
  • 网络indirect connection;secondary association;indirect association;Indirect Ties
  1. 但间接联系还是有的。

    But there is an indirect connection .

  2. 大鼠三叉神经脊束核尾侧亚核-臂旁核-丘脑间接联系的研究

    Studies on the caudal spinal trigeminal nucleus - parabrachial NUCLEI-THALAMUS indirect connection pathway in the rat

  3. 根据其轴突内分泌颗粒的大小和形状,鲇神经分泌纤维可区分为A1、A2、和B三种类型,不同类型的神经分泌纤维分别与特定激素分泌细胞形成突触联系或其他间接联系形式。

    The nerve secretory fibre can be divided into types of A1 , A2 and B. The nerve fibre forms synaptic or indirect links with special harmone secretory cells .

  4. 看看你是否能在LinkedIn通过朋友、家人、同事间接联系上你求职公司的员工,并要求朋友等人给你引见一下。

    See if you are indirectly connected via friends , family and colleagues and ask for an introduction .

  5. 再加上近年来启动的“沪港通”(Shanghai-HongKongStockConnect),这些都促进了中国与世界其他地区的联系,包括直接联系以及通过香港的间接联系。

    and the recently implemented Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect are all bolstering ties between China and the rest of the world , both directly and through Hong Kong .

  6. 方法1:在Linkedin上面找5个在你求职公司工作的员工。看看你是否能在LinkedIn通过朋友、家人、同事间接联系上你求职公司的员工,并要求朋友等人给你引见一下。

    Tip \# 1 : Find 5 people on LinkedIn that work at the employer 。 See if you are indirectly connected via friends , family and colleagues and ask for an introduction .

  7. 我们也发现少量的LEK终末与由硬脊膜外注射辣椒泰所致的一级传入C纤维变性(DEG)终末之间也存在直接和间接联系。

    It has been also found that a few of LEK & terminals have direct and indirect connections with degenerating ( DEG ) terminals of primary afferent C fibers resulting from the extradural injection of capsaicin .

  8. 间接联系是中介概念最本质的特征,脱卸具有这种间接联系的特点,用于表征上下情节联系的间接性,而不是表示某个情节段落的结束。

    Indirect contact is essential character of the mediate conception .

  9. 我想我们彼此是间接联系

    We communicated indirectly , I guess .

  10. 牙尖型与牙根型的关系属间接联系。

    The relationship between the types of cusps and the types of roots was indirect contact .

  11. 这个矩阵不仅仅考虑了文章之间的直接联系,还考虑了文章之间的间接联系。

    This matrix not only stores direct relationships among data , but also stores indirect relationships among them .

  12. 直接联系与间接联系

    Direct and indirect connexions

  13. 公开资料显示,鹏欣与其他股东之间存在间接联系,这事实上使得鹏欣对大康拥有更大的控制权。

    Other shareholders are indirectly related , according to public records , in effect giving Pengxin greater control over Dakang .

  14. 这些分析表明,近期全球经济活动的减缓,很大程度上可与股本价值下跌直接或间接联系起来。

    Such analyses suggest that much of the recent decline in global economic activity can be associated directly or indirectly with declining equity values .

  15. 多元回归分析后发现:总体自我价值感与主观幸福感关系密切且呈较强的间接联系,一般自我价值感与主观幸福感的回归效应最为明显。

    Regression analysis also revealed that global self-worth had an indirect but strong relation with subjective well-being , and general self-worth predicted subjective wellbeing very well .

  16. 自由是从自身破缺开始发展的,逐步走向一种自由状态,即通过经济交换间接联系着的分立的个人组成的自由社会。

    Freedom makes its progress with the beginning of split of itself , steps to another plight , and gets the society of freedom consisting with individual of indirect contact by economic exchange .

  17. 关系营销完全突破了简单的企业与客户之间的关系这一点,将营销的范围延伸到供应商、中间商及其它与企业有直接或者间接联系的社会团体、政府职能部门及个人等各个方面。

    Relationship marketing entirely breakthrough enterprise relationship with consumers , and extended to suppliers , brokers and other enterprises directly or indirectly linked to community groups , government departments and individuals and so on .

  18. 金融业是现代经济社会的核心,与国民经济各部门之间有着错综复杂的直接联系和间接联系,在经济体系中处于牵一发而动全身的地位。

    Financial industry is the core of modern economic society , and it has complicated direct and indirect connections with the national economic sectors . It also plays a significant role in the economic system .

  19. 从其雕符和文物、纹饰来看,许多与中国古代符号相类似,思百罗文化与中华文明可能有直接或间接联系。

    Quite a lot of its engraving signs , cultural relics and engraving vein decoration are similar to those in China . Therefore , we deduce that there is a possible direct or indirect relationship between Spiro Culture and Chinese Culture .

  20. 事实上,我们可以说鲁迅直接或间接联系着中国的现代化进程,鲁迅个体及其相关的事件构成中国现代化进程的一个现象&我称之为鲁迅现象。

    In fact , we may say that Lu Hsun , directly or indirectly , influenced China 's modernization and Lu Hsun as an individual as well as related events constituted a phenomenon during the course of China 's modernization , which I define as " Lu Hsun phenomenon " .

  21. 而政府并不是参与WTO的唯一行为主体,企业和WTO事务有着直接或间接的联系。

    Government is not the only main part in this behavior of joining WTO . All of the enterprises have direct or indirect connections with WTO .

  22. J2EE1.3规范中引入了资源引用和EJB引用的概念,它们作为一种机制能在调用组件和实际组件之间提供间接级联系。

    The J2EE1.3 specification introduced the notion of resource references and EJB references as a mechanism for providing a level of indirection between the calling component and the real component .

  23. 不过两者存在着间接的联系。

    Yet there is an indirect connection .

  24. 营养和社会的稳定与发展有着直接或间接的联系,因此,营养有着十分重要的社会意义。

    Nutrition has direct or indirect connection with social stability and development . Therefore , it has important social meaning .

  25. 开发工件与需求之间的联系,默认条件下,会作为一个间接的联系而创建。

    The link between the development artifact and the requirement is , by default , created as an indirect link .

  26. 要通过她们的日常生活反映出她们与外界有直接或间接的联系。

    The art will prove that they have a direct or indirect link with the outside world through their daily life .

  27. 咸头岭文化的偏晚阶段则有可能与洞庭湖区的汤家岗文化、大溪文化存在直接或间接的联系。

    The later stage of Xiantouling culture may have connections with the Tangjia'gang and Daxi cultures of Dongting Lake region of Northern Hunan .

  28. 大鼠孤束核-臂旁核-中央杏仁核间接纤维联系的超微结构观察

    Ultrastructural observation on indirect connection pathway between solitary tract nucleus ~ - , parabrachial nucleus ~ - and central amygdaloid nucleus in the rat

  29. 古城南京之所以在张爱玲的文学世界里占有一席之地,原因在于她跟南京有着直接和间接的联系。

    The reason that old city Nanjing occupies a small space in Zhang Ailing 's literature world lies in her direct and indirect relation with the city .

  30. 物流业作为基础性产业渗透到各行各业,与各个行业都产生直接或间接的联系,从而带动国民经济的发展。

    The logistics industry as a basic industry penetrate into all walks of life , and have a direct or indirect contact with all industries , thus boosting the national economy .