
  • 网络south province;southern;Southern Province
  1. 军队打垮了南方省的反叛。

    The army has crushed the rebellion in the southern province .

  2. 鑫科新材料股份有限公司(XinkeNewMaterials)是中国南方安徽省的一家铜冶炼和加工企业,该公司披露将购入赢得奥斯卡奖的VoltagePictures的母公司多数股权。

    Xinke New Materials , which smelts and processes copper in the southern Anhui province , disclosed the majority stake in the parent company of Oscar-winning Voltage Pictures .

  3. 我国南方四省HIV-1CRF01AE流行毒株基因特征研究

    Genetic Characterization of HIV-1 CRF01_AE Prevailing in Four Provinces , Southern China

  4. 基于BP神经网络的南方五省(区)居民生活用电购买力及其省间差异评价

    Assessment of purchasing power and its inter-provincial diversity of electricity for five southern provincial residents ' living on the basis of back error propagation

  5. 鼻咽癌(NasopharyngealCarcinoma,NPC)是中国南方数省高发的鼻咽部恶性上皮源性肿瘤。

    Nasopharyngeal carcinoma ( NPC ) is a human malignant tumor derived from nasopharyngeal epithelial cells with high incidence in several provinces of Southern China .

  6. 这个执着的男人叫ChenShengkuan出生于中国南方广东省,他忍受腿部的伤残,手脚并用已爬过了省内的许多城市。

    The dedicated man named Chen Shengkuan suffers from disability in his legs and has travelled from city to city on hands and feet in his native Guangdong Province southern China .

  7. NetJets目前在富有的中国南方广东省的珠海金湾机场拥有两架飞机,最初将推出包机和维修、机组人员配备以及飞机存储等服务。

    NetJets has begun operations in China by basing two aircraft at Zhuhai Jinwan airport in the wealthy southern province of Guangdong , and will initially offer charter flying and services such as maintenance , crewing and storage of jets .

  8. 南方五省(区)火炬松气候适宜性的研究

    Study of Climatization of Loblolly-pine in Five Provinces of Southern China

  9. 在1913年夏,南方7省共同反对袁世凯统治。

    In the summer of 1913 seven southern provinces rebelled against Yuan .

  10. 南方九省、区水田土壤参数分析

    Analyses of paddy-field soil parameters of southern provinces and district

  11. 我国南方6省农田养分平衡现状评价和动态变化研究

    Nutrient Balance of Agroecosystem in Six Provinces in Southern China

  12. 南方五省口岸蚊类携带虫媒病毒调查

    Investigation of Arboviruses Carried by Mosquitoes at Ports in Five Provinces of South China

  13. 外宾将在中国南方几省旅行。

    The foreign visitors are going to travel in some southern provinces of China .

  14. 中国南方6省1月份降水和极端低温的分布特征

    Spatiotemporal Features of January Precipitation and Extreme Minimum Temperature in Six Southern Provinces of China

  15. 公司成立于1994年,位于中国南方广东省珠三角洲地区。

    The company was established in1994 , located in peal river delta , GuangDong , South of china .

  16. 分析和建立了中国南方广东省10~15岁儿童颈椎发育的一系列标准.为临床诊治正畸病人评定骨龄提供一个简便经济而实用的参考指标。

    The standard of maturation of cervical vertebrae of 10 ~ 15 year-old southern Chinese in Guangdong province was established .

  17. 去年,阿富汗全境的罂粟种植跃升至近60%,大部分由于南方诸省的增长。

    Poppy cultivation jumped up by nearly 60 % across Afghanistan last year , mostly due to increases in the southern provinces .

  18. 白蚁隐患是导致我国南方诸省土质堤坝崩塌的主要祸首。

    The termite is an important calamity to dikes and reservoirs in South China , for'a small leak will sink a great ship ' .

  19. 莎莉嘉,今年的第三次热带风暴,已经在中国南方广东省登陆,是今年的第一次。

    Sarika , the year 's third tropical storm , has landed in southern China'Guangdong Province , the first to make landfall this year .

  20. 总部位于中国南方广东省的奥飞集团,是热门卡通片《超级飞侠》、《喜羊羊与灰太狼》的制作方。

    Alpha Group Co , based in southern China 's Guangdong Province , is the owner of popular cartoons Super Wings and Pleasant Goat .

  21. 1986~1995年对我国南方14省(市)8711份大豆种质资源进行了抗大豆锈病鉴定。

    During 1986  ̄ 1995,8711 accessions of soybean germplasm from southern 14 provinces ( Cities ) of China were evaluated for their resistance to soybean rust .

  22. 日本血吸虫病流行于我国南方十二省(直辖市、自治区),给人类和动物的健康造成严重威胁。

    Schistosomiasis japonicum , prevailing around 12 provinces ( municipality , autonomous region ) in South China , has been causing seriously threat to health of human and animals .

  23. 作者利用X线头颅侧位定位片测定颅面结构和颈椎发育程度,研究179中国南方广东省10~15岁儿童颈椎骨发育与年龄的关系。

    Abstract The relationship of cervical vertebrae maturation and skeletal age was assessed in lateral cephalometric radiographs of 179 cases of 10 ~ 15 year-old southern Chinese in Guangdong .

  24. 2005年南方五省(区)经济将继续保持快速增长,电力需求总体上仍将维持较高水平。

    In 2005 , south five provinces ( area ) economy will continue the keeping increases quickly , the total top in need in electric power will still maintain the higher level .

  25. 台湾米酒是台湾岛固有的一种用大米酿造的蒸馏酒,与大陆南方诸省所产米酒的工艺有所不同。

    Taiwan rice wine , originated from Taiwan island , is a kind of distillate liquor and its production techniques are different from the techniques of rice wine in southern provinces in mainland .

  26. 本文以黄河流域数省和南方数省等地区为切入点,通过对史料的阅读和整理,对清朝顺治年间土寇的抗清活动进行较为系统的研究。

    This paper systematically studies the bandit resisted the Qing Dynasty , starting at the point of provinces along the Yellow River Basin and southern areas , reading and organizing the historical data .

  27. 中国南方广东省鹤山市的地方政府上周六取消了建造中国最大核燃料加工厂的计划,作出这一决定的前一天,当地有数百人举行示威,抗议这个60亿美元的项目。

    Local government authorities in the southern Chinese city of Heshan on Saturday cancelled plans to build the country 's largest uranium processing plant , a day after hundreds of people had demonstrated demanding the $ 6bn project be scrapped .

  28. 在明清王朝统治的3个多世纪里,南方数省毗邻的武陵山及云贵高原东部,多次发生针对当地少数民族的赶苗拓业事件。

    In the Wuling Mountain , Yunnan and Guizhou Plateau of south several provinces border on repeatedly happened " Driving Away Miao and Founding Family Property " events aimed at local minorities in over 3 centuries of Ming and Qing Dynasty .

  29. 然而因为清政府推迟了镇压起义的行动,起义造成了越来越大的影响,南方很多省政府宣布独立并加入起义。

    The fact that it had much larger implications was due to the fact that the Qing dynasty delayed acting against the rebellion , allowing provincial assemblies in many southern provinces to declare independence from the Qing and allegiance to the rebellion .

  30. 小厨屋(化名)是中国南方广东省深圳市一名高中老师,她在微博上引述了一段摘自《高中性教育》的话,称女性因婚前性行为而“下贱”。

    Xiao Chuwu ( pseudonym ) , a high school teacher in Shenzhen , South China 's Guangdong Province , took to Weibo to quote a passage from High School Sex Education that says girls are " degraded " by premarital sex .