
jiàn jiē tiáo kònɡ
  • Indirect regulation;adjust indirectly
  1. 光照强度和CO2浓度间接调控对甘薯无糖组培苗光合特性的影响

    Effects of photosynthetic photon flux density and CO_2 concentration on photosynthesis of sugar-free micropropagation of sweetpotato plantlets

  2. 结论除了直接作用于破骨细胞外,降钙素还通过影响成骨细胞上OPG、RANKL的分泌间接调控破骨细胞功能,抑制骨吸收。

    Conclusion Except for inhibiting osteoclast resorption activity in vitro directly , calcitonin could also affected osteoclast activity by regulating expressions of OPG and RANKL .

  3. HIF-1α与β结合后,从胞浆转位到核内,直接或间接调控多种下游靶基因,涉及到血管生长、血管张力、糖代谢、红细胞生成等多种病理生理改变。

    Binding with the P subunit , functional a subunit translocates from cytoplasm to nucleus , and regulates expression of several downstream target genes which involve various physiological and pathological processes , such as blood vessel growth , vascular tension , glucose metabolism , and erythropoietin .

  4. 金融间接调控的传导机制及其实现方式

    On the transmit mechanism and realizing way of indirect financial regulating

  5. 中央银行的间接调控与公开市场业务

    Indirect Regulation and Open Market Operation of the Central Bank

  6. 然而,由于市场机制的基础性建设没有到位,间接调控机制并没有充分发挥作用。

    However , the indirect adjustment mechanism has not been fully in place .

  7. 从直接调控方式向间接调控方式转变;

    Transform from direct control into indirect adjustment ;

  8. 此外,外源性信号也对真核生物细胞周期起间接调控作用。

    In addition , exogenous signal also act on cell cycle in eukaryotic cell indirectly .

  9. 三是正确处理政府和市场的关系,在充分发挥市场机制作用基础上,进一步完善间接调控体系。

    Third , relation between market and government , to perfect indirect adjusting and controlling system .

  10. 四是扩大公开市场业务,完善以间接调控为主的货币调控机制。

    Expanding open market operations and improving money control mechanism that mainly relies on indirect instruments .

  11. 工程技术伦理控制有直接调控和间接调控之分。

    The ethical control of engineering technology performs as two ways , direct control and indirect control .

  12. 因此,在物价问题上,政府职能应逐步实现由价格管制到间接调控和市场监管的转变。

    So government function should achieve the change from price control to indirect adjustment and market supervision .

  13. 我国对货币供应量实行的是间接调控,对存贷款利率实行的是直接调控。

    In China monetary supply is indirectly controlled while the deposit and loan interest rate is directly controlled .

  14. 以间接调控为主,辅之以必要的直接干预的协调模式是现今条件下我国国情的要求。

    It fits China 's present condition with indirect control and with necessary and the least direct interference .

  15. 税收可以从各个方面间接调控市场,进而影响服务经济的发展。

    Tax from the aspects of indirect adjusting control market , and then influence the development of service economy .

  16. 其次,房地产税收的调控是一种间接调控,而非直接调控。

    Secondly , the estate tax regulation is a kind of indirect control , not of a direct control .

  17. 宏观调控,分为直接调控和间接调控。国家下达的指令性计划是直接调控;

    There are the direct adjustment and control and the indirect adjustment and control in the macroscopic adjustment and control .

  18. 政府宏观调控农业产业化应遵循间接调控原则、效率原则、协调原则和法制原则。

    The government macro management should follow the principles of indirect management , highly efficiency , moderation and legal operation .

  19. 这是改进宏观调控的重大举措,也是从直接调控转向间接调控为主的重要标志。

    This is a major measure for improving macro-control and also marks the transfer from direct control to indirect control .

  20. 完善人民银行间接调控与监管体系;

    To perfect the indirect adjustment and control , as well as supervision system of people 's Bank of China .

  21. 中央银行可以运用货币政策工具来影响各因素的变动,从而实现间接调控货币乘数的目的。

    Central bank is able to control monetary multiplier indirectly by means of using monetary instruments to affect various factors .

  22. 然后从三大货币政策工具使用情况分析了间接调控的现状,指出目前的间接调控没有发挥出它应有的功能。

    Secondly , the paper gave some analyses of indirect regulation on the basis of three major instruments of monetary policy .

  23. 第二个条件是要求中央银行能够间接调控商业银行的信贷行为。

    The second condition is to ask central bank to be able to indirectly adjust and control commercial bank credit actions .

  24. 在货币市场发展的基础上,中央银行货币政策的间接调控方式的有效性在不断提高。

    With the development of the money market , indirect control of the central bank through monetary policy has been becoming more and more effective .

  25. 当前我国投资体制方面存在的主要问题是:政府在投资活动中的直接干预仍然过多而宏观间接调控机制却没有真正建立起来,企业和个人依据市场进行投资决策还受到许多不合理的限制。

    The main problems of our country 's current investment system are the government intervention which is still over abundant and the obstacles during the investment activities .

  26. 从对政府工作的影响角度看,它一方面给各级政府带来工作难度,另一方面却锻炼政府间接调控经济的能力;

    As to its affects on government working , buyers ' market brings difficulty to government , and enhances its abilities of indirect controlling of economy as well .

  27. 综合运用经济的、法律的和必要的行政手段,对全社会投资进行以间接调控方式为主的有效调控。

    Investment in the whole society should be brought under indirect regulation and control through the comprehensive use of economic , legal and administrative means and economic levers .

  28. 政府应当用行政手段调节市场信号,通过市场信号间接调控企业。

    It is necessary for the government to adjust economy by administration methods , but the administration methods should adjust enterprises indirectly through market signals instead of intervening enterprises directly .

  29. 建立现代企业自主制度,建立现代市场体系,建立宏观间接调控体系等是市场经济新体制的基本内容。

    The principle contents of new market economic system are to establish an independent system for the modern enterprises , a modern market system and a macro indirect regulating system .

  30. 从1998年至今,公开市场业务的操作越来越频繁,这也标志着我国货币政策的实施由行政性直接调控向以市场化为导向的间接调控转变。

    Open market operations are used more and more frequently , which also marks the implementation of monetary policy undergoing a change from the administrative control to the market-oriented indirect regulation .