
  • 网络proportional allocation
  1. 结合CRE技术,自适用ABS比例配置方案对较大Bias场景能提供优良的性能改善。

    By combining CRE , adaptive ABS ratio configuration scheme can provide excellent performance improvement on a large Bias scenario .

  2. 时域干扰协调技术采用几乎空白子帧(ABS)方案,包括静态ABS配置方案以及本文自主提出的自适用ABS比例配置方案。

    The time domain interference coordination technology adopts Almost Blank SubFrame ( ABS ) scheme , including static ABS configuration schemes , as well as adaptive ABS ratio configuration scheme which is independently proposed in this paper .

  3. 所谓股权结构是指公司股权比例配置的结构。

    The equity structure refers to the proportion of the structure of the equity allocation .

  4. 试析各级领导班子的性别比例配置

    A Tentative Analysis on Disposition of Gender Proportion in the Leading Body at all Levels

  5. 接下来,把鱼放在一个装有盐溶液的容器中,盐溶液按300克盐和1升水的比例配置。

    Next , put the fish in a container with a solution of three hundred grams of salt and one liter of water .

  6. 论文还重点论述了布宁对现实主义艺术拓展所采用的艺术手法:首先是按一定比例配置小说的情节性与描写性,达到对艺术美的追求。

    The paper also emphasizes the artistic techniques which Bunin adopts in developing the realistic writing artistry : first , in order to get more aesthetic effects , and descriptions according to certain proportion .

  7. 本文工作对实际系统中小区偏置值和几乎空白子帧(AlmostBlankSubframe,ABS)比例的配置具有参考意义。

    The work provides the reference value for the configuration of the bias of small cells and ratio of almost blank subframe ( ABS ) in the actual system .

  8. 根据分析结果确定了各组成成分的比例,配置了优质磁流变研抛液,并利用配置的磁流变研抛液进行了工艺试验,证明其有良好的研抛效果。

    Then according to the results of the analysis , the proportion of the components was determined and high quality MRF fluid was configured .

  9. 沙岸木麻黄林带更新采用木麻黄与湿地松不同比例混交配置,木麻黄等树种单行和多行混交造林,结果表明:木麻黄与湿地松带状混交效果较好,但需适时适量疏伐;

    Results of regeneration of Casuarina equisetifolia shelterbelts by mixing of multi species showed that effect of ribbon mixing of Casuarina equisetifolia with slash pine is better , but it needs thinning in right time and proper quantity .

  10. 降低室内温度设定、冷水机组台数和容量比例合理配置、照明合理控制、降低照明功率密度、合理选择新风指标、设置外遮阳和合理选择冷水机组容量等节能手段具有良好的综合评价,适宜推广。

    Lower indoor temperature settings , the number and the capacity of water chiller units , lighting reasonable control , reducing lighting power density , reasonable choice of the new wind indicator , set shading and reasonable choice chiller capacity has a good comprehensive evaluation , suitable for promotion .

  11. 并深入探讨了影响LSC的几个因素:电网拓朴结构、节点负荷分布比例、电源配置,对每个制约因素分别进行了算例分析。

    Discuss the factor influencing the LSC value : network structure , distributing proportion of load , power supply configuration .

  12. 用这种方法可同时解决四个问题,即种植作物的种类、面积比例、空间配置和最佳肥料分配方案。

    Four problems of cropping disposition could be simultaneously solved : kinds of crops ;

  13. 积极型基金经理们辩称,在市场低迷期间,他们可以提高现金持有比例,或配置防御性股票。

    Active managers argued that they could raise cash , or move to defensive stocks , in a downturn .

  14. 当前,我国的人口红利主要表现为较高的劳动人口比例和劳动力配置效率。

    At present , the main features of population dividend in China are high labor population proportion and labor force allocation efficiency .

  15. 以一地方电网为例,进行可靠性分析,提出实际电网运行中影响LSC值的几个因素:电网结构、负荷比例分布、电源配置。

    With an example of local power network , it educes the LSC value and presents the three factors influencing the LSC : network structure , distributing proportion of load , power supply configuration .

  16. 采用输出比例&微分反馈配置极点的新方法

    A new method of pole assignment using proportional-derivative output feedback

  17. 对于这些冒贯现象,宋朝政府采取了防范和禁止的措施,通过规定科举考试中各州解额的比例来达到重新配置地区的政治权力。

    For these " MAO GUAN " phenomenon are taken by the Song Government measures to prevent and prohibit , through the imperial examination in the ratio of the amount of state solution to achieve the reconfiguration of political power in the region .

  18. 本研究认为提高生产效率是优化资源配置的重要途径,生产效率指生产要素投入产出比例,它能反映要素间的配合比例和配置状况。

    This paper believes that to improve production efficiency is an important way to optimizing resource distribution . The production efficiency is the input-output ratio of the factors of production , and it shows the proportion and distribution among all factors .

  19. 结果2004年底汕头市疾病预防控制机构在职人员不足,其中业务人员占比例略低于我省和全国平均水平,初级以下职称、无学历、无专业人员所占比例超标准配置。

    Results The professional personnel is deficient in disease control and prevention system in Shantou . The rate of professional personnel is slightly lower in Guangdong than the national average levels .