
  • 网络North Kivu;North Kivu province;Nord-Kivu;Nord Kivu
  1. 他说,新的流离失所正在对已在北基伍省已戏剧性的人道主义局势额外的压力。

    He says the new displacement is putting additional strains on an already dramatic humanitarian situation in North Kivu .

  2. 在北基伍省省会戈马市10公里处的基巴提,世卫组织与其合作伙伴一道发起了紧急救援活动。

    With its partners , WHO has launched an intense operation in Kibati and other camps located around Goma , the capital of the North Kivu province .

  3. 联合国难民署报告说,几千名刚果难民在过去几天逃到乌干达和卢旺达,寻求安全庇护地点,躲避北基伍省日益升级的战斗。

    The UN refugee agency reports thousands of Congolese refugees have fled to Uganda and Rwanda in the past few days seeking safety from escalating fighting in North Kivu province .

  4. 拯救儿童组织已经在最严重的地区确认了被分开的923名儿童,而在北基伍省可能有上千人在定居点,发言人凯蒂·西伯恩说道。

    Save the Children has identified 923 separated children in the worst hit areas , and there are probably thousands more in settlements across North Kivu , says spokesperson Katie Seaborne .

  5. 默菲说,还有报导说,数千人逃离北基伍省其它地区,援助机构没能抵达那里。

    Murthy says there are also reports of thousands of people fleeing in other areas of North Kivu province , abercrombie paris , where aid agencies have not been able to reach them .

  6. 当前,除了北基伍省的两个区域存在冲突外,在南基伍省与布隆迪接壤的鲁齐齐河平原地区也因土地和其他争端爆发了冲突。

    Besides the two current conflict zones in North Kivu Province , theres also been a flare-up of local disputes over land and other issues in the Ruzizi Plain . Thats on the border of South Kivu Province and Burundi .