
fāng xiàng
  • direction;orientation;situation
方向 [fāng xiàng]
  • (1) [direction;orientation]

  • (2) 指东、南、西、北等

  • 在山里迷失了方向

  • (3) 正对的位置 (1)∶自一点向外引伸的路线

  • 顺着箭头的方向

  • (4) (2)∶思想或努力的预定途径

  • 我们没有迷失方向

  • (5) [situation] 〈方〉∶情势

  • 看方向做事

方向[fāng xiàng]
  1. 她完全丧失了生活的方向。

    She has lost all sense of direction in her life .

  2. 逆时针方向转动钥匙。

    Turn the key anticlockwise / in an anticlockwise direction .

  3. 长江是东北方向的一道天然屏障。

    The Yangtze river is a natural barrier to the north-east .

  4. 你要朝哪个方向转,必须发出信号。

    You must signal which way you are going to turn .

  5. 资方向罢工者伸出了橄榄枝。

    Management is holding out an olive branch to the strikers .

  6. 他们冲到高速公路时,他赶紧把摩托车调转方向。

    He slewed the motorbike over as they hit the freeway .

  7. 该行星轨道的方向不断变化。

    The orientation of the planet 's orbit is changing continuously .

  8. 他们向敌军所在的大致的方向开了枪。

    They fired in the general direction of the enemy .

  9. 我也许给他们指错了方向。

    It 's just possible that I gave them the wrong directions .

  10. 她含糊地朝房子的方向挥了挥手。

    She waved vaguely in the direction of the house .

  11. 登山者在大雾中很难辨认方向。

    The mountaineers found it hard to orient themselves in the fog .

  12. 这无疑是朝正确方向迈出的一步。

    It was unquestionably a step in the right direction .

  13. 我们走了和你相似的旅程,但方向相反。

    We did a similar trip to you , but in reverse .

  14. 现在改变方向可谓愚蠢至极。

    It would be the height of folly to change course now .

  15. 下一个渡口在下游方向很远的地方。

    The next crossing point is a long way downstream .

  16. 有了一个孩子使得他们的生活有了新的方向。

    Having a child gave new meaning to their lives .

  17. 握方向盘的手放松一点。

    Ease your grip on the wheel a little .

  18. 我把方向盘转到了底。

    I had the steering wheel on full lock .

  19. 她猛地向左打方向盘。

    She turned the wheel sharply to the left .

  20. 望远镜对错了方向。

    The telescope was pointing in the wrong direction .

  21. 汤姆朝家的方向去了。

    Tom went off in the direction of home .

  22. 证据似乎指向那个方向。

    The evidence seems to point in that direction .

  23. 你能预测经济的发展方向吗?

    Can you forecast where the economy is heading ?

  24. 噪音从四面八方向我们袭来。

    The noise came at us from all sides .

  25. 司机伏在方向盘上,疲惫得睡着了。

    The driver was slumped exhausted over the wheel .

  26. 他紧紧握住方向盘,握得指关节都变白了。

    He gripped the wheel until his knuckles whitened .

  27. 我目送他们离开,然后开车向相反的方向驶去。

    I watched them leave and then drove off in the opposite direction .

  28. 方向盘正在向左打。

    The wheel is pulling to the left .

  29. 她指着我这个方向。

    She pointed her finger in my direction .

  30. 警察从四面八方向恐怖分子进逼。

    The police moved in on the terrorists .