
  • 网络Bia
  1. 各方还讨论了国际刑事法院(internationalcriminalcourt)能否撤销针对这名利比亚领导人的各项控罪。

    The parties have also discussed whether international criminal court charges against the Libyan leader could be dropped .

  2. 我是英国爱丁堡龙比亚大学的BA学生。

    I am a BA student in Edinburgh Napier University .

  3. 结果酸碱直接滴定法测得的结果比亚硝酸钠法、紫外分光光度法测得的结果偏高,但无统计学差异(P〉0.05)。

    The content determined by acid-base titration was higher than those by UV spectrum and sodium nitrite , but they didn 't have statistical significance ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 他说着流利但有浓重口音的英语,这是他在英国诺森比亚大学(NorthumbriaUniversity)读商科时学到的。

    He speaks fluent if heavily accented English learned as a business student at Northumbria University in Britain .

  5. 你姥爷埃德温是个军人,一个与约翰·J·潘兴一起追击潘乔·比亚迫使其返回墨西哥的职业军官。

    Grandpa Edwin was a soldier , a professional Army officer who chased Pancho Villa back to Mexico with John J. Pershing .

  6. 结果表明:在同样浓度和处理条件下,亚硫酸氢钠比亚硫酸钠具有较好的防止对虾黑变的效果,对虾在冻藏过程中,体内SO2残留量逐渐消减。

    The results showed that sodium hydrogen sulfite could prevent the prawns more efficiently from blackening than sodium sulfite at the same processing conditions . SO2 residue in prawn reduced gradually under cooling conditions .

  7. VanderWaal说,进行生物燃料研究的国家,如肯尼亚和莫桑比亚,并没足够能力搞生物燃料研究。

    Van der Waal says that many African countries investigating biofuels , such as Kenya and Mozambique , do not currently have a large enough capacity for biofuels research .

  8. 正试期的第2d和第10d,紫云英硒组的血液谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶活性比亚硒酸钠组有提高的趋势,提高幅度为6%和13%(P>0.05)。

    On d 2 and d 10 , the birds fed SECM diet tended to have a higher activity of glutathione peroxidase in blood than those fed DSS diet by 6 and 13 % ( P > ( 0.05 )) .

  9. 境内多数为浓密的森林所覆盖,且多数由崎岖的山地所组成,最高峰是比亚山峰(PhouBia),海拔2817米,此外,还有一些平原和高原。

    Laos has thickly forested landscape consists mostly of rugged mountains , the highest of which is Phou Bia at2,817 m , with some plains and plateaus .

  10. 自2007年,供应商HarvestPlus开始在乌干达和莫桑比亚销售“生物合成”的块根作物,近5万农户开始种植此类作物。

    Since 2007 , when an outfit called HarvestPlus began distributing the " biofortified " rootcrop in Uganda and Mozambique , 50000 farmers have started to plant it or crops like it .

  11. 直到八年前,在Meskerem,一家位于亚当斯摩根区的衣索比亚餐厅,服务员会提供肥皂,一盆温水以及盛水的碗让每位顾客洗手。

    Until eight years ago , at Meskerem , an Ethiopian restaurant in Adams Morgan , waiters took soap , a pitcher of warm water and bowls to pour water over people 's hands .

  12. 3幼龄龙眼果园套种绿肥及清耕处理土壤表层(0-20cm)酶活性(除多酚氧化酶外)均比亚表层(20-40cm)高,呈现较明显的层次性。

    The enzyme activity ( except polyphenol oxidase ) of surface soil ( 0-20cm ) was higher than those of sub - surface soil ( 20-40cm ), showing that there was obvious different layers in enzyme activity on young Longan orchard .

  13. “巴西最大的互联网文化社区”youPIX联合创始人比亚•格兰雅(BiaGranja)就抱怨巴西缺乏包容性,他说:“我这辈子就没见识过这么多的偏见。”

    Bia Granja , co-creator of youPIX , " the largest internet culture festival in Brazil , " complained about the lack of tolerance in the country , saying : " I 've never seen so much prejudice in my life . "

  14. 几年前,矿业高管卢卡斯兰登(LukasLundin)骑着摩托车,从开罗前往开普敦,行程8000英里,用时仅5周,途经10个国家,包括苏丹、埃塞尔比亚、马拉维、赞比亚和博茨瓦纳。

    A few years ago , Lukas Lundin , a mining executive , rode his motorbike 8,000 miles from Cairo to Cape Town . His journey , which took just five weeks , meandered through 10 countries , including Sudan , Ethiopia , Malawi , Zambia and Botswana .

  15. 你不知我叫迪比亚路吗?

    You don 't know Del Piero is my real name ?

  16. 这项研究的首席作家爱丁堡大学的乔治佩娜拉比亚这样说道。

    Lead author Jorge Penarrubia of the University of Edinburgh .

  17. 我开始喜欢上衣索比亚的食物了,很好吃。

    I love the Ethiopian food here ; it is very good .

  18. 兰斯洛特,诺桑比亚勋爵埃尔德雷德的第五子。

    Lancelot , fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria .

  19. 然而埃塞尔比亚政府否认派出军队。

    The Ethiopian government has , however , denied sending in soldiers .

  20. 为什么你说汤显祖是中国的莎干比亚?

    Why do you say that Tang Xianzu is Shakespare of China ?

  21. 祭司撒督和亚比亚他岂不都在那里吗。

    And hast thou not there with thee Zadok and Abiathar the priests ?

  22. 在喀麦隆的新闻记者克里斯托弗.安贝认为,有些人希望比亚下台。

    Journalist Christopher Ambe in Cameroon says some want Biya to step aside .

  23. 战乱中至少有2万名利比亚人丧生,其中许多都是平民。

    At least 20,000 Libyans have been killed , many of them civilians .

  24. 他打击了衣索比亚的尊严。

    He has brought down the pride of ethiopia .

  25. 他和妮可去科伦比亚的时候把这交给了我

    He put me in charge when he and Nicole went to Colombia .

  26. 并没有记录显示诺桑比亚勋爵埃尔德雷德有第五个儿子。

    There is no record of a fifth son of Lord Eldred of Northumbria .

  27. 78岁的比亚总统还没有表示他是否会寻求下一个7年任期。

    The78-year-old president has not yet said whether he will seek another seven-year term .

  28. 现在是尚比亚的旱季

    It 's the dry season in Zambia .

  29. 但他否认了埃塞尔比亚持不同意见的网站上称梅莱斯先生患有脑癌的报道。

    But he denied reports on Ethiopian dissident websites that Mr. Meles had brain cancer .

  30. 那你带着她移民埃塞额比亚算了。

    Then move with her to ethiopia .