
  • 网络proportional representation system;system of proportional representation
  1. 我不会为比例代表制的出现而难过,我认为这种制度将逐渐流行起来。

    I wouldn 't be sorry to see proportional representation and I think it 's a thing which will gradually come in .

  2. 比例代表制使得少数党在议会中频频拥有举足轻重的地位。

    The system of proportional representation has led to the minority parties continually holding the balance of power in the parliament .

  3. 据媒体透露,80%的成员由比例代表制(PR)选举产生,该体系下得到五分之一投票的政党得到五分之一的席位,每轮任期15年。

    According to press leaks , 80 % of its members would be elected by a form of proportional representation ( PR ) - ie , a system in which a party that polls a fifth of the votes wins roughly a fifth of the seats - for single terms of 15 years .

  4. 昆廷:比例代表制可解决这个问题。

    Quentin : Well a proportional representation system would solve that problem .

  5. 比例代表制的技术安排及其政治后果初探

    Proportional Representation 's Technical Arrangements and Their Political Consequences

  6. 兼备他们的体制似乎是强有力的政府和比例代表制的完美结合。

    Their system seems to combine the two ideals of strong government and proportional representation .

  7. 无论哪种选择,最终我们都会获得某种“比例代表制”。

    Either way , we are going to end up with some version of proportional representation .

  8. 国会一般直接采取少数服从多数和比例代表制来选举。

    The houses of parliament are popularly and directly elected by a mixed majoritarian and proportional representation system .

  9. 德国的联邦制度以及比例代表制使得任何一个政党都难以轻松胜出。

    Germany 's federal structure and proportional representation make it hard for any party to win an election outright .

  10. 对选民而言,这种选举效果与容易理解的比例代表制不同既不够一目了然,也不易解释清楚。

    Unlike proportional representation which is easy to grasp the electoral impact is neither immediately apparent to voters nor readily explicable .

  11. 从权力的获得来看,两党制国家内一般实行单选区制的多数代表制,多党制国家更多使用比例代表制,或者包含比例代表制和多数代表制的混合制;

    In power 's winning , Majority representation is often used in the two-party countries , while proportional representation is used in the multi-party countries .

  12. 其比例代表制助长了小党的生存和发展,推动了纳粹党的发展壮大;

    Its system of the proportional representatives made it easy that the little parties existed and developed . It also promoted the development of the Nazi .

  13. 在“比例代表制”盛行的欧洲,大多数大选区使用这种制度,每个选区有数名代表,在同一次选举中按各政党的得票比例产生。

    Under the proportional system popular in Europe , much larger districts are used and several members are elected at one time , based on the proportion of votes their parties receive .

  14. 它主张继续维持与工党的合作关系,推动工党在地方选举及下院选举中实行比例代表制,在公共服务、社会公正、环境保护等问题上采取比工党更进步的政策。

    It maintains that continues keeping the cooperation with the Labor Party , It promotes the Labor party to implement the proportional representation in the local election and the House of Common , adopts progressive policy in public service , social fairness , environment protection issue .

  15. 日本小选区比例代表并立制下的政党政治比例是用一时代表一哩。

    First-Past-the-Post with Proportional Representation System and Party Politics in Japan ; The scale is an inch to a mile .

  16. 阿巴斯认可了选举法将原先半比例半区域结合的选举程序更改为全比例代表制选举。

    Abbas ratified the Palestinian elections law from being half proportional and half constituencies to become fully proportional .