
  • 网络North and South;North & South
  1. 酒店贺卡设计南方与北方的区别。

    Hotel card design difference between North and South .

  2. 《玛丽·巴顿》(1848)和《南方与北方》(1855)是英国工业革命小说家伊丽莎白·盖斯凯尔(1810-1865)的代表作。

    Both Mary Barton and North and South are the masterpieces of the famous British industrial novelist Elizabeth Gaskell .

  3. 南方与北方开战了。

    Fighting broke out between the South and the North .

  4. 我国南方与北方冷库节能途径的差异

    The Different Way of Energy Saving for Cold Storage in the South and North

  5. 而这里南方与北方的分割恰与北纬35°很接近。

    The line diveded China into South and North is close to 35 degree north latitude precisely .

  6. 结果:医学生交友态度在不同年级、南方与北方存在显著性差异,对于校园人际氛围,贫困生与非贫困生不满意度存在显著差异;

    Result : In factor scores of associate attitude there existed the significant differences between south and north , low grade and high grade .

  7. 相应地,南方与北方交往也获益不浅,农业得到了发展,商业得到了扩大。

    The South in the same intercourse , benefitting by the agency of the North , sees its agriculture grow and its commerce expand .

  8. 南方与北方之间,受援国与国际援助机构之间,应是互利互惠、平等合作的伙伴关系。

    The South and the North and the recipient countries and international aid organizations should establish a partnership featuring mutual benefit , equality and cooperation .

  9. 我们必须同心协力建立有助于消除旧的分歧的新同盟&由不同信仰和信念组成的同盟;由南方与北方、东方与西方、黑人与白人和黄种人组成的同盟。

    Together , we must build new coalitions that bridge old divides & coalitions of different faiths and creeds ; of north and south , east , west , black , white , and brown .

  10. 这三对冲突与连接它们的线索分别是:善与恶之下的真相;南方与北方之间的和解;旧时代与新时代的变迁。

    The three threads are as following : the truth beneath the good and the evil , the reconciliation between the North and the South , and the irreversible transition from the old to the modern .

  11. 在2030年,中国的粮食产量将达到7亿t,东部、中部和西部地区分别占35%、50%和15%,南方与北方地区的比例是1∶1.5。

    In 2030 , Chinese food production will reach 700 millon tons , the proportion of east , middle , west region will be 35 percent , 50 percent , 15 percent . The proportion of south regions to north regions is 1 tp 1 5 .

  12. 南方种与北方种相互交错延伸,在地理上自北向南呈现随纬度增加而种类相应减少的趋势。

    Moreover , the species numbers showed a decreasing tendency from north to south with the increasing of latitude geographically .

  13. 本文首先阐述了湘绣生成的历史文化背景,试图说明我国南方刺绣与北方同样有着古老的历史;

    This thesis starts with the elaboration of the historic culture background of Hunan embroidery 's initiation , trying to explain Southern China 's embroidery has the sme long history as Northern China 's ;

  14. 如果只看近几年新建的楼群建筑,可能难以区分南方城市与北方城市的差别,也看不出东部与西部的有何明显异样。

    If you only look at the new buildings construction in recent years , differences may be difficult to distinguish between southern and Northern cities , also do not see that the East and West of what is obviously unusual .

  15. 然而,在对这一剧本的分析中,多数评论都着眼于历史,文化的层面,将剧中女主人公布兰奇与男一号斯坦利的冲突阐释为美国南方文化与北方新兴工业的斗争。

    Yet in commenting on the play , most critics stay on the historical and cultural level of the play , and regard the confrontation of its main characters Blanche DuBois and Stanley Kowalski as the reflection of the war between the South of America and the North .

  16. 南方的气候与北方的迥然不同。

    The climate in the south differs from that in the north .

  17. 没有强大教师工会的南方各州的学校与北方各州的比起来还要差一些。

    Southern states without strong teachers ' unions have schools at least as awful as those in union states .

  18. 在英格兰,公共部门数十万就业岗位的流失,将拉大繁荣的南方与依赖政府的北方之间的财富差距。

    In England , the loss of hundreds of thousands of public sector jobs will widen the large wealth gap between a prosperous south and a state-dependent north .

  19. 剧中的人物&南方淑女、南方绅士与北方佬在社会转型期都在不同层面上与自我异化、与他人异化以及与社会异化。

    The characters in the play , named as southern belles , southern gentlemen and Yankees , are alienated from themselves , from each other and from the society on different facets during the transitional period .