
  1. 从北皋出口出来,上京顺路北京方向。

    Join the Jingshun Road with direction to Beijing .

  2. 采访中,记者了解到除了北京方向的车票紧张,上海、成都等方向的车票也十分不好买。

    According to information from the two stations , tickets from Shenyang to Beijing , Shanghai and Chengdu are tight .

  3. 东方石化旗下位于北京东南方向的一家工厂就是受影响的企业之一。据新华社报导,该厂将在6月底之前关闭。

    One plant affected by the Olympic cleanup is a Beijing Eastern factory in southeast Beijing , which will be closed by the end of June , according to the Xinhua news agency .

  4. 雄安新区是我国的一个新经济特区,位于北京西南方向约100公里。北京大学已经承诺全力支持雄安新区的建设,并计划在此新建用于开展高端人才培训的医学中心。

    Peking University has vowed to fully support the Xiongan New Area , a new economic zone about 100 kilometers southwest of Beijing , including opening a medical center to train high-level professionals .

  5. 车站提醒乘客,省内的阜阳、蚌埠、安庆和六安等方向出行的旅客较多,而省际列车中,上海、北京等方向的车票较为紧张。

    The station reminds that trains to Fuyang , Bengbu , Anqing and Luan within the province will see more passengers , and that the train tickets to Shanghai and Beijing are hard to obtain .

  6. 北京市中心西南方向约60公里处的周口店镇上方的山区,多座桥梁被洪水冲走,长长的路段被淹没,原先干涸的河床变成了一条充满浮沫的河流、混凝土块散落其中,死猪和至少七辆遭到毁坏的汽车外壳。

    In the mountains above the town of Zhoukoudian , roughly 60 kilometers southwest of downtown Beijing , floodwaters had washed away several bridges , taken out long stretches of road , and turned a previously dry riverbed into a frothy stream littered with chunks of concrete , dead pigs and the chewed-up husks of at least seven cars .

  7. 19841991年北京城区在不同方向上表现出全面、大规模的城市扩展,19912002年城区扩展主要集中在距城市中心10km以外的区域。

    From 1984 to 1991 , there was an all-sided , massive urban expansion , and the urban area expansion took place mainly in areas 10km outside the city center from 1991 to 2002 . ( 2 ) Urban heat island effect in Beijing was studied .

  8. 北京市政府正竭力驱散经常笼罩中国首都的雾霾。2010年,地处北京西南方向150公里外的保定,被指定开展低碳试点项目,力求做到在不依赖需要燃煤的重工业的情况下推进城市发展。

    In 2010 , Baoding , 150km southwest of Beijing , was designated a low-carbon pilot , targeting urban growth without reliance on coal-fuelled heavy industry .