
gān yù
  • intervene;meddle;tamper;correlate;invasion;interpose
干预 [gàn yù]
  • (1) [intervene]∶过问或参与[其事]

  • 请民警同志出来干预

  • 周执森从来没有这样大胆地干预过总指挥的事情。-- 黎汝清《万山红遍》

  • (2) [correlate]∶关涉;关系

  • 并无干预

  • 大抵为己之学,于他人无一豪(同毫)干预。--宋. 朱熹《朱子全书.为学之方》

  • (3) [meddle]∶好管闲事,过问与他毫无关系的事情

  • 作为财政大臣,查理无权干预政治事务

干预[gān yù]
  1. 他将要求国会进行干预,防止发生罢工。

    He would ask Congress to intervene and head off a strike

  2. 除非涉及一些有争议的选举,罗马教廷一般不会干预各教派的内部事务。

    Normally the Vatican does not intervene in the internal affairs of religious orders except in cases of disputed elections .

  3. 委员会进行了干预,下令那栋大楼必须停建。

    The commission intervened and commanded that work on the building cease .

  4. 我希望我母亲不再干预,让我自己拿主意。

    I wish my mother would stop interfering and let me make my own decisions .

  5. 关心别人正在做的事情和进行干预之间存在着细微的差别。

    There is a fine line between showing interest in what someone is doing and interfering in it .

  6. 他们对外人擅自干预他们的事务非常愤慨。

    They 're resentful that outsiders presume to meddle in their affairs

  7. 他更倾向于在自由经营与国家干预之间走一条中庸之道。

    He favoured a middle course between free enterprise and state intervention

  8. 进一步加大干预的力度只会是继续白扔钱。

    Further heavy intervention would be throwing good money after bad .

  9. 我们不喜欢陌生人干预我们的事务。

    We don 't like strangers who poke their noses into our affairs

  10. 此外,他们还声称任何这样的干预都是完全无效的。

    Furthermore , they claim that any such interference is completely ineffective .

  11. 警方不得不对这两个对立团体进行干预。

    Police had to interpose themselves between the two rival groups

  12. 他知道什么时候该适可而止,什么时候该插手干预。

    He knew when to leave well alone and when to interfere .

  13. 首相提出进行军事干预要慎重,这是很正确的。

    The prime minister was right to counsel caution about military intervention .

  14. 很自然地,简对哈利的干预极为不满。

    Not unnaturally , Jane greatly resented Harry 's interference .

  15. 尽管英格兰银行四次出手干预,英镑仍不改颓势。

    The pound continued to sag despite four interventions by the Bank of England

  16. 很多人觉得他会反对外国干预的主意。

    Many people felt he would be hostile to the idea of foreign intervention

  17. 当局不得不干预市场,迫其提出削减利率的要求。

    The authorities have to manoeuvre the markets into demanding a cut in interest rates

  18. 航空公司将能脱离政府干预设定便宜的机票价格。

    Airlines will be able to set cheap fares without interference from the government .

  19. 他总是干预政事。

    He perpetually interferes in political affairs .

  20. 已经有人在问科学家是否有权干预这类事情。

    Already some people are asking whether scientists have any right to meddle in such matters

  21. 我自己很有主见,没有人干预我做的事。

    I 'm very much my own boss and no one interferes with what I do .

  22. 到了让父母别再干预未成年子女日常生活的时候了。

    The time has come for parents to butt out of the adolescent 's daily life .

  23. 她是个专业经济学家,因此在驳斥类似国家干预行为方面经验丰富。

    She is a professional economist and therefore schooled in the arguments against that sort of state intervention .

  24. 法国内政部长对一起涉及秘密警察部队所扮演角色的丑闻进行了干预。

    The French Interior Minister has intervened in a scandal over the role of a secret police force .

  25. 从孩提时代起,她就有了一个行动计划,而且是个不容他人干预的计划。

    From childhood on , she 'd had a plan of action , one that would brook no interference

  26. 然而,为了保持确实有效的干预威胁,我们必须维持可靠的联盟。

    But in order to maintain a credible threat of intervention , we have to maintain a credible alliance .

  27. 多个部门都可干预的事实可能会导致一些孩子被遗漏。

    The existence of more than one agency with power to intervene can lead to children falling through the net .

  28. 任何讨论人权问题的尝试都会被以无端干预该国内政为由加以拒绝。

    Any attempt to discuss the issue of human rights was rejected as an unwarranted interference in the country 's internal affairs

  29. 代表们提出进行军事干预要慎重,这是很明智的。

    The representatives were wise to counsel caution about miliary intervention .

  30. 我们反对任何外来势力插手干预。

    We oppose interference by any outside force .