
  • 网络Southern Tropics;South Tropical Zone
  1. 在北半球,25°N以南的热带地区的四季降水都是负趋势,在秋季尤为明显,达到0.01显著性水平。

    In the Northern Hemisphere , the tropical area to the south of 25 ° N , precipitation showed a negative trend in all seasons , and especially the negative trend of autumn was significant at 0.01 level .

  2. 对印度洋和南海海域详细划分区域后的进一步分析表明春季南半球热带外大气环流(SAM)异常可以强迫南印度洋中高纬海域海温发生明显异常。

    Based on the partition in the IO and SCS , the further analyses reveal the extratropical Southern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation anomalies ( SAM ) in the boreal spring may force SST and induce SSTA in the middle and high latitudes of SIO , which may continue to the summer .

  3. 具有坚韧羽状复叶的广泛分布在南半球热带地区的一种蕨类。

    Widely distributed fern of tropical southern hemisphere having leathery pinnatifid fronds .

  4. 南美洲热带森林中大声吼叫的猴子。

    Monkey of tropical South American forests having a loud howling cry .

  5. 南美洲热带干旱气候的特殊分布及形成原因

    The Cause and Special Distribution of South American Tropical

  6. 南美洲热带大型的树栖蟒。

    Large arboreal boa of tropical South America .

  7. 在隐秘的云南南部热带的小型低地丛林里

    But in the hidden pockets of lowland jungle in Yunnan 's tropical south ,

  8. 南美洲热带尾巴无毛的犰狳。

    Naked-tailed armadillo of tropical South America .

  9. 云南南部热带雨林地区的季节结构和生物节律的初步分析

    A Preliminary Analysis on the Seasonal Structure and Biological Rhythm of Tropical Rain Forest Regions in Southern Yunnan

  10. 这个地处台湾南部热带地区的工业港口城市,以前曾被造船和石化等行业主宰。

    The industrial port city in the tropical south was once dominated by industries such as ship building and petrochemicals .

  11. 描述了中国云南省南部热带雨林臭蚁属DolichoderusLund2新种。

    Two new species of the ant genus Dolichoderus Lund are described from the tropical rain forest of southern Yunnan Province , China .

  12. 南太平洋热带地区大尺度海气相互作用对我国东北低温的影响梅雨涡旋与环境场动能的相互作用

    Effects of the large scale interaction between ocean and atmosphere over tropical zones of the southern Pacific on low temperature of the Northeast China

  13. 概括了南美洲热带干旱气候在分布范围方面的特殊性,并对其形成原因进行了初步探讨。

    This article summarizes the special character of distributing range of South American tropical dry climate , and basically explores the cause of it .

  14. 东亚强寒潮&冷涌越过赤道并引发南半球热带气旋和强降水的个例研究

    A Study of East Asia Strong Cold Wave & Surge Crossing Equator and Influencing the Development of Tropical Cyclone and Heavy Rainfall in the Southern Hemisphere

  15. 伊朗高原和青藏高原及其以南的热带低纬地区是高层温度和高度场的关键区。

    The Iranian and the Qinghai-Xizang Plateaus and the low-latitude zone in the tropics and subtropics to the south of the Plateau are the key regions of the upper level fields .

  16. 热带雨林野生动物图片。蜜熊,像这一只停顿在啜饮巴沙木开花的花蜜之间在巴拿马的主权国家公园,是土著的仅仅在中美洲和南美洲热带森林。

    Kinkajous , like this one pausing between sips of balsa blossom nectar in Panama 's Soberania National Park , are indigenous only to the tropical forests of Central and South America .

  17. 中国第四个航天基地&文昌卫星发射中心,即将在南部热带岛屿海南岛落户。这个岛更出名的是农业和建立在阳光、沙滩、海洋及性的旅游业。

    China 's fourth space base , a satellite launch centre , looks set to be located on a tropical southern island better known for agriculture and a tourist industry founded on sun , sand , sea and sex .

  18. 而35°N以南的副热带地区,各个季节平均都表现为超长波拟能的汇区。

    In the subtropics south of 35 ° N , super-long waves are the enstrophy " sink " in almost all seasons .

  19. 结果表明,海南热带天然林(含原始林和天然更新林)的C素库总量为0.719~0.734亿t,云南南部的热带天然林的C素库总量在0.653亿t以上。

    The results indicate that the amount of carbon of Hainan natural tropical forest ( including pristine and regenerated forests ) is up to 71.9 ~ 73.4 million tons , and is at least 66 million tons in Yunnan Province .

  20. 如陆面的CWP高值中心主要位于非洲中部、东南亚地区以及南美洲的热带雨林区;而洋面CWP则集中在赤道辐合带、南太平洋辐合带以及南北半球中纬度地区。

    CWP on the lands are mainly located over rain forest in Central Africa , Southeast Asia , and South America ; on the oceans , CWP are concentrated in ITCZ , SPCZ and the mid-latitudes in the northern and southern hemispheres .

  21. 南半球7619热带风暴的天气学分析

    The synoptic meteorological analysis on the 7619 tropical storm in the southern hemisphere

  22. 库克群岛是南太平洋充满热带风情与世隔绝的典范。

    The Cook Islands are the epitome of the South Seas tropical hideaway .

  23. 季节性雨林是广西南部北热带地区的地带性植被类型。

    The seasonal rain forest is zonal vegetation type of north tropics in south Guangxi .

  24. 新北区的北美洲的生物地理区,不包含墨西哥南部(热带)。

    Nearctic The biogeographical realm of North America , except southern ( tropical ) Mexico .

  25. 牙齿很少的原始陆栖哺乳动物;产于亚洲中部和南部的热带地区。

    Primitive terrestrial mammal with few if any teeth ; of tropical Central and South America .

  26. 夏威夷州位于北回归线以南,属热带气候区。

    Hawaii in the south of the Tropic of Cancer , is a tropical climate zone .

  27. 美国南部和热带美洲的形成草甸的矮草;作为草坪草而种植。

    Low mat-forming grass of southern United States and tropical America ; grown as a lawn grass .

  28. 原产于北美西部广布于美国南部和热带美洲的一年生大麦。

    Annual barley native to western North America and widespread in southern United States and tropical America .

  29. 南半球副热带无风带

    Calm zone of Capricorn

  30. 北半球的热带飓风是按逆时针方向旋转的,而南半球的热带飓风却以顺时针方向旋转。

    While tropical cyclones in the Northern Hemisphere spin counterclockwise , those in the Southern Hemisphere spin clockwise .