
  • 网络dry mix;JX-V;dry-mix;dry mixed mortar;dry-mixed mortar
  1. 羟丙基甲基纤维素对FA-GBS干粉砂浆性能影响试验研究

    Study on affection of Hydroxypropyl Methyl Cellulose ( HPMC ) to the performance of new made FA-GBS dry mix

  2. 粉煤灰在干粉砂浆中的应用研究

    Research on Application of Fly Ash in the Dry-Mix Mortar

  3. 拥有山东圆友的WD系列干粉砂浆生产线的客户,将成为顶级的砂浆生产商!

    WD Serises Dry Mortar Mixing plants from Shandong Yuanyou put customers at the top !

  4. 西邦公司经过多年的稳步发展,已经成为国内干粉砂浆行业较有影响力、知名度较高的企业,“x-bond”品牌广受用户的推崇与信赖。

    X-bond company after years of steady development , has become a dry powder mortar domestic industries more influential , high profile business ," x-bond " brand widely respected and trusted users .

  5. 简述聚合物改性干粉砂浆烯烃类聚合物的改性

    A kind of polymer for improving the properties of dry-mixed mortar

  6. 干粉砂浆胶结剂在铁路大站改造工程中的应用

    Application of dry mortar grouting agent in reconstruction of railway station

  7. 讨论了干粉砂浆研究和开发应用的重大意义。

    The Significance in development and application of dry-mixed mortars is described .

  8. 煅烧凹凸棒石粘土对干粉砂浆性能的影响

    Influence of calcined attapulgite clay on properties of dry - mixed mortar

  9. 材料组成对干粉砂浆性能的影响

    Influence of Ingredients on Properties of Polymer - Modified Mortars

  10. 炉底渣粉煤灰干粉砂浆的研究

    Study of Dry Powder Mortar with Furance Bottom Slag and Fly Ash

  11. 利用固体废弃物制备干粉砂浆的应用研究

    Research on Preparing Dry Powder Mortar by Solid Waste

  12. 干法脱硫灰渣在干粉砂浆中的应用研究

    Study of Application of Dry FDG in Powder Mortar

  13. 建筑干粉砂浆的开发研究与应用

    Development research and applications of dry powder building mortar

  14. 一种适应多品种干粉砂浆材料的生产线

    A production line suitable for making various dry mortars

  15. 中小型干粉砂浆生产线技术的新发展

    New technological development of dry mortar production line with medium and small scale

  16. 否则将会影响干粉砂浆的储存时间和干粉砂浆的性能。

    Directly , it will affect the dry mortar products store life and performance .

  17. 干粉砂浆成套设备;

    Dried noodles mortar complete set of equipment ;

  18. 粘结干粉砂浆的试验研究

    Experimental Researches on Bonding Dry Powder Mortar

  19. 干粉砂浆外加剂的研究

    Study on Admixture of Dry-Mixed Mortar

  20. 采用当地材料进行抗裂干粉砂浆配合比设计,并进行了性能试验研究;

    Local material is used to conduct mix design and mechanical property experiment of dried mortar .

  21. 为了改善干粉砂浆性能,掺入占水泥质量20%的煅烧凹凸棒石粘土,研究其对干粉砂浆各项性能的影响。

    The influence of three types of calcined attapulgite clay on the dry-mixed mortars was investigate .

  22. 干粉砂浆中保水剂的掺混方式不同,干粉砂浆的各项性能迥异。

    Dry mortar waterborne materials mixing with the mediator in different ways , mortar of various performance is different .

  23. 研究表明甲基紫法测定干粉砂浆混合均匀性是可行的,而且是合理有效的。

    Study result indicates that methyl violet in determination of blending homogeneity for dry-mix is feasible , reasonable and effective .

  24. 干粉砂浆质量控制可从原材料选择、生产过程控制以及施工过程控制三个方面入手。

    Key points of quality control for bonding mortar and coating mortar were raw materials , production process and construction process .

  25. 本文研究了粉煤灰、矿渣微粉单掺和双掺等量取代水泥对干粉砂浆的工作性能和力学性能的影响,并对作用机理进行了分析。

    The effect of flying ash and slag powder on the work and mechanics performance of dry-mixed mortar was studied in the paper .

  26. 所涉及的建材领域包括干粉砂浆、腻子粉、瓷砖黏合剂、白乳胶、墙纸粉、耐火材料等。

    The building materials area include dry mortars , putty , tile adhesives , latex , wallpaper adhesives , fire-resistant materials and so on .

  27. 介绍了高炉干渣的基本性能和将其作为细集料用于干粉砂浆的试验结果。

    The issue introduces the performance of blast furnace slag and test results of dry-mixed mortar mixed with the BF slag as fine aggregate .

  28. 试验结果表明配制出的抗裂干粉砂浆的力学性能、耐久性能,可以适应青藏高原六抗环境的特点。

    The result shows that the mechanical property and the durability of anticlastic dried mortar are suited to " six-resistance " enviroment in Qinghai plateau .

  29. 使用复合外加剂后可以降低聚合物保温干粉砂浆10%的成本,降低抗裂砂浆22%的成本。

    After using compound admixture , the raw material cost of polymer insulation dry-mix mortar and anti-crack dry-mix mortar declined 10 % and 22 % respectively .

  30. 当前,国内干粉砂浆发展很快,特别是建筑节能法规的强制执行,更使得干粉砂浆成为新一轮的投资热点。

    Nowadays , dry mortar industry in china develops very fast , and the law of building energy-saving makes dry mortar industry become new investment craze .