
nán yà ɡāo yā
  • South Asia high
  1. 夏季南亚高压年际变化及其与ENSO的关系

    Interannual Variation of Summer South Asia High and Its Association with ENSO

  2. 对100hPa南亚高压的振荡指数及500hPa西太平洋副高的强度指数、西进指数进行了谱分析,着重考察了5天到一个月的振荡周期。

    In this paper , spectral analyses of both the oscillation index of the South Asia High ( SAH ) in 100 hPa and the index of extending westward of the West Pacific Subtropical High ( WPSH ) in 500 hPa have firstly been done .

  3. 南亚高压中心跳过20°N时,南海夏季风爆发,跳过25°N时,印度夏季风在其南部爆发。

    When the SAH center crosses 20 ° N , the SCS summer monsoon onsets and when it crosses 25 ° N the Indian summer monsoon begins in the south part .

  4. 100hPa南亚高压特征向量及其与我国夏季降水关系

    Eigenvectors of 100 hPa southern Asia high and its relationship with summer rainfall in China

  5. 结果表明,100hPa高压环流中心有明显的季节分布特征,其中心经度的主频区与100hPa南亚高压中心经度的主频区位置较为一致。

    The results show that the seasonal variations of the centers of both the SAH and the anticyclone are obvious and in consistence with each other .

  6. 研究发现,青藏高原感热气泵(SHAP)的有效工作导致了青藏高原地区由冬到夏大气环流的突变及南亚高压的突然北跳,并维持着亚洲季风期;

    It is found that the availability of sensitive heat pump ( SHAP ) induces the abrupt air circulation from winter to summer and the South Asian High jump to the north , and maintains the period of the monsoon .

  7. 从100hPa流场形势、低层到高层速度势和流函数的上下配置、辐合辐散风场以及涡旋风场的高低空配置等不同方面讨论了南亚高压对华北夏季降水的影响机制。

    The atmospheric circulation at 100 hPa , the stream function and the velocity potential at different heights are composed and discussed in order to depict the mechanism of the influence of the South Asian High on precipitation in North China .

  8. 利用NCEP/NCAR再分析资料,分析了中低纬地区100hPa高压环流和东风气流的季节、年际和年代际变化,并与南亚高压的相应变化进行对比分析。

    The seasonal , interannual and interdecadal variations of the 100 hPa anticyclone and the easterly current are analyzed by using the NCEP / NCAR reanalysis data and comparison with that of the 100 hPa South Asian High ( SAH ) .

  9. 南亚高压与华北夏季降水的关系

    Relationships between South Asian High and Summer Rainfall in North China

  10. 南亚高压脊线南北活动规律数值试验

    Numerical simulation of meridional shift of South Asia high ridge line

  11. 南亚高压与华南汛期天气

    South Asian High and South China high - tide weather

  12. 高原季风强弱对南亚高压活动的影响

    Impact of Strong / Weak Plateau Summer Monsoon on South Asia High Activity

  13. 夏季南亚高压的一组环流指数及其初步分析

    A Set of Circulation Indices for Summer South Asian High and Their Preliminary Analyses

  14. 热力强迫对湿斜压大气中南亚高压平衡态的影响

    Multiple equilibria in moist baro-clinic atmosphere by thermal forcing related to South Asia High

  15. 7月份连续性暴雨与南亚高压活动特征分析

    The Characteristic Analysis of the Continuity rainstorm and South Asia High Activity in July

  16. 南亚高压季节变化中的正斜压环流转换特征

    Conversion characteristics between barotropic and baroclinic circulations of the SAH in its seasonal evolution

  17. 夏季南亚高压与川渝地区降水的关系研究

    Study on the Relationship between South Asia High and Rainfall of Sichuan-Chongqing Regions in Summer

  18. 《季风中的婚礼》南海夏季风建立与南亚高压重建及其数值模拟

    Research on the Onset of South China Sea Monsoon and the Reconstructure of South Asia High

  19. 新疆夏季降水与南亚高压逐日环流特征的相关分析

    Correlation of the Precipitation in XinJiang in Summer and the Circulation Features of South Asia High

  20. 夏季副热带波谱能量分析及南亚高压的维持

    The wavenumber energetics analysis in the summer subtropics and the maintenance of the South Asian High

  21. 南亚高压异常与平流层环流的春季转变

    The anomaly of the South-Asian high in connection with the reversal of the stratospheric circulation in spring

  22. 南亚高压和东风气流的部分特征参数有明显的年际和年代际变化。

    The interdecadal variations of some characteristic parameters of the SAH and the easterly wind are obvious .

  23. 2003年夏季异常天气与西太副高和南亚高压演变特征的分析

    Weather Abnormal and Evolutions of Western Pacific Subtropical High and South Asian High in Summer of 2003

  24. 与南亚高压重建的同时存在着对流自苏门达腊地区沿中南半岛向北扩展的过程。

    Associated with the reconstruction of SAH , the tropical convection expands north from Sumatra along ICP .

  25. 长江流域大范围旱涝与南亚高压的关系

    The large area flood and drought over Yangtze River Valley and its relation to the South Asia High

  26. 南亚高压年代际变化与东亚、非洲以及澳大利亚季风区的年代际变化有很好的对应关系。

    The interdecadal variation of SAH is in close correlation with the Asian , African and Australian monsoon systems .

  27. 1998年7月南亚高压影响西太平洋副热带高压短期变异的过程和机制

    Impact of South Asia high on the short-term variation of the subtropical anticyclone over Western Pacific in July 1998

  28. 4~5月南亚高压在中南半岛上空建立过程特征及其可能机制

    Characteristics of the South Asia High Establishment Processes above the Indo-China Peninsula from April to May and Their Possible Mechanism

  29. 从综合考虑热带太平洋和印度洋海温异常特征出发,研究了热带太平洋&印度洋海温异常综合模对南亚高压的影响。

    The tropical Pacific-Indian Ocean temperature anomaly mode is presented , and its impact on the South Asia high is studied .

  30. 南亚高压北缘的高空气流发散与梅雨锋暴雨发展的关系

    Relationship Between the Upper Flow Divergent over the Northern Flank of Southern Asiatic High and the Development of Heavy Rain over Mei-Front