
  1. 此外,对JavaScript有一定理解,将会使您成为任何语言领域(包括您最熟悉的语言)的一名优秀的程序员。

    Besides , understanding some of JavaScript 's features will help make you a better programmer in any language , including the one you call home .

  2. 称赞言语行为是语言领域的热门研究课题。

    Compliment speech act is a favorable topic in linguistic studies .

  3. 在编程语言领域中,没有任何免费的午餐。

    In the world of programming languages , there 's no such thing as a free lunch .

  4. 现今,隐喻的机器识别问题已经成为自然语言领域研究的热门课题。

    Today , the machine metaphor recognition problem has become popular in the field of natural language processing .

  5. 然而,隐喻研究传统上仅限于修辞领域和语言领域。

    However , metaphor study has been traditionally confined to the field of rhetoric and that of language .

  6. 然而,反对语言领域的帝国主义及其重要,它有利于保持语言的生态平衡;

    G Language However , the importance of anti-linguistic imperialism is vital as far as linguistic ecology is concerned .

  7. 他们运用‘语言领域的帝国主义’、‘语言领域的霸权主义’、‘语言领域的种族灭绝’等概念对这一语言现象进行了客观而又详尽的描述。

    They use different terms to describe the phenomenon of English diffusion : linguistic imperialism , linguistic hegemony , linguistic genocide , etc.

  8. 模糊限制语作为模糊语言领域中最普遍、最典型的现象,被广泛应用于人类语言的各个层面。

    Hedges , as the most universal and the most typical phenomenon , are widely applied in every aspect of human language .

  9. 程序员的工作则是建立理想的投影,以及生成编程语言领域代码的转化方法。

    The programmers job is to build the desired projections and also transformations that will generate code into a programming language domain .

  10. 自从上世纪初在语言领域研究者和教育者就已经对词块进行研究,认为词块教学在词汇的学习过程中是一种切实可行的办法。

    The study in lexical chunks has attracted the attention of researches and instructors in the linguistic field since the beginning of last century .

  11. 反映在社交语言领域的称谓变迁,从一个很微妙的角度展示人们心态的变化。

    The changes in addressing are reflected on the social language field , from a very delicate viewpoint that shows the changes of the people 's psychological attitude .

  12. 习非成是有心理语言学和社会语言学等方面的原因(如语言领域的“涟漪效应”“怪坡现象”及语言处理的“容错机制”等)。

    Reasons for misnomers could be found out in psycho-linguistics and socio-linguistics ( such as the Ripples Effect , the Queer-slope phenomenon and the Fault-tolerating mechanism in language ) .

  13. 我想说明一下,前面提到的那几本书都是着意挑选出来的,因为这几本书在我看来都是相应语言领域的最佳教程。

    I want to make clear that the books I named were chosen with care because they are , in my view , the best tutorials for their respective languages .

  14. 蒙太格语法把逻辑符号学关于语形、语义和语用的划分推广到自然语言领域,本文揭示了蒙太格语法最基本和核心的内容。

    Montague Grammar popularize logic Semiology to the natural language field the shape of the language , semanteme and language , this text has been announced and covered with a dose of grammars too with central content most basically .

  15. 摘要冯天瑜先生的新著《新语探源》,从思想文化史的视角切入语言领域,着重探究了近代以来中外文化互动间的语汇变迁,极具学术价值。

    The origins of the new expressions by Feng Tianyu is of high academic value to probe the changes of the expressions caused by the interactions of the Chinese culture and foreign cultures from the visual angles of the history of the ideological cultures .

  16. 语言领域的研究显示,要想成为一个成功的学习者,你有许多事情可做。对于语言和文化的好奇、曰常学习以及处于一个英语环境之中,自觉地在每个可能的场合中使用英语,这些都是迈向成功的重要条件。

    Research in the field of language indicates that there are many things you can do to become a successful learner.Curiosity about language and culture , daily study , and the commitment to use English in every possible situationwhile in an English-speaking environment , are very important conditions for success .

  17. 回指现象在人类言语中是一种非常复杂的现象,指称(reference)研究一直是语言学和语言哲学领域中的一个古老而又充满挑战的课题。

    The phenomenon of anaphora is complicated in human language . Reference research is an old and challenging subject in areas of linguistics and language philosophy .

  18. 随着Internet的迅猛发展和电子文档信息的不断丰富,文档自动分类日益成为信息检索和自然语言处理领域的研究热点。

    With the rapid growth of Internet and increase of electronic text , automatic text classification ( ATC ) has been the hottest research issues in information retrieval and natural language processing .

  19. 在本文中,您可以认为用于生成DB2跟踪文件的语言是领域特定语言。

    In relation to this article , you can consider the language used to form the DB2 trace files to be a domain specific language .

  20. 开放领域的问题回答(QuestionAnswering)是自然语言处理领域中具有挑战性的研究方向。

    Open domain question answering ( QA ) represents a challenge of natural language processing , aiming at returning exact answers in response to natural language questions .

  21. 在过去二十年中,自主学习和独立学习的概念已广为人知,自主学习还成为了语言教学领域中的流行语(Little,1991)。

    Over the last two decades , the concepts of learner autonomy and independence have gained momentum , the former becoming a ' buzz-word ' within the context of language learning ( Little , 1991 ) .

  22. 其次,[他所]演示的方法可以结合来自通用语言和领域特定语言的概念。是InfoQ中文站架构社区编辑,创建并终结过数家软件小企业,翻译过多本技术书籍。

    Second , the approach [ he has ] shown enables the combination of concepts from general purpose languages and domain specific languages .

  23. OASISWeb服务可交互性(WS-I)成员部门汇集了来自跨不同平台,系统,和语言等领域的各个精选的标准小组的最佳实践。

    The OASIS Web Services Interoperability ( WS-I ) Member Section advances Best Practices for selected groups of standards , across platforms , operating systems , and programming languages .

  24. 在自然语言处理领域,实体识别是信息提取、句法分析、机器翻译、面向SEMANTICWEB的元数据标注等应用领域重要的基础性工具。

    In the field of natural language processing , entity recognition is the key technique in many Chinese information Processing applications such as information extraction , syntactic analysis , machine translation , metadata annotate for Semantic Web and so on .

  25. PTE考试将于11月登录中国。这或许意味着英语语言评估领域的一大改变。

    PTE ` s coming to China in November and might mean a change in the English language assessment world .

  26. 作为EM算法的替代,Co-Training是众所周知的自举算法,近来已经成为自然语言处理领域的兴趣焦点。

    Co-Training , as an alternative to EM algorithm , is a well-known form of bootstrapping which is a topic of interest in NLP .

  27. 在语言学和语言教学领域,Halliday及RobertLado曾提出在学习外语的同时,需要注意目的语的文化。

    In the fields of linguistics and language teaching , Halliday and Robert Lado maintain that the target culture is an important factor which can not be ignored in foreign language learning .

  28. 意识唤起法(Consciousness-raising)作为一种特殊的语法教学形式,在英语作为外语(EFL)的语言教学领域内一直是一个有争议的问题。

    Consciousness raising ( C R ) as one type of formal instructions on second language learning has remained to be a controversial issue within the field of EFL teaching .

  29. 具体到第二语言习得领域,兴趣的研究通常和动机的研究不可分离。Gardner将兴趣和内部动机联系起来并且主张通过激发兴趣来提高学习者的动机。

    In the field of second language acquisition , the study of interests is generally subordinate to the study of motivation , which counts as a crucial individual factor to successful language learning .

  30. 这样做让我们可以定义和实现部门或者企业专用的Oozie语言(领域专用语言),其中具有部门或者企业的功能。

    Doing this allows for defining and implementing of a department / enterprise specific Oozie dialect ( domain specific language ), aligned with the department / enterprise functionality .