of linguistic science .

  2. 语音学是将人类语言的声音进行描述与分类的语言科学(Johnson,1999:235)。

    Phonetics is the linguistic science which describes and classifies the sounds of human languages ( Johnson & Johnson , 1999:235 ) .

  3. 数字是语言科学中的一个特殊领域,它的基本功能是计算。

    Figures are a very special part in the science of linguistics .

  4. 论语言科学与语言技术的新思维

    The Science of Language and the Technology of Language

  5. 跨文化交际语言科学专业学位课程。

    Specialized degree in Linguistic Sciences for inter-cultural communication .

  6. 许多杰出的新语言科学的奠基人也都深入地卷入了语言规范问题。

    Many famous linguistic scholars are deeply involved in the studies on language normalization .

  7. 语料库的发展随着计算机科学的发展经历了三个阶段;语料库语言学是基于借助计算机大规模对语料库的语料进行分析和标注的语言科学。

    With the development of computer technology in recent years , corpus linguistics has experienced three steps .

  8. 它要求处理好如下三个有着内在联系的问题:一、语言科学对语言与言语的区分;

    It requires the solution of three problems : 1 / distinction between language science and speech ;

  9. 本文试图用现代语言科学的方法透过英语习语渊源对其丰富多彩的语言文化特色进行新的探索。

    This paper analyzes English idioms ' origins and their culture and language characteristics in a new method .

  10. 修辞学正从传统的语言学中分离出来成为介于语言科学与艺术科学的一门边缘科学。

    Rhetoric is seperating from traditional linguistics and becoming frontier science between the science of language and the science of art .

  11. 随着语言科学的发展,对俄语插入结构这一研究对象的考察视角也逐渐宽广起来。

    As linguistics is developing , the perspective of research upon the phenomenon of Insertion Structure in Russian language has gradually become broader .

  12. 一项发表在《语言科学》杂志上的研究发现,一个人油嘴滑舌,并不意味着这个人很懒或者没受过教育。

    A colourful tongue does not mean the talker is lazy or uneducated , a study published in the Language Sciences journal found .

  13. 在当代认知科学、神经科学、语言科学、人工智能、分析哲学等学科的共同发展进程中,人们对心灵的多学科交叉性研究也发展到前所未有的高度。

    As the development of cognitive science , neuroscience , language , Artificial Intelligence ( AI ), analytical philosophy and other subjects , the research on mind has developed to an unprecedented level .

  14. 本文希望在语言科学调查的基础上,能制定顺应规律的语言规划和政策,形成合理自然的双语(方言)环境,使推广普通话与保护方言在并行中得到双赢。

    Based on scientific investigation of language , the essay hopes to establish language planning and policy of adapting rule , form a rational and natural environment of bilingualism , help promote the work of extending Putonghua and protecting dialect .

  15. 带领此一研究的是该大学临床心理学和语言科学学院的菲尔比曼博士,他说:通过和嚼口香糖类似但更复杂的方法,对于阻断'内心的言语'也许能起到更大的作用。

    ' Interfering with our own inner speech through a more sophisticated version of the gum-chewing approach may work more widely , ' said Dr Phil Beaman , from the University 's School of Psychology and Clinical Language Sciences , who led the study .

  16. 共同作者之一、爱丁堡大学哲学、心理学和语言科学学院的托马斯·鲍克说:“双语让人们从一种语言转换到另一种语言,所以当一种语言被抑制时,他们不得不用另一种语言去交流。”

    Co-author Thomas Bak , of the University of Edinburgh 's school of philosophy , psychology and language sciences said : ' Bilingualism makes people switch from one language to another , so while they inhibit one language , they have to activate another to communicate .

  17. 考虑到Fortran语言在科学计算中、VC++在可视化方面及OpenGL在图形显示方面的显著优势,本文采用Fortran、VC++和OpenGL混合编程的方法对程序的后处理作了初步探讨。

    Considering the well use of Fortran in scientific calculation , VC + + in visual programming and OpenGL in graphic showing , the pilot study of mixed-language programming is practiced in the aftertreatment program .

  18. 语言学是研究语言的科学。

    Linguistics can be defined as the science of language .

  19. 最大的问题就是要让语言跟上科学技术的发展。

    Plusbig problem is timing the language to scientific advance .

  20. 广告语言是科学语言和艺术语言的运用。

    Both science language and art language are utilized in the advertising language .

  21. 新闻传媒语言的科学性与艺术性

    Scientific and Artistic Qualities of News Medium Language

  22. 语言有科学语言与艺术语言之分,语言又是思维的工具。

    Languages include scientific language and artic language .

  23. 中国听力语言康复科学杂志

    Chinese Scientific Journal of hearing and speech rehabilitation

  24. 你想要献身于各种语言的科学研究吗?

    Do you wish to give your life to the scientific study of languages ?

  25. 语言与科学之关系;

    Languages and myths , languages and sciences ;

  26. 谈数学教学语言的科学性与启发性

    On Science and Elicitation of Mathematics Teaching Language

  27. 中国古代工程技术语言的科学成就

    Scientific Achievements in Ancient Chinese Engineering Language

  28. 论语言实验室科学管理与维护的实践

    Management and maintenance of language laboratory

  29. 语言,科学与整体

    Language , science and unity

  30. 语言只是科学的工具,文字不过是思想的付号

    " Language is only the instrument of science , and words are but the signs of ideas . "